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Yoongi Pov

"Aren't you going to eat to??" She asked

"Didn't I tell you I can't eat??" I asked back

"왜??" She asked before taking a sip of the soup

"Because I'm a ghost.. Ghost can't eat even if they're hungry" I said, looking at her

"Aren't ghost suppose to be untouchable?? How can I touch you just now??" She asked before taking a spoonful of rice, mixed them with soup and put some chicken on top before eating them together

"Yes, it's suppose to be like that.. But, I'm not dead yet.. Someone aparted my soul from my body and took my body away.. I don't know hwy he/she did that, all I know is someone wanted to use my body to do something" I say, leaned on the chair

"Stop asking question and juts eat.. I'm too lazy to answer your ridiculous question" I said before shutting my eyes, ignoring her

"I have only one question.. Please??~" I heard her whined and I let out a sigh before opening my eyes, looking at her annoyingly

"What is it??" I asked lazily

"How did you keep yourself full?? I mean you can't eat, so how did you make yourself full??" She asked, looking at me with a puppy eyes while eating his food

"BY ignoring your question" I said before shutting my eyes again

"야! I'm serious" She said, half yelling, feeling unsatisfied with my ridiculous answer

"By getting into someone's body and eat some foods using the body.. That's why I can make myself full" I said, still shutting my eyes but I can feel her eyes were looking at me unbelievable

"It's true.. Why do you think I should lie to you??" I asked, not looking at her

"Don't you want to eat some??" She asked and it made me looked at her with an expression don't you understand what am I talking about just now??

"I know you can't eat but don't you want to eat at least??" She asked again before I nodded

"Why don't I lend my body to you??"

Y/n Pov

"Why don't I lend my body to you??" I asked, looking at his shocked expression

"You want to lend your body to me??" He asked and I nodded

"You let me get in your body??" He asked again and I nodded

"But, you're a girl.. I never get into a girl's body before just to eat" He said and it made me slapped my forehead

"Just said whether you want or not" I said and it made him thinking for awhile before asking,

"Do you trust me??"

Vomment ✔


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