26 - Operation Midnight Swim

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You pulled up your Porsche outside the front gates of the training centre. Everything was dark, save for a few streetlights in the parking lot casting an uneven glow on your surroundings. As you turned the engine off silence enveloped you, the only sound the faint hum of the streetlights and Rosie's soft breathing.

You looked over at her in the passenger seat; she looked excited, but also a little nervous and scared

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You looked over at her in the passenger seat; she looked excited, but also a little nervous and scared. You squeezed her hand and smiled at her, putting her at ease.

"You ready for this?" you said winking at her.

"I'm always ready if it's with you" she replied with a glowing smile.

"Then let's do it!"

You opened the car door and got out just in time to see another car pull up. As it's headlights washed past, you saw two familiar faces behind the windows: one, your best friend with a mischievous grin, and another, Rosie's unnie with her eyes wide in excitement.

They hopped out and you all exchanged hugs in the dim parking lot.

"Nyeong-An (y/n)! Sneaking in at night... I hope Jun isn't becoming a bad influence" Jisoo joked as she wrapped her arms around you for a close hug.

You grinned. "I think it's a little late for that Chu. We've been bad influences on each other since day 1."

"Most definitely" Jun chuckled as he gave you a bro hug. "The girls are the ones who should be worried about hanging with us. Well Jisoo's already a goof, but Chaeng is so pure and innocent... I can't believe you dragged her here, you're going to corrupt her."

"Hey!" Chaeyoung protested. "I wanted to come too. I'm all grown just like the rest of you." She pouted and hugged your waist.

"Course you are Chae" you smiled. "Alright Jun so how do we get in here? The fence looks too high to climb"

"Follow me" he instructed, leading the group along the fence around to the back of the training center. It grew darker as you moved out of the streetlights' reach into a bunch of trees. The night breeze was cool, and you noticed Rosie putting the hood on her hoodie on so you put your arm around her to keep her warm.

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