17- Family and Friends

75 14 22

Bella's POV

We stood in the parking lot of McDonald's, our bodies glued together. I felt myself melting into his arms, I never want this to stop, I never want to leave his arms.

My eyes were involuntarily slowly coming together, all the tears made me dizzy.

"Bella..." Ashton called, but I was too dizzy to say anything.

"Bella..." He called, his voice dripping with worry.

"Humm" I hummed, as my eyes were closing and my brain was preparing for a lockdown. And with that my eyes shut and I succumbed to sleep.

I woke up, stretching my arms out, I scratched my eyes until my view was less blurry. I looked at the familiar crimson ceiling of my room. How did I get here? Just a minute ago I was with Matt and now I'm home.

I sat up on my bed, looking around. My attention was drawn to the toilet door which shot open and Ashton came out of it.

"You're finally awake" He said, sitting at the edge of my bed, I nodded as all the memories of earlier flooded into my mind.

"Where's Matt?" I asked, avoiding his gaze.

"I don't know, maybe he's still at the restaurant" He said, he sounded a little pissed and it made me happy.

A few moments passed, we were still enveloped in this really awkward and annoying silence, I wanted him to say something, but he didn't.

"I'm going to leave now, bye" He said, standing from my bed and made his way out of my room.

I wanted to stop him and tell him how much I wanted him to stay, but all my muscles were dead, they didn't want to move. It's like they have a mind of their own.

I placed my head on my pillow and let a tear roll down my cheek, as sleep devoured me.


"Bella, who was the boy who brought you home today?" My dad asked, curiously.

"Umm... Uhh... H-He's my colleague at work" I stuttered, this is going to be the awkwardest talk I'd ever have with my dad.

"Really? Why did he bring you home?" My dad asked.

"Honey, don't you think you're asking too many questions?" My mum asked.

"No, I don't. Why did he bring you home?" My dad turned to face me.

"Umm... He—"

"She's eighteen, you're treating her like a child and I'm sure she might've just fallen asleep at work and he decided to bring her home" My mom said, winking at me. I mouthed 'thank you' to my mom.

"I guess so, but if he tries anything on you he won't get to say his last prayers" My dad threatened, making me giggle.

"Don't worry dad, with her grotesque features no guy would be attracted to her" My little brother laughed.

"I'd slap you right now, but that would be animal abuse" I said to Mason, trying not to let my wrath control my action.

"Mason, Bella! Stop fighting and let's have dinner like a normal family" My mom scolded.

"But we're not normal, that's what makes it fun" My dad said playfully, my mom hit him on his shoulder with a spatula, making everyone on the table erupt with laughter.

"Now I know where Bella got her folly from" My little brother mumbled inaudibly.

"What did you say?" My mom asked holding the spatula towards Mason, Mason put his hand in the air with a sly smile on his face.

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