05- "What do you mean?"

96 21 13

Bella's  POV

Today is my first day of work and I'm really excited but also nervous. I don't know how today is going to be, I really need some Adrian vibe right now! 

I really miss Adrian. The last time I saw him, he was boarding the flight to Hawaii. I don't even know when I'm going to see him again, I just hope he arrives before University. 

Speaking of University I can't believe I'll be in University in less than three months! I've always wanted to leave my parents house, I've always wanted to feel independent. I can't believe  that'll be happening soon! 

I haven't even thought of what I want to major in or what university I want to go to, I've got to start thinking about that soon. 

I took a bus to the diner, because my dad

borrowed my car since his car is at  the mechanic for repair. I looked for a seat and sat relaxing my body on the chair,  although it isn't that comfortable it's something. 

The bus finally pulled up across the street,  I trekked to the other side of the road and walked straight down to the diner, I opened the door to the diner it still hasn't opened. 

I walked inside to find the cleaners cleaning

It seems I'm early,  I shurgged at my thoughts. 

I decided to help the cleaners, after I was done with that I waited for more people to arrive. A lot of people I have never seen before came, some as waiters and waitresses, some working in the kitchen as cooks, but one captured my attention. 

The dark-brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, full pink lips, well carved eyebrows and slender figure, but that didn't stop her from  having a beautiful figure,  her large chest and big butt- I am nothing like her. 

Why is she here? 

She walked closer to me and smiled, this is getting creepy. Just then I realized she was smiling at the person behind me, I turned around meeting the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, I studied his eyes and my eyes flickered to his lips,  his enticing pink lips. Stop you have Adrian, he's way hotter than him. I scolded myself, looking away from him as fast as I could.

"You're in my way" He said with a stern look on his face, what got his panties in a twist?

"Sorry" I said politely leaving 'his way'. 

Who knew someone as hot as him had a truculent behavior?

I went  straight to my duty post waiting for customers to arrive, the first customer I had was a young girl named Niana. She ordered a green tea latte and I am pretty good at making it  so this should be pretty easy. 

After I was done making the latte I handed it over to Niana, as she went to pay at the cash register,  which is being handled by Ashton. 

A few more customers came and it was getting to the end of my shift, I checked the time it was 1:39pm and my shift ends by 2 O'clock. 

"Twenty-one minutes more" I muttered under my breath. 

It was almost the end of my shift, I already started gathering my bag, when someone came to order. 

Screw that person. 

I looked up  to see Becky,  I smiled reminiscing what happened two weeks ago, she smiled maliciously at me. 

"Can I have an iced coffee, please?" She said, smiling with confidence.  

"So you work here?" She asked, eyeing me with a smirk on her face. 

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