07 - The Price of Fame

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Living with Rosie turned out to be a blessing. The thought had crossed your mind earlier that it might strain your relationship or make you sick of each other, but it did the opposite; you and her gelled just as always and became even closer than before. Rosie confided in you and told you everything, and you did the same with her. You had a strong foundation of trust and kept no secrets from each other.

Living with Jay and Emily in college had sometimes caused bickering about thing like doing chores, personal space and who's turn it was to cook. Rosie on the other hand was pretty much the ideal housemate.

She knew when you needed her and when to give you space, she was tidy and did all the chores without being asked, and she loved to cook for you even if she was busy. Sometimes you had to tell her that you would clean or cook so she didn't do it all herself. When you cooked for her she fell in love all over again.

One thing you discovered was just how much she loved to sing. She would randomly start singing really loud at any given time. It would've drove you nuts if she didn't have such a beautiful voice. If you had a stressful day she would get her guitar and sing you song, which always calmed you down.

Although she was usually busy, you could at least look forward to seeing her in the evenings and cuddling her to sleep most nights. There were times when she had to stay in the dorm with the rest of the members, but even then she usually managed to sneak you in. You took turns looking after Rosco, and on the weekends you took him to the park together.

The soccer season was about to start so team practices were going into overdrive. You had to take Rosco with you sometimes because you were so busy, but he loved being at the field.

When it was finally the morning of the Bluewings K-League 2 home opener you were so anxious you could barely eat breakfast. Rosie sat you down on the couch to offer words of encouragement.

"You got this (y/n). I believe in you, I know how talented you are and how hard you've worked. Believe in yourself too."

"I want to, I just don't know if I'm ready to make the step up to professional."

"Sure you are, otherwise you wouldn't have been chosen. I know you have what it takes baby" she said, rubbing your back.

"I hope you're right... The thought of playing in front of 15,000 people is terrifying."

"(Y/n), if I can perform with Blackpink in front of that many people then you can too. And I'm way more of a scaredy cat then you" she smiled, trying to loosen you up.

"Well I don't think that I can perform with Blackpink too, but I'll do my best on the field" you joked, feeling more relaxed.

Rosie smiled. "I know you will. Repeat after me: I deserve to play pro."

"I deserve to play pro."

"That's my baby. And whether you win or lose I'll always be proud of you. Just go out there and enjoy yourself."

"Thanks Chae. I feel better now."


So this was it. You were in the tunnel underneath the stadium that led to the field. You lined up with your teammates on one side of the tunnel, your opponents Incheon United doing the same on the other side. It was intimidating looking at them; they all looked so serious and professional.

The teams started walking down the tunnel. As you got closer to the field you heard the roar of over 15,000 fans packing the stadium. Just like that your nerves were on fire again. You had never felt so much pressure in your life.

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