35- New beginning

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Bella's POV

"Please drive faster!" I yelled at Liana who was in the driver's  seat of my car. Today I was going to apologize to Ashton for what I did two days ago, I really didn't mean to call him a criminal. I was just so confused and I needed time to process everything.

I just hope that he'll understand and maybe forgive me. I wanted to make things right between us before I leave for New York  on Monday, on Monday I'll be leaving for Columbia University, on Monday I'll officially start my journey to success.

I'm most scared of leaving my home to a completely different place which I know nothing about. It will really hurt me if I leave California without fixing my relationship.

"Be fast!" I yelled again. I know she's so pissed but she has to understand that I love him and I don't want to lose him.

"Do you want me to fly? We are in traffic so we have to move at the same pace as everyone else" She said frustratedly.

"I'm sorry, I just need to find him before it's too late" I said, "lucky for you we'll soon get there" she said.

We drove for a few more minutes before finally arriving at the bar Ashton and his friends usually hung out in, I really hope he's here.

"Should we go with you?" Aubrey asked, patting my shoulder.

"No, it's my problem  so I have to fix it,9" I said.

"Call us if you need help, we'll proudly be there" Liana said with a bright smile on her face.

"Sure" I said before leaving them.

I walked closer to the bar and stared at the gigantic building, I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't forgive me?

No, no, I'm not gonna start doubting again. I'll talk to him and hope he understands.

"Let's do this!" I gave myself a little confidence boost before entering the bar.

I looked around for anyone familiar, but I found no one. I walked up to the counter and asked for Ashton, the girl said he was at the back at their table. I've been here a few times so I think I might know where the table is.

I walked to the back corner of the bar, that was where I sat with Mark the day Ashton and I fought. I was getting closer to the table when I heard an unfamiliar voice and came face to face with an old guy who looked like he was in his early forties, he looked surprised for a while and then smiled at me.

"I didn't think it would be this easy for me, Bella" He said, smiling at me. How did he know my name?

"Umm... I'm here to see-" I said before Ashton interrupted me. He pulled me out of the bar  and made sure we were far away from  the bar before speaking to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"  He asked.

"I'm here to see you. I wanted to apologize" I said.

"Why did you come here?" He asked angrily.

"Because this is the only place I could find you, who is that man and how does he know my name?" I asked.

"He's Fabiano, he knows everything about everyone, even your parents" He said, How?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for calling you a criminal. I was confused and scared, I love you and I'm sorry for being a selfish coward. I should have thought about you when I told you to leave, but I was only thinking of what was best for me at that point in time. But I've realised my mistakes  and I'm here to beg for your forgiveness" I said, every single word was straight from my heart.

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