15- Confused

68 14 16

Bella's POV

Do you remember the time I said 'I hope Ashton's new attitude towards me would last longer?' Well, that didn't happen at all. After that day he went back to his snobbish self, except this time he's snubbing me. 

For the past seven days he's been ignoring me, whenever I try to talk to him he ignores me and pretends like don't exist, and I hate it because I'm starting to look like Stella. I hate the way he's making me feel stupid, I've tried to ignore him but it's so hard to. 

I wish he'll just go back to being the Ashton who was nice to me a week ago, but no! He's back to being Ashton, but this time he's even more harsh. 

"Humph" I sighed, I guess this is how we'll have to play it for now. 

"Hey! It's been long since we talked, Belle" He said, smiling weirdly at me. 

"Weirdo, why Belle?" I laughed. 

"Because you're beautiful," He said. Since when do boys find me attractive? 

"Stop being weird, it doesn't suit you" I laughed, hoping this conversation won't go on any longer. I don't know what it is, but something is telling me I won't like where this conversation is going. 

"No I'm serious you're really beautiful" He said, in a serious tone, that it scares me to listen any further. 

"Uhhh.. Thank you?" I'm bad at this, but it's getting weird. 

"That's why I really li-" He said, until he was interrupted by Ashton who out of nowhere smashed his lips on mine. 

I stood still in my place, it didn't take long for me to realize that he was kissing me in front of anyone who could see us-which is basically the entire diner. After standing shocked for a while, I copied his actions and kissed him back, if only he knew how long I've wanted to kiss him. 

He nibbled my lower lip, pulling away. 

What the bloody hell just happened?! 

He just freaking kissed me?! 

I touched my lips with my finger and closed my eyes, I opened my eyes and looked at him only to see he was laughing and so were his friends. 

"What's going on?" I muttered in a way it was heard by everyone around me. 

"Ashton was dared to kiss you for a hundred dollars," Curtis said. 

I can't believe it, was he also dared to be nice to me? 

I can't believe I fell for it, what hurt the most is the fact that he did it for a hundred stupid dollars, am I that cheap to him? 

He's such a heartless person, he was just playing with my feelings all along. 

I ran into the staff room and locked myself in there. He was playing with me all along, I can't believe for a while I actually trusted him. 

Don't cry, please don't cry. I just moved on from Adrian, I can't cry. 

I lay on the couch, looking at the ugly white ceiling. As much as I'm hurting right now, I've promised I won't cry and I won't. 


I walked out of the diner feeling jaded after the very tiring and embarrassing day at work. I still can't believe he was heartless enough to do something like that, but I've promised myself I'd forget it and block him out of my life. 

I took out my phone from my pants pocket and dialed Liana's number. 

"Hello my humble tomato, what shall I do for you your highness?" She asked with a fake British accent. 

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