11- "Missin' you"

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Bella's POV

Today hasn't been a good day for me. I've been spacing out, thinking about Adrian. I really want to call him today. I haven't spoken to him in nearly a month. 

I really do miss him, I wonder if he misses me too. 

I remember how I first met Adrian. 

It was at school, I was in middle school then.  Our parents used to hangout a lot, and I always see Adrian. At first I was too scared to talk to him, but he was always there for me,  I wasn't really good at school work,  but he was always to help me. Even though I was always hard headed and wanted to show him that I was smart enough to do it on my own. 

We started dating during my sophomore year, which was two years ago. He was my first boyfriend, but not my first kiss.  I had my first kiss when I was seven,  crazy huh?

I've been dating Adrian for two years. I really love him. I don't want to lose him. 

"No!" I groaned, resting my head on the counter. I'll probably have a headache from all the thinking I've been doing. 

Today is one of those days where people decided they want to spend their entire day at the beach, leaving the diner most empty. 

I took out my iPhone 11 from my ripped jeans, I turned it on scrolling through Instagram,  looking for something new to watch or someone with an interesting account. 

I kept scrolling, stopped when I saw Ashton's account. I looked through his posts,  a few with his family and friends.

OMG! Kill me,  just kill me! 

I looked at the next picture of him, in  picture he was  shirtless.  He wore joggers that hung loosely around his waist,  exposing his eminent V line, and his hair fell slightly over his forehead. 

He looks so hot! Snap out if it! I scolded, hitting my hand on my head. I scrolled to another photo, not wanting to admire his beautiful features anymore. 

"Excuse me!" A customer yelled,  snapping me out if my fangirling situation. 

"Oh.. Sorry to waste your time,  what did you say?" I asked scratching my neck. 

"I ordered coffee and a cheese Danish, but I want one of those coffee art.  I'm not sure which one I want, so I want you to make your favorite" She said with a smile. 

I nodded and began making the coffee,  while she sat on the chair beside the window. 

My favorite coffee art was the bunny, mainly because Adrian's pet name for me is bunny,  and on our first year anniversary it was the coffee art in the coffee we drank,  and his favorite animal is a bunny.  It's basically our special thing. It might sound so simple,  but to us it means a lot. 

I put both the coffee and danish in a tray,  I walked to her table trying not to spill the coffee, I put the Danish and coffee on the table. 

I smiled and watched her,  as she looked at the coffee art in admiration.  I smiled happy that she likes it. 

"Thank you so much,  it's soo cute" She said in awe. 

"You're welcome" I smiled and walked away. 

My heart felt heavy and my eye felt like they wanted to water. I miss Adrian so much,  I hope I'll be able to see him soon. 


The remaining hours of work went by really fast,  not much customers came and my night shift was kind of boring. 

I walked outside the diner,  waiting for Matt. Matt is the one who takes me home after every shift,  he's really nice, and always insisted he'd open the door for me.  What a gentleman! 

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