07- "Leave. Him. Alone"

78 17 7

Bella's POV

I opened my eyes feeling fatigued,  I rolled to the other side of the bed stretching,  until I hit something really hard, I jerked away from the thing covered by the  blanket. 

I raised the blanket from the thing, I immediately panicked at what I saw. 

I saw a boy shirtless on my bed,  I looked around the room and realised it wasn't my room,  Where am I? 

Immediately a loud deafening sound escaped my lips and the boy beside me woke up looking at me with a wide eye. 

"Why'd you scream?" He asked worried. 

"Who are you?" I asked, maintaining enough distance between us. 

"You can't be serious, since when did you have Amnesia" He mumbled under his breath. 

"What am I doing here?"  I asked confused. 

"I'm Ashton, I helped you when you fainted yesterday and you're in Glendale till this evening when I take you home to San Bernardino" He said and memories of last night  flooded my mind. 

"Ohh... Sorry,  I just tend to forget things when  I  wake up in the morning" I said as I stood up to check the time, it was 8:12am,  I have work by ten am,  I need to get ready. 

"I can tell," He said, rudely.

I quickly  rushed to the bathroom, took off my clothes, and had a quick shower, I quickly rubbed the papaya flavored shampoo on my hair and rinsed it off,  I wasn't really a fan of  the papaya shampoo,  but I have to use it since it really hard to brush my hair. 

After I was done taking a bath I cleaned my body with the towel.

I can believe I'm using his towel, disgusting! 

I changed into the shorts and white shirt I wore yesterday,  held my hoodie and walked out of the bathroom. 

When I walked into the room the bed was already made and everything looked perfect. 

I walked to the kitchen to get some food,  then I realised they don't have food,  so they ordered take out. 

"Are you ready for work?" Ashton asked, taking a sip out of his coffee. 

"I'm hungry!" I whined. 

"Oh please... Yesterday you ate an Acai bowl and you're still Hungry?" He asked, stunned for a moment. 

"Every human needs food,  I'm sorry I'm not one of those human Barbies who look excessively thin,  I just don't want to die of starvation" I said with a scowl. 

"Let's go, I can't waste another minute of my time arguing with a loquacious person like you" He said

I scoffed. 

"I can't waste another minute of my time arguing with a loquacious person like you" I mimicked him, and stuck out my tongue. 

We took a bus to Santa Ana,  which was a thirty-four minutes drive, since we walked for ten mins till we got to the bus station. 

Santa Ana was where the diner was situated,  it wasn't too far from San Bernardino and Glendale,  it only took a maximum of fifty-four minutes  from San Bernardino to Santa Ana. 

After the long bus ride we arrived at the diner,  we were a little late,  as we walked in together I felt eyes piercing through my soft skin,  it felt like lasers and someone was shooting daggers into my heart. 

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