22- Family

53 12 14

Ashton's POV
I've never been this scared in my life. Today is the day I meet Bella's family and from her constant warning on how cocky and annoying they are I don't think I'm going to survive this dinner.

I brushed my hair backwards as I walked into the house hand in hand with my girlfriend, Bella.

Bella opened the door and walked in, I walked in and closed the door. So far the house wasn't crowded in fact there was hardly anyone in the living room.

"Are you sure they're here?" I asked Bella. She nodded and led me to the garden behind her home. There was a crowd of people old and young, they were all chatting with one another.

My body started fidgeting again, I've never been this nervous in my life and I can't help but wonder why I'm nervous, maybe it's because I'm scared they aren't going to like me. But like always I don't give a damn about what they think of me.

"It's fine," Bella said caressing my hand. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before walking further into the garden.

The first people we met were her cousins who were triplets. Their names are Dalia, Divinity and Danielle, they all had brown curly hair and clear blue eyes, just like Bella.

It wasn't until now I realized most people in Bella's family had brown curly hair and blue eyes while the rest had blond or black hair.

"This is my uncle Aaron and this is his wife Ester" Bella introduced. Aaron looked like he's 6ft tall and his wife was as short as Bella, they looked good together.

I smiled and stretched my hand out, but he ignored me. His wife hugged me and smiled, at least she's nice.

"Ashton you should come sit with us" Aaron said, pointing at the table where all the men sat.

"No. That won't be necessary" Bella said.

"No it's fine" I said and followed Aaron to the table. I don't want it to seem like I can't speak for myself or I'm too scared.

Immediately I arrived, everyone diverted their attention to me.

I hate attention.

"Oh.. This is Ashton, Bella's boyfriend" Bella's dad said. I sat beside the boy with straight brown hair he looked my age.

"I'm Aquila, Bella's uncle" A tall muscular man said with a smile.

I smiled at him and he hugged me, I guess he's a lot nicer than Aaron.

Another man with the same stature introduced himself as Anthony, he was also Bella's uncle he seems to be the youngest out of all her uncles.

So far her uncles weren't really bad, only Aaron didn't seem to like me the last person and the person I wanted to impress was Bella's grandfather, I hadn't really been introduced to him I had only seen him from afar and from the looks of it he seems really scary. The way he talks to his own sons scare me, his facial expression alone can leave you scared to death. I hope he'll like me.

Right now I was talking to Bella's cousin, August. He's nineteen and very fun, we actually have a lot in common. He likes basketball just like me, he also hates cats like me, he likes watching Barbie like me. I know it's weird that I watch Barbie, but the cartoon isn't that bad. Most people consider it a girl's only cartoon but the producers didn't say only girls can watch it.

"I wanna get something to eat, do you want to come?" August asked, I nodded and followed him.

We were almost at the kitchen, when I found Bella talking to a boy with blond curly hair. They were awfully close and she was laughing at whatever he was saying.

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