History Repeating

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Bonnie Bennett was seated in her class listening to a boring lecture

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Bonnie Bennett was seated in her class listening to a boring lecture.

"Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning. This is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow." The teacher was saying. Bonnie yawned slightly and forced herself to keep her eyes open. "Let's say, for example, that we're going to measure the distance of a shadow. We're gonna take this measure here, measure the length, and we're going to multiply that by the height of the source." The teacher was now gesturing to pictures and drawings on the board. "Building height can also be measures, using a chronometer, which we're going to make in class tomorrow."

Bonnie looked away from the front of the room and to the hallway just in time to see a shadow pass by the classroom's door. Without a word, Bonnie got up from her seat and walked out into the hallway. She saw a woman and began following her.

"Hello?" She tried calling out but the woman didn't answer. The woman just continued to walk through the school's double doors and Bonnie just followed behind her.

When Bonnie stepped through the double doors she found herself in the middle of the woods. She looked around confused before the woman suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Please, help me."

"Who are you?" Bonnie asked as she stood still where she was.

"I'm Emily." The woman said simply with a smile. "You know that. We're family."

Bonnie looked around again. "Where am I?"

"This is where it started." Bonnie gave her a confused look but Emily just continued. "And this is where it has to end."

Bonnie began shaking her head in disbelief as her breathing became shallow. "No. This isn't real." Bonnie turned away from her ancestor and tried to run out of the woods but Emily just appeared in front of her. Bonnie turned the other way and tried to run again but Emily just blocked her way.

"Help me." Emily demanded.

Bonnie suddenly woke up with a gasp and found herself in class. I must have fallen asleep, she thought as she feels everyone's stares on her. She turned to the girl that was seated next to her, who was staring openly.

"What are you looking at? Turn around." She snapped. Bonnie then turned to the other side and saw another girl in strangely old looking clothes. She turned to face Bonnie, and when she realized it was Emily, she screamed.

Bonnie woke again and this time she was in the middle of the woods, in the same spot she was in her dream.

Meanwhile at the Salvatore Boarding House

Damon strode into Stefan's room with a cup of coffee. "Rise and shine! You'll be late for school." Stefan rolled over in his bed and Damon handed him the cup of coffee that he brought.

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