03- "I've always wanted a boyfriend"

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Bella's POV

"He's so freaking hot! And he winked at me before leaving" Aubrey exclaimed, admiring the hot guy who just left the bar we were currently at. 

"Hey you!" Liana said snapping her fingers in front of my face. 

"What?" I said, a little bit annoyed. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, looking me in the eyes as if she could see what was going on in mind. 

"This summer is so boring, it needs a sprinkle of fun, considering the fact that this is our last summer before college " I said with a smile on my face. 

"How is that gonna happen?" Aubrey questioned, setting her drink on the table. They both looked at me waiting for me to say something, I silenced for a second before continuing. 

"How about we make goals this summer, let's do something we've always wanted to do" I suggested, taking a gulp of my drink. 

"I've always wanted to learn to bake, this could be the perfect time" Aubrey said. 

"I've always wanted a boyfriend, this could be the perfect time" Liana shurgged, eyeing the guy from earlier.

"That's not a goal. Speaking of boyfriend, where's your's?" Aubrey questioned. 

"He went on vacation with his family to Hawaii" I said, I miss Adrian so much if he was here things would have been fun. 

"Well I always wanted a new laptop, so I think I'm gonna save up for that" I said, much to my dismay 

I'd have to work and I never really like putting effort into things. 

"Well I told you I wanna date a lot of guys this summer and nothing's changing that. I'm eighteen and I've never had a boyfriend" She said with a hint of determination in her voice. 

"If that's what you want" I shurgged.

"If you excuse me, I'm about to pick up some boys" She said, before heading towards the guy from earlier. 

"I'm going to join her, how about you?" Aubrey said

"I'm going to look for a job," I said, grabbing my beach bag and car keys, heading towards my car. 

This is gonna be a long day… 

"I'm home!" I screamed, jogging to my bedroom. I was welcomed by the fresh smell of strawberries. I love strawberries, they make me feel at  peace and at rest. 

I walked to my vanity, throwing my beach bag on my bed. I sat on the chair and took out my laptop which sat in one of the drawers. It looked old and overused, I examined the computer, there are so many things  wrong with it, like the fact that I have to bang it every now and then to get clear graphics, sometimes when I need my laptop for a project I use a friend's own. The last time I used mine I almost failed an important subject. 

I was already done with the project and was ready to submit it the next day, when it was almost my turn for the presentation, I decided to check it and I realised my laptop couldn't come on, so I had Liana borrow me hers for the project. 

I glanced at my laptop then at the flyer, I glanced at the laptop one last time before deciding that I was gonna take the job. 

Earlier today when I went job searching I found this flyer lying on the ground, it said they're looking for a Barista and, they're paying $11.52 per hour, it's not much but it's ok to get me a laptop in the next month. 

With that I decide that I'll go for the interview tomorrow. I took off my clothes and went to take a hot bubble bath, I sat  in the tub reminiscing all that had happened today. 



One thing I hated most about mornings was waking up, it's literally so annoying having to wake up in the morning like why can't you just sleep through the whole day but, no. 

Me being my very stupid, dense, retarded and unintelligent self, decided to sign up for a job and my interview is by 10am and I'm still lying in bed like I've got all day. One thing I really hated about myself was I am very slothful, I hate work and anything that has to do with effort. I really need that laptop so I'll do it. 

I struggle out of bed sitting lazily on the floor, I gather enough energy to drag myself to the bathroom. I took my bath and dressed in denim blue  shorts and a white shirt, exposing flawless legs. 

I know my dad is gonna kill me but I'm not ready to die of heat like the last time, I walked downstairs inhaling the smell of my mom's famous chocolate pancakes. 

"Good Morning mom" I greeted grabbing a plate of pancakes. 

"You're up early, anything special coming up?" My mom asked, astonished by the fact that I'm up so early. "Yeah I have a job interview today," I said, taking a bite out of my pancake. 

"Wow! That's cool honestly I never pictured you working" She said. 

"Well, I'm saving up for college and a new computer," I said. Clearing the table, getting ready to leave. 

"Good for you! Have a nice day" My mom said as I walked out the door. I glanced at my car and decided to walk to the diner. 

The name was 'Rose's' and I was really excited to work here, the place sounds nice. I haven't been here before, I had a good feeling about this place. 

I finally arrived at the diner and it didn't look very busy or anything like that mainly because it's summer but I'll work with this for now. 

I walked into the diner and went straight to the guy behind the cash register, who apparently looked very familiar because he's Ashton from my old school.

Ashton is a guy who attended the same school I did, he was always referred to as a bad boy but he never really acted bad, all he does is prank people and he looks like a bad boy so I guess that's why people referred to him as bad. 

I gotta admit he's really hot... Not that I like him that's not possible, I'm just being factual. 

"Hi," I said, leaning against the counter, with a big smile plastered on my lips. 

"What do you want?" He asked with a bored tone, that was rude but, I'll let it slide for now. 

"I came for the job"

"Go that way" He said, directing me to a door at the corner which read 'Manager' I guess that's that manager's office. 


I was finally done with the interview, it was kinda hard but, at least I got hired! I was told to start working  tomorrow and I was to report to work everyday from 10 am till 2pm then on weekends 4pm to 8pm. It takes too much time for just a job but I really need a new laptop. 

I decided to celebrate, since this is the first time I've ever cared to do work. I bought a big Mac and an Oreo  Mc flurry. 


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