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Chapter 19

Being P'Tian's helper doesn't mean that she has to be dragged out to go to the pub or bar with him all the time. Nateerin thought, but she can't do anything about it because Mr. pretty boy ordered her, so she reluctantly followed.
The gang came wandering the night even though she's fully exhausted. The place is so crowded and dark. It's hard walking following one another, and they were linking arms with each other to get through,and finally they found a table. She passed through the people to sit down with the tall figure following behind.
The strong pressure she feels from the shameless face, makes her stagger; she doesn't want to be here that long. She thought he'd tell her something for not being careful when walking, but he didn't say anything. Besides, he chose to sit close to her though a lot of people came.
She didn't want to think of it too much, but today P'Tian is acting really strange today. The music is loud and the lights are flashy and dark.
It's hard to figure out who is who. The only thing she could feel is...P'Tian still sitting close to her to the point where their arms are touching. Nateerin didn't bother too much about it because this is her chance to be close to him. On normal days, who would dare.
The gang all left the table to go dance...Until in the end, it's just the two of them left.
"P'Tian aren't you going to go with them." Nateerin asked forgetting that she never once saw P'Ree and P'Tian dance only drink here and there.
"Why are you in a hurry to kick me out? Are you going some where?" Tianwat turned to asked with a voice that's hard to guess.
Nateerin looked at the color of the liquor in the glass cup that's in the hands of the thick hands. The atmosphere is hazy though there are many people here. But while she's here, it feels like she's been cut off from the world because of his charming eyes looking back making her conscious run wild.
Though the color of her face have all been heartlessly poured out by the person holding the glass cup, suddenly, Nateerin felt their arms were becoming even more close. He stretched out his arm to rest on her chair. The person who felt like it changed to an embrace nearly felt the lack of air to breath. Nateerin sat tensely until she almost cramped up wanting to eat him.
"Being with each other like this is it uncomfortable?" The handsome face asked her closely. She doesn't know where to run she can only look down to avoid his flirtatious eyes and mumbled.
"Is that so?...should I believe that?."
Tianwat laughed at the satisfying response seeing how she tried to answer as short as possible to hide her shivering voice to not lose her self confidence. This time the person who use to not speak is speaking more than usual.
"Can't believe we're really married." The clever eyes stared her down. She's fallen into an embrace considering before he never thought of paying attention to her. Tianwat smiled.
"Honestly asking, why did you agree to get married? Are you secretly having some kind of thoughts or what?" Nateerin is speechless before smiling back hiding her true feelings.
"No. Aren't you thinking too much?" It's so obvious but her response is still tight lipped, but it's okay. It's not time yet we still have to meet up with someone then we'll make a move.
"Is that so...but right now you don't have anyone right?" He asked continuously.
"No I don't." As he heard the reply, Tianwat looked up and thought.
Then said something that made her jaw dropped.
"Before I use to think that our relationship can't happen, but honestly should we try going out together for real?"
"What?!?!" Her face is all red. Where should she continue to go? She's completely silent and confused.
Tianwat smiled softly staring at the person who seems to have a broken conscious because of his words. At the same time, telling himself in his mind not as sweet as his words.
'He started the first move...'
"So what do you say?" Tianwat waited for a reply.
"Uhm...I" she hesitated. Their hands are bind together she nearly couldn't take it out from being to timid.
"Hmm." Tianwat moved in closer. His voice sounds like he's listening to her but...
"Uh...I have to go to the bathroom." She got up and escaped before he pressured her more for a response. Tianwat looked at her from behind with a fierce smirk.
He turned to look at his watch its 11pm the time him and Yada agreed to meetup.
'Are you on you're way?'
He put down his phone and not long he received a text quickly.
"There's a lot of people. Where should we meet?"
"In front of the bathroom, It should be empty."
Ok. I'll be right there."
Yada is in front of the bathroom waiting for Tianwat. The music is too loud, and it's dark. The lights are flashing everywhere and it's hard to see people walking. She walked in and out of the bathroom to make sure she looked nice and pretty for an important day like this, but she still hasn't seen him come.
She waited with expectation but everything is ruined as she saw the person who's an excess in her and Tianwat's life has appeared instead.
Nateerin walked straight to the bathroom with a happy smile from what recently happened, and Tianwat is also here!
A girls instinct is more than anything, Yada told herself without anyone explaining to her. The jealousy in her made her become dark. Yada step forward to approach the person who took Tianwat away before she divorced her ex husband. She had the nerve to ask her dad to keep away from Tian too.
Nateerin stopped when she realize she's been held back by someone. Yada didn't say anything. She just stared at Nateerin like she's going to drink her blood and eat her flesh.
As seeing the other person not having good intention, Nateerin didn't want to make a big scene, so she turned and walk the other way...but Yada continued to walk and blocked her.
"Did you come with Tian?" The sound of the voice came clearly with power.
Because in her eyes, Nateerin is only an employee her father pays for helping with work. Therefore, she as the daughter of her boss, Nateerin should respect her.
"You must love him so much that you told dad to have me stop contacting Tian." Yada thought of insulting how foolish Nateerin is.
It's a stupid agreement between her dad. It has nothing to do with her, and she never agreed to anything. She wanted to be foolish and have dad trick and use her. She can't be helped!
"Yes. I love him a lot." Even though it's a short reply, the sound of her voice is a bit draggy which made Yada know Nateerin was giving her an attitude.
"You think what you're doing will make him love you or what." Yada criticized.
"You didn't know Tian was just looking for someone to get married with because my ex husband threatened him. If not, he and I would have been together already!"
Nateerin smiled before speaking with a cold voice. She then continued without fearing her opponent straight to her face thoroughly.
"Is that so. Who knows what the past will be, but right now P'Tian is mine and we're married, we live in the same house, though there's no love, but the chance will come. What man can hold it in isn't it true?" Nateerin smiled widely.
"Shameless. You came last, and you're still thinking of taking him away from me again. You stealer!" Yada started to curse really loud until people stopped and looked.
"And how do you know you came first...?" Nateerin's voice is plain and peaceful with a smile then clearly and coldly said from her mouth.
" I've loved him for a very long time, love him before you for years, love him ever since you didn't even know he existed in this world, and now I'm warning you for the last time stop contacting my husband again. We're married already I must not have to struggle and stick a sign to tell you who...P'Tian belongs to!"
Yada is silent. She just found out the young pure hearted woman she understands in reality is more fierce than she thought. Tianwat was the one who asked her to come which means he still has a heart. Yada stares around looking for him.
"If you're looking for P'Tian, he's sitting in the corner over there. Go tell him." Nateerin showed the way. Yada nearly ran to the direction she was told, then went through the fuzzy dark crowd only Nateerin left alone.
Today P'Tian wanted to try and date. Her confidence came out a bit and attacked with Yada harshly. If yada goes and tell P'Tian that Nateerin announce that Tianwat is hers, is he going to believe? She's obedient towards him. Isn't that right? (She means herself)
Nateerin took a deep breath once again before turning around and couldn't blink.
Nateerin stood there and was confronted by the tall figure who just stepped out of the dark corner smiling with the cold eyes telling her he heard everything and...there's no way he's happy or unhappy about the word love from her.
"I'll give you 10 more mins after you're done come back to the table." The sound of the voice came back to be cold like the old P'Tian after the tall figure left following Yada's steps.
Nateerin can only be silent just clearly realizing this whole time she has be tricked and used. She's stayed there focusing on calming herself down for a long time. She then got a text from him 'are you going to stay any longer or do I have to get you.' She unwillingly suppress her embarrassment and pain then walked back to the table not able to avoid it.
At the same time, she's gathering the remaining of her heart that's been completely ruined and broken. The heart that she used to give to him since she was young has left too.
When she arrived, P'Tian isn't sitting alone. The gang sitting there as a bodyguard at the table. There's Yada talking to the person who's sitting there like a statue by himself and saw that Nateerin came back.
Her hand is hooked on to P'Tian's arm like he's hers and tight as a gecko.
"P'Tian you called me." She asked, but her eyes are looking towards Yada who's snuggled onto Tianwat until her body is nearly close, without fearing others eyes.
'She told Yada a second ago it didn't go into her head at all'
"Come sit close here." Tianwat ordered. The feeling is telling her that there's something she doesn't like is guided to trick her. She only stood there for a bit and had to do as told. Nateerin came to sit carefully with Yada staring without moving her eyes as the figure is squeezing to tell more jealousness is coming.
But before Nateerin could sit, the thick hands grabbed her arms yanking strongly until Nateerin is blown by his strength pulling her to sit down on his lap instead. All eyes were stunned and dumbfounded not just Yada but everyone that's sitting there too!
Yada was so shocked her face became numb and as for the person that's on his lap is also shocked.
"Well it's like what Muey told you. Muey and I have been in love for a long time, and my wife isn't happy that you keep contacting me like this. Today, I called you to talk because we can finally end this. I'm hoping you'd understand already." This time Tianwat spoke a bit after letting Yada talk like an idiot this whole time.
"Tian!!" Nateerin didn't dare to move or resist as his strong arms are hugging her tightly not letting her get up to go anywhere, even though a second ago, he threw her heart away until it was completely shattered. There's no good piece left, and now she's well informed on what Tianwat really needed from being all nice to her. She can only stare at Yada who stood up and left. The eyes of that woman was in pain, but will anyone know that...she is also in pain there's no difference.
As Yada left, Tianwat let Nateerin free. He's smiling that his plan had worked. Tianwat stared at the person who secretly love him for many years then said in the most coldest cruel voice he's ever used with her
"Thanks...for getting rid of Yada." Those pounded words made her realize to him she's just a chess piece of his that's it.
He can force her to go anywhere, and she would go. Tianwat is smiling at the person who just did a great job announcing that he belong to her. He is able to do anything that's evil for him to be himself. He still hasn't done anything to her about stealing the documents and files from the company, but this lesson will teach Muey to reconsider more not do everything from the heart, she needs to differentiate between right and wrong, what's bad and what's good. The small change in her right now realizes that no matter how much she tries, she can never take over and one more thing...he doesn't like people who betrays.
'Tonight the sky is without stars, the moonlight is ending the sun is saying farewell to the light forever
Some people nearly submerged into earth
There's set of desires that's holding back the knowledge'
Banmi thought its suspicious that these recent meetings, it doesn't seem like Tada is joining any of it occasionally. Even though all those time, he must have spied on everything that belongs to the company. The administrator doesn't like to think much about Tada but the only person who can tell him Tianwat who's working happily in the office of floor 22. Tianwat working with two computers in front of him. He still has lots of designing to for big projects.
Buripong came and sat near him to talk about what happen on Friday.
"Tian what are you going to do with Muey?"
"What do you mean? The person was asked made a face indicated that he didn't know.
"I don't like that you're playing with Muey's feelings. You say you love her then you say you don't. You were going to divorce her then you don't want to. Don't you feel sorry for her?" Buripong condemned. "What you did that day what was it? Didn't you say once getting rid of Yada, you'd divorce Muey. So, when will it happen?"
"It's not time yet." Tianwat replied and smiled not caring about what he did. As he saw his friend angry and even came in here to try and protect Muey, Tianwat smiled and provoke him
"Ha If you're thinking of feeling sorry for Muey, you're thinking wrong." Because he too had once failed already, he under estimated her too much.
As he was speaking, he searched for something on the desk to play with. He took the eraser and pencil and lined it up. He heard P'Chayt loud voice saying this board meeting Tada won't be attending it. From there, he poked his finger at the first piece that's in the line. Everything fell just like a domino the chain of reaction isn't different from the plan he came up with.
He just grabbed Muey to sit on his lap that's all. His smirk became a smile satisfyingly in silence. Tianwat leaned back on the chair happily and thought this will be the last time Muey would dare to do something wrong again because the head chief is in the process of being getting rid of.
The most funniest thing is, even though he's sitting here he can guess what situation an important customer like Tada will be in.
Tada hit the table loudly as everything was going perfect. He was about to get the BOQ (bills of quantity) of TPC, but the plan to steal the files from them has been badly abolish! He thought if he had it all, he would be able to bid farewell to the stupid company he worked for and become a ruler. But everything was put to a stop, when his daughter came to him crying telling him Tianwat rejected their relationship in front of others. It wouldn't have been something if, at the same time, his important spy didn't go sit on that architect's lap! Since that day, he had to postpone the plan to see Muey's reaction because it's not strange if a woman goes to her husbands side. After that, the work he told her to do in the past hasn't had any progress not even a bit. He's sure that Nateerin has departed from him because she's got Tianwat like she wanted already! He hasn't repaid her with the money he intend to give her, but now it's going to be gone as well. Tada wanted to cut off all contact with Nateerin but if he does that, the nightmare won't stop. His workers who went in TPC would get caught and stuffed in a canned tuna to be prepared to ship to Burma to work on the project no one will be remaining. Soon, Nateerin would tell her husband all of his plans for sure. People who sits together and talk will have problems going against people who sleeps together and talk!
The more he thinks the ruined he feels until he decided to pick up the phone and called his personal secretary.
"Mutana withdraw all my stocks from TPC right now!"
'Clearing and grubbing team'
Nateerin looked at the list of names from Hammock in the office including hers as well are all being sent to work on a project in Burma. What hurts the most is all the names that were on the lists were involved in the spying trying to get the files. In just one day, they swept and cleaned her people away.
As for Tada, he cut off all contacts with her ever since that day she got discredit from getting dragged to sit on Tianwat's lap. She believes Yada went crying to her father and told him everything for sure.
Hammock employees aren't familiar with the onsite work, so their praying and having a dispute about what the team has to do.
"And what is this team doing in Dawei?" Asked the person who doesn't know his destiny. Her friends still doesn't know the situation.
"Their going to have you clear the forest and level down the top soil. How are they going to roll out a red carpet for the other team members to get off on. You idiot!"
The sound of everyone arguing being frustrated only one person who's concentrating thinking quietly to herself.
Nateerin thought what should she continue to do now, so P'Tian doesn't come in between while she tries to improvise. She's not sure how much he knows about the plan this time. And can the individual she working for know and not have it get to Tada. She's not willing to fail again because it involves Hammock future.
All that happen, P'Tian never told the board of TPC what she thought of doing though there's no illegal actions, but he had the idea of sending the person who did wrong to Burma quietly instead as a punishment. Then that means P'Tian never hated her at all he's just protecting her from the wrong doings that she caused.
Nateerin smiled. She always believed P'Tian is a bit too much and likes to tease her constantly but harshly . He's secretly nice just a bit. He had to be nice to protect her which will make him fail.
As she was thinking, she's sure that she can continue with the plan like usual, and she will be the one deciding it not P'Tian. Nateerin turned to tell the person standing next to her.
"P'Gahng be prepared in two more days we're going to drill the server." The voice sounds calm and peaceful but it's so engrossed. She has to win all obstacles that's in her way especially a big obstacle like P'Tian the angel husband who she's never willing to lose to until everything is successful.
'Even though the sky is without stars, the moonlight is ending
The sun is saying farewell to the light
If a lamp is placed, there still must be knowledge to illuminate the dark nights.' [\spoiler]

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