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Chapter 7
Until We Meet Again​

Everyday when school is over Nateerin doesn't go straight home, she goes to help her mom at the market selling rice curry. It didn't reach 7pm yet the food is all gone. The cart was able to be pushed in the market because everything was locked. After they were done tonight, Nateerin wasn't in a hurry to do her homework before sleeping because it's a Friday. Aunt Jee has reserved her to go help make some desserts at home to give to the monks at the temple. Nateerin prepared the desserts she learned to make since she was a child. Aunt Jee is pleased that Nateerin is working hard making the desserts. 'If I had a daughter it would be good, Muey do you want to be my daughter?' Sajee asked. Nateerin just smiled normally like a child would but couldn't explain her feelings about that question. After she was done, she sat down and watched Tv. With sweet water and many desserts for her to taste. A moment later there was a sound from a guitar chord from some where not to far or too close. Because she's curious, she went to check it out and walked passed the kitchen to back of the garden house that has a lot of big woods. Standing surrounded by plants and trees in high spirit passing the lotus pond that had lots of plants and woods. The sound is the same as the one she heard when she was in school that one day. 'It sounds beautiful' As she followed the sound of the guitar, she saw someone fixing their shirt and playing the guitar. She stopped right there and didn't dare go any closer because this isn't her house. She waited until the song was over and left thinking it's too bad when she came, she came quietly but going back she couldn't force it. Her foot stumbled into the roots of the trees, and she fell. it didn't hurt much but her hand carelessly dragged a vase that had twigs in it, and the vase broke into pieces. 'Piang' (the sound of the vase breaking) the sound of the new song the guitar was playing stopped. The person from behind the tree ask loudly but doesn't sound that friendly. 'Who is it?' Nateerin was shocked she didn't dare to answer Aunt Jee has two sons. P'Ri is done with high school and is going to school for engineering in Bangkok. He shouldn't be back yet then that means the owner of this voice must be P'Tian for sure! She heard from the people who works at the house tell each other that P'Tian is very fierce. She quickly searched for a place to hide in the bushes as she heard the footsteps walking by and if P'Tian isn't as fierce as she thinks, she would go out and say that she's the one who did it. He walked up and stop to look at the fragments of the broken vase before sitting down. Nateerin hid herself and can only see his back. It seems like he's trying to pickup the twigs from the trees. 'And how am I going to send the work to the teacher.' A voice muttered to herself. When will he be done picking it up putting back where it belongs? The sound of the cold voice mutters because he saw pigtail braids. 'Don't let me know who it is...' Nateerin breathing nearly stopped. He went back to sit down. This is her chance to escape she step back slowly and ran not thinking about her life...why is P'Tian so scary like that. 'Nateerin' 'Yes teacher.' 'You're such a troublemaker. You played P'Rahat and made him frown.' The teacher who lead the gifts and sent it to a students in M.6. He sat in the home room laughing. 'Muey what did you send?' The friends came and ask. Nateerin smiled. 'She gave her homework for him to help do it. What else would it be?' The teacher answered instead. She can't help but be displeased with the half sweet person. 'That's cool. amazing' the person that became a troublemaker laughed liking it. Everyone was surprised they would be able to be that daring knowing how the senior system of this school is strict. She's in M.1 which is way lower than him, and she went to mess with a person in the highest grade. If P'Rahat didn't laugh about it. It would have been disastrous if he came to visit! After that, everyone in the room were being nosy was interested P'Rahat of Nateerin more than their own. On the same cold day, the teacher who was in charge of the gift brought back the gifts from P'Rahat which made Nateerin's heart swelled really big...there were 2 to 3 papers that had math problems on it that she can't solve. It has many patterns like an adult replied back with instructions on how to do it properly. she didn't get any kind of message to form a relationship with a senior and freshman like the others for her to see. Nateerin can't help but feel upset that P'Rahat seems like he doesn't care about her that much but anyways She will wait for the day she will be able to see him. The problem between her and P'Rahat had become a big topic in the eyes of her classmates whenever there's an exchange between gifts from P'Rahat. And it's not just that, the teacher came and told her that everyone in M.6 is interested in her. 'Did you know? All of students in M.6 (seniors) wants to see you Muey." The teacher said while Nateerin quickly looks at the homework that was returned. There's only instructions on how to do the math problems that's it. 'Your P'Rahat is really smart no matter how difficult the math problems are he can do it all.' A friend said. 'Yes. He's in the Top of the class.' The teacher replied. No one saw that the person holding the paper right now is withered down. No matter how many times she sends the homework there's only instructions on how to solve the math problems and there's no message of any kind, or does he hate her... the saddest part is ever since she got bullied, there's no sign of seeing the class president again though she doesn't know what he looks like. The only person she saw was the student who bullied her who got punished. Because she was afraid of being teased, she kept everything to herself or never asked her friends anything about that day which she kept secret. She purposely walked to the administration office that had pictures of the staffs and everyone pinned on the board, but the picture she needed wasn't there It was stolen. It was probably stolen by the girls who were interested in him as well like her. But she heard, what a coincidence seriously a coincidence, that the class president is also in M.6. Will she be lucky to be N'Rahat of the person who help her or not. (Rahat means secret code, so I'm assuming secrets admirer? N stands for Naung which means someone younger) She's been playing the valentines game for a while now. Nateerin waited anxiously for the day she gets to see P'Rahat's face. (They'll see each other on Valentine's Day.) She was thinking the numbers that the students get are from the letters of their names. She and P'Rahat have the same numbers; her name starts with an N. What about P'Rahat? What would his name start with? Nateerin thought. There was a problem in class the students were all upset because the game was postponed because for the seniors. Even though the seniors in M.6 are outstanding, they still have to study for the entrance exam. The students in M.6 will give a good name to the school. But Nateerin is more sad than anybody else, she doesn't want the first meeting each other to become the last. 'Inhaler give me an inhaler' 'Aunt Jee what's wrong?' Nateerin searched for the inhaler as she see's her aunt about to faint. In her hands her youngest son's report card. Pariwat who's term is closed came from Bangkok to see and had to smile and laugh. 'Tian caused problems again.' Pariwat laughed softly as he knew his younger troublemaker brother hid the report cards the teacher gave to his mom to sign with someone faking all signatures, but this time the teacher had brought it by hand and invited her to go talk at the school. 'I'm tired of going to the schools office and talk to the teacher. I've been there so many times the whole school remember my face already.' 'Calm down mom that's just him being himself." Even though Mrs. Sajee is exploding, Pariwat is still able to laugh then his eyes stumbled upon the little sister he just met not too long ago. They looked at each other and smiled. Nateerin looked at the report card that's in P'Ri's hands. She took a glimpse of it then realize P'Tian is in M.6. 'P'Tian's real name is Tianwat. Oh no don't tell me that...!" Nateerin said inside her mind and started counting the Thai characters in her head. G, K...T, N....not true! Her name and P'Tian's name is in the same lineup. Then that means there's a chance that P'Tian is P'Rahat. 'Muey don't be scared. Honestly, Tianwat isn't a bad person...much. He's just never goes to school late...but goes in the afternoon all the time' Pariwat pauses and laughs and see's Muey's expression then smiled. In Muey's eyes Tianwat seem's like a bad person, but P'Ri defended Tians image. 'Tian likes to ditch class to draw. Heard him say some of subjects doesn't go into his head.' it doesn't seem like what he said had made any difference of how Nateerin see's Tianwat. She prayed heavily hoping that P'Tian is not P'Rahat. She wants her P'Rahat to be nice like the class president boy who helped her when she was in school. 'Look at him. He got grade 1 in Buddhism. What kind of respect is that from my son!' Grade Buddhism. It's so easy even she can close her eyes and study. If he finds out she was the one who broke the vase, he won't let her go for sure! Among the loud voice of aunt Jee. Nateerin too is sad. She told herself not to look at the world badly. Maybe inside P'Tian has some lovely and warm heart like P'Ri and aunt Jee...hopefully. It's finals for everyone and is the last day of school and it's also Valentine's Day. All of the students in class 1 names are on the board. Even though there's finals today, everyone is having fun with all the activities in the school but each person nearly can't wait till it ends. As for Nateerin she wants to take her head and bash it into the blackboard to death as she sees the name of P'Rahat of hers on the board...Tianwat Nawakul . No it can't be true. 'Muey Why are you making a face like that?' Ratchanee asked as Muey saw the name of her P'Rahat. 'Can it not be that person?.' 'Why not? Its good to be P'Tian's N'Rahat. Hurry go see him and take the flowers and gifts to him. Don't forget!' Nateerin gulped. She doesn't know if he keep tabs on her of what she did to him. She dared to use him to do the homework for her, and the broken vase situation too. The only way out for her now is death! 'Muey hurry lets go.' Nateerin was force to go by her friend and everyone went straight to class M.6. 'I'm sorry, where's P'Tianwat that's number 22.' Nateerin asked not sure because the person she's asking looks a little too old and the other girl student seems like a grown woman compared to her she's tiny. 'N'Rahat Tian right? Today Tianwat didn't come around here with us.' 'P'Tian ditched class again?' She asked. The students from M.6 laughed. 'No. He's over in that area over there.' A person relied pointing to the flagpole. The sound of the mic was loud and there were many staffs standing mixing in with each other. 'I'm Tianwat Nawakul the president this generation school 65 speaking for class M.6 who's graduating this year. I would like to bid farewell on this sad day to all the teachers and staffs also all the younger students.' That deep voice spoke clearly in in front of everyone. Nateerin was the only one who's mouth was open stunned till everyone turned to look at her. 'Oh no one told you that P'Tian is the class president? 'No. No one did." That voice sounded like it left her body. She never thought of dreamed that P'Tian is the president of the class even though he misbehaves that much. 'He's going to come down now you're going to wait right?" The girl student who appears to be nice asked. 'No, but can you give this to him please?' Nateerin's still shock standing there handing the gift and flowers to the girl but her friends came and stopped her. 'How Muey? He's going to be upset. Why don't you give it to him yourself?' 'You're M.1 right? The person who gave Tian you're homework for him to help. This morning he was looking for you.' Nateerin couldn't breath after she heard those words. 'You're not going to wait. Tian prepared a gift for you for sure. Do you know you're his favorite already.' 'That can't be true...Nateerin thought. P'Tian must know that she was the one who broke the vase. If they really see each other, she's going to die for sure; therefore it's better to quickly come to an end. After that Nateerin couldn't stop suspecting, she had to ask her friends to get an answer. 'Ohh P'Tian got the name of being the class president from a draw lot because everyone in room 1 knows that the teacher likes to for students a lot, and doesn't want to do any activities because they must prepare for entrance exam. This generation has seniors who are really smart everyone says but it's a tradition for every room to instead apply for president of the class. The senior from class 1 drew from the lot instead of the classroom. P'Tian with other 2 seniors were unlucky and grabbed it, so they had to apply.' 'everyone in the room agreed to not choose each other but for PTian the score base was from the girls, so couldn't hide his unluckiness.' The friends help by notifying her Nateerin can only smile. 'He must be really handsome huh." She guessed from P'Ri. 'Ooh of course! My brother who's in M.4 said the time P'Ri, P'Tian's older brother, was still here the girls would all scream, but P'Tian is a bit extreme even a drum major in school flirted with him but didn't stay.' Nateerin didn't know what to say to that. She can only take a deep breath and thought of her difficult death. P'Tian will be leaving the school but going back home she will see him one day because they live in the same neighborhood. It's the last day of school and M.6 class is preparing for the entrance exam. As for Nateerin who's done with her exams, she's busy helping her mom with work at the market every day until she forgot to accept the gift from Tianwat and one day everything she forgot sent to her hands... 'Muey P'Tian left a gift for you.' Ratchanee brought the gift to her. 'I passed by the school. The teacher said P'Tian sent it before the termed closed but the teacher was busy and forgot.' 'Nateerin looked at the flat box that was wrapped in dark blue gift wrap. It's so flat it's not a bomb for sure...she thought. 'Once she opened it and pulled it out, she saw that it was a picture frame. In it is a picture of her in a school uniform. (Awww) its from a picture that was taken back when she first came to the school. Everything was drawn by a pencil, smooth thin lines. It felt like the picture came to life, and Nateerin was silent for quiet a while. P'Tian can draw this well...and on the bottom corner has his name on it with message (Aaahh) that's written to her for the first time.

'To N'Rahat, I wanted to see you but couldn't find you. I'm happy to be your P'Rahat.' Nateerin felt like it was all too late to change to be happy ever since she was born she never receive anything special from here before in her life. 'Why did P'Tian do this?" Nateerin asked without taking her eyes off the picture. 'Well because he's your P'Rahat duh. The teacher just told me P'Tian would always smile when he see's you're homework every time.' Nateerin stared at the picture of herself in the frame with the feeling she can't explain. She's really happy that P'Tian doesn't hate a N'Rahat like her as she thought all this time, but she isn't sure if he would hate the person who broke the vase or not. After that she decided to walk to aunt Jee's house just to see with her own eyes what the person who's nice and used to help her look like, but aunt Jee said that he's just in his room study for the entrance exam. He comes out once in a while to see the sun. 'Can someone go check a little? Did anyone go and give him some food and water yet?' Aunt Jee can say anything when it has to do with Tianwat. 'I already gave it to him. I saw him play the guitar still.' Nateerin smiled widely. P'Tian seem's like he's not frightened of anything in life. Everyone says he's really good in school, but it seems like her P'Rahat doesn't really care for it much mathematic, physics, chemistry, biology, P.E, and History he can do it all but his behavior removes it all.(basically he just doesn't care) and in the end, Nateerin didn't get to see P'Tian until he went to university. Nateerin purposely did it not wanting to see him because she's beyond scared that if he knows that she's N'Rahat he could be disappointed. She wants to be the person that he's proud of more than just being a normal and not memorable person. when it reaches the day that she's ready, she's not sure if he would remember this young girl name Nateerin again, and no one will know until we meet each other again. [\spoiler]

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