28 - Full Disclosure

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Minju was still trembling, but she calmed down a little with Rosie comforting her. It helped that she knew the man in the car was gone and you two were on her side.

You still didn't know exactly what had just happened to the rookie girl group idol, but you wanted her to feel safe. "Don't worry Minju, you're safe now and if they try anything they'll have to go through us first."

She smiled at you and nodded, feeling better now. "You guys are really angels. I always heard you were good people, but now I know for sure. Thank you so so much, I'll never be able to repay you."

Rosie smiled at her, "That's alright sweetheart, one day you can help out younger artists as well. Anyone would've done the same."

"I don't think so..." she replied, "some people knew but they were too scared. I really admire your courage."

Rosie turned to you and you gave each other a bittersweet smile; happy to have done a good thing, but wishing it hadn't been necessary.

"I'd better get us a ride," Rosie said pulling out her phone. "Come on, please pick up......Oh Ally! I'm so so sorry, I didn't want to wake you up......I know how tired you must be, but thank you for answering......I know, but it's kind of an emergency....."

Rosie explained the situation to her sister and Alice begrudgingly pulled herself out of bed and came to pick the three of you up. She dropped off Minju first outside her dorm.

"Thank you thank you thank you so much, I don't even know what to say..."

Rosie smiled kindly at her, "Don't worry my love. Here, take my phone number - if you need anything, you or any of your members, please don't hesitate to call me."

Minju looked really reassured and smiled and nodded, closing the door so Alice could go drop you and Rosie off at home.

After a long night of sneaking into your training center, going to the pool with Jisoo and Jun, "using" the steamroom, escaping sasaengs, climbing fences, bushwhacking through the forest, protecting a rookie idol girl, and getting her back to her dorm safely, you finally got home with Rosie at 5:00 AM.

You were both exhausted and flopped down on the bed together. Your body wanted to sleep so badly but you had a million questions on your mind.

Rosie knew what you were going to ask, but that didn't make her any more prepared to give you an answer.

"Chae... can you please explain what all of that was about?"

She chewed her lip nervously, knowing she had no good way out of this. "(Y/n), I... I really don't want to talk about this."

You pursed your lips, trying to stay patient with her. You could see the fear in her eyes; you didn't want to push her when she was so clearly uncomfortable, but that just made your curiosity burn more badly. Also, you didn't like the feeling that she was hiding something from you.

"Rosie I just don't understand. We never keep secrets from each other - or at least I that's what I thought. I know there's something you're not telling me, I felt it when we saw that guy at the rooftop dinner, and I felt it again tonight with Minju about to get in that car. To be honest, it makes me feel kind of bad that you think there's something you can't trust me with."

She sighed. "Ok. Ok, I'll tell you. (Y/n), I feel bad too because I really do trust you. I trust you more than anyone else and you don't deserve to be kept in the dark about anything."

She paused. "It's just... people get killed for talking about this (y/n)" she said and swallowed.

Your eyes opened wide. You didn't know what to say - you couldn't fathom that she knew something so secret that it could get people killed.

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