
70 9 1

Yoongi Pov

I looked at her body from back as she's kept trying to take the lenses out

I sighed before saying,

"Don't you ever think to take them off.. Once someone wore them, he/she will not be able to take them off" I said and her head immediately turned to face me before walking back to her seat and took a seat in front of me

"왜??" She asked

"Because the lenses were cursed by someone" I said before her eyes went wide, looking shocked

"C-cursed??" She stuttered and I nodded

"I still don't know how he/she put a curse on them.. But, don't worry, nothing bad will happen"

Y/n Pov

"I still don't know how he/she put a curse on them.. But, don't worry, nothing bad will happen" He said and I let out a relieve sighed

"You will be seeing things only" He said which makes my eyes drove back, looking at him


Like g-ghost??

"Yes, seeing things like ghost.. Haven't you see any of them except me??" He asked as if he's reading my mind and I shook my head slowly, feeling a sudden nervous

His head immediately looked around, looking for something before looking at me again

"Turn your head to your right" He said, pointing to his left which is my right

While feeling nervous and curious, I slowly turned my head to the right before yelling,


A girl was looking at me as one of her eyes came off from her eyes and a lot of bloods dripping down from her eyes, makes her white clothes turned into red

I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting to see it and stayed like this for awhile

"Did the girl go away??" I asked as I saw a glimpse of Yoongi presence in front of me

"She's gone" He said before I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the spot the girl was standing but she's not there anymore

"Actually, I have seen some ghost wandering in your house when I came last time" He said, looking so calm

"T-there's more??" I asked, feeling terrified and he nodded

"I can't took off the cursed from the lenses so, you will be staying like this until we can find someone to break the cursed" He said


Vomment ✔

Bye bye~!

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