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Chapter 46
The Approval​


Due to the gloomy and rainy circumstances, the employee that’s affected by it. The result might be sent to a mental health facility.
With concern our side have prepared branded herbal medicine to maintain the shock symptoms curing the pain in the abdomen whenever a woman says she want to end it. Curing the dizziness throughout the head from the broken heart in many ways. It cures the exhaustion and discourage as the girlfriend doesn’t care.
The wife wildly left the house, and the mother in law bursted.
This medicine can be used as an inhalant or if you’re able to completely shut her with ridiculed love instead of the medicine that can kill insects, in this case want to think shortly, but don’t really want to die.
With concern from the entire 5 (or more than that because the whole zone is worried)

Boripong. D (and the gang)
Construction Management Team
Thai pacific Development Corporation Ltd.

Tianwat finished reading then deleted it with being frustrated as everything didn’t go as expected even though he ‘sacrificed his body and heart’ all of it...but Muey is still thinking of disposing him!
Nateerin secretly looked at the central cloud that’s floating around the whole tent.
She doesn’t know what to do with their relationship meanwhile she got an email from the group.
‘Dear Mrs. Nateerin, please pickup the thumb drive that’s next to your left hand and hand it over to the chief engineer wearing a blue shirt sitting in front of the chair. Best regards Tianwat.’
Nateerin sighed once again and stared at the person who sent it...who’s sitting right next to her until she’s suffocating already. She really wants to reply back so bad saying ‘just that wouldn’t it be easier to tell her right’
Why is he so mad? He just found out that she still haven’t cancelled the funds and made her write a declining email.
As she told him asking for more time to decide just only one day, he went to sleep on the floor without both mattress and blankets. Once he woke up in the morning, he didn’t talk to her until now. (He’s such a baby smh lol) 
So she pretended to pickup the wrong thumb drive to hand to the engineer like he ordered her, but in no time, there was an email with the sender not looking at her one bit. 
‘Dear Mrs. Nateerin not the black one’
He told her as if he had eyes on the side!
Nateerin can’t stand it she hates it.
As he’s angry at her like this, she must let him be. He’ll cool down later and be in a good mood by himself, so she decided to continue working and stop worrying about the person who does whatever he wants. Because the accounting department asked for help with the precious disbursement reports, which she doesn’t have information in that aspect, so she had to email the person next to her. 
Dear Mr. Tianwat, the accountant staff reported that there was a balance issue, and it’s not accurate with our department; therefore, I ask for the budget disbursement reports that was chest cut in May to be checked again.’ After she was done typing she she quickly sent it. Not for long, the person next to her sent her an email. 
‘Dear Mrs. Nateerin, I never had a chest surgery. Please check your messages before you send it every time.’ 
With the files attached she asked for. Nateerin frowned and hurriedly check what she typed then smiled bedside she was busy worrying she meant to type ‘the past’ but she forgot a vowel.
“Hey Tian, when are you going to pad out the invitation cards? So are you getting married this month or not?” An engineer who walked pass by yelled cheerfully. He was heated as he was asked like that. 
“Go ask the person over there...” the voice that replied was colder than all the ice in the world. He pointed his lips to tell the person asking to ask the person who bid him off, but she didn’t think of being responsible or take care of hi m until the person who asked frowned.
“What’s wrong man?. You’re making a face as if a girl slashed you and threw you to the side.” He jokingly asked, but those words extremely pierced through Tianwat’s heart.
Nateerin closed her eyes accepting the situation which there’s only people who’s always causing her trouble.
Amongst the loud laughs of the people in the tent, Tianwat didn’t laugh.
“’s so funny huh?” The cold voice asked. Everyone had to quickly shut their mouths immediately. Witoon retaliated.
“Hey Tian your just stressing too much. You don’t know that this time everyone must learn MBA. It’s true Tian, education is important I think you should send Muey to go study abroad and graduate then slowly get married. Look at my neighbor she recently graduated MBA courses in Human Resources. Her boyfriend sent her himself.”
Everyone agreed especially Nateerin and then Witoon continued his story “Now at her house, their celebrating her graduation in a hurry because there won’t be enough time to manage Human Resources.
As Nateerin and Tianwat heard that, they were both doubt it no different from the others who’s still confused. 
“How weren’t they on time?” Another person asked.
“Well, he’s goi Nd yo cry oh first saying she graduated from MBA married by accident! Haha” 
After he was done telling the story, they all laughed throughout the tent. The only two who didn’t laugh was Tianwat and Nateerin who stared at each other. He stared at her silently the pen in his hands spinning like he’s already thought of changing his mind sending her to study ‘MBA’
Nateerin has to be careful because she didn’t want to study MBA intensively for 9 months like P’Thoon said. The more he stares at their the more she holds back her breath until he looked away and continued to work.
“Bring the break down for me.”
The plain voice said to his personal coordinator. 
Nateerin hurriedly picked up the work breakdown structure to hand to him. He grabbed it and opened it to check for a bit then got up and grabbed his helmet and walked out without calling her.
Nateerin is still sitting down confused.
‘So is she supposed to follow him or no’
But by her duty, she quickly picked up her helmet and put it on then ran after him. As she caught up to him, she slowed down her footsteps to follow him from behind. During that moment, she secretly looked at the owner of the wife back that’s leading her. She couldn’t refrain herself from thinking 
‘Is little Tianwat already conceived yet.’
Suddenly she has to take a break from thinking as the person in front of her unexpectedly stopped walking and turned around looking at her and frowned. He just noticed someone was following him from behind.
“Why’s you follow me?” His voice scolding. She’s mad at his no reasoning but...
“It’s raining you’ll get sick.” Tianwat said chasing her away. Just him inspecting the work he can do it on his own.
But the other person wasn’t willing to leave even though it’s raining heavily. 
The two figure stood there staring at each other. Since there alone anyways, Nateerin took advantage of the opportunity and spoke...
“Don’t be mad at me, I’m not uh...slashing you and throwing you to the side, but I’m asking you to give me one more day to decide.”
As he heard that, the person with the leaning face leaned even more.
“How much value do I have...?” The blunt voice complained. Nateerin took a long deep bear has he still doesn’t realize it.
“You’re very important to me. There’s no one more important, and if you still thinking liking me a bit, even if we’re going to be apart, but I won’t have anyone. No matter what, I’ll come back.”
“If I’m important, then agree to marry’s not necessary to go study abroad.”
“Give me one more day to think about it.” Nateerin sighed once again. 
Having a family with P’Tian is pretty risky she doesn’t know how he really thinks of her or it can just be pleased for a moment. She never heard the word I love you from him. There’s still many other reason that can happen which can make him stop marrying her apart from other people’s reason of love.
But as she spoke like that, the atmosphere went down instantly.
“So what are we together...” the deep voice asked back calmly. After he was done talking, he left in the mist of the rain that’s pouring hard leaving Nateerin standing with a headache.
‘Why is he so difficult and cold like this?’
“Did you guys kill each other yet.” Monwatoo called asking as she sees a certain someone came around hers working in her and Pariwat’s work and their demeanor doesn’t seem good either. “Not yet but it’s almost there.” Nateerin told her while thinking of being discouraged. 
“What are you guys arguing about again?” 
“Well, about the funds. He wants me to cancel it, but I want to think about it just for one day, so it became a problem.”
“You guys live with each for so long and you still don’t know your own expertise.” Monwatoo thought of laughing. They knew each other ever since Toamwat started his first year of Architecture. She can just glacé for a bit and can tell ‘how much she had a crush on him.’ 
“If you boys talked and doesn’t workout the. Don’t care about it. Let it be. The boys in this house are like this. They get moody then goes back to the clouds as we don’t go reconcile. They cry out for attention.”
“Cry out for attention?”
“Yes. Ri is like that too. Whenever we argue, and he doesn’t win. He leaves and hides in the corner of the house. He waits for me to go pamper him then he’ll come out of the hole.”
‘Is that a human or a mouse’ Nateerin couldn’t picture the discreetly soft person like P’Ri can be like that. 
“Muey, Tian never had a girlfriend, and he never liked anyone before and he still can’t manage his own feelings. Muey you have to hold it in, but can I ask something? Why do you want to go study abroad so bad? Aren’t you happy that he doesn’t want you to go?”
The person, who went through so many obstacle because of love, thought of suspecting the younger sister’s decision. 
Nateerin was quiet for a while before telling Monwatoo everything that’s concerning her deeply inside for so long.
“I don’t know. The status of my house isn’t wealthy it can’t even be called mediocre. I only graduated with a normal bachelors degree (girl I wish I had a bachelors degree) if only I graduated with a masters degree out of the country like you, then maybe I’ll be a match with P’Tian more than I am right now if he thinks of being true and real with me.” (You know you can’t blame her for thinking like that he hurt her so much)
“Muey stop thinking about statuses. That house never cared about money. As of now, everyday they don’t even know who to share or use it with.
“But P’Tian used to day that I’m not the woman he wants to marry. He must want someone more proper than this.”
This time Monwatoo became insane as she heard that these words came out from Tianwat. 
Anyone would be upset about it.
“Muey, let me tell you something, you don’t have anything to insult yourself. No one determines your worth but yourself and no matter how much someone undermines you, that person will never know you better than yourself. Muey, you ha r a lot of good in you more than what Tian thinks. As of right now, you’ve proved to everyone to see that you’re the most proper and perfect to which Tian should come and ask in hand for marriage.”
P’Mon’s words, Nateerin’s number one idol, is still twirling around in her head. Nateerin feels a lot better that she’s worth enough even though P’Tian never made her feel that way all. There’s only him hurting her feelings most of the time.
But he’s usually strict with her, there’s no sweet words coming from him, especially the words ‘I love you’
It’s lien what she mentioned, P’Tian had lots of girls, and she’s no different from those girls he came across one day and then throws aside. 
Nateerin decided ‘she will continue studying’ there will be no marriage between her and P’Tian for sure. But what’s for sure is, her education which will make life and family much better. As for P’Tian, 3 years will prove how much or less he feels towards her and will he wait for her until then if it’s really necessary for them to get married. 
Nateerin walked over to go help Chayt who’s sitting down.
“P’Chayt I want to resign. I’m going to continue my studies or at least let me go I vacation leave it’ll be good. She’ll be able to go back and prepare the papers, but if you really can’t allow it, I’ll go ask Mr. Banmi.”
It’s really fortunate that Mr. Banmi is still here. She’s confident that he will be able to help her for sure. “You’re really going?” The voice became frustrated instantly. 
“Yes.” Nateerin nodded.
“And did you tell Tian aren’t you afraid he’s going to be mad? I saw last time there was a problem.”
“I still haven’t told him. He’ll be mad but in a few minutes he’ll be over it.”
“Are you sure?” Chayt asked once again.
“Yes.” Nateerin was confident. She never saw Tianwat cared or would die because of her just once. If he’s not angry then he’s still. There’s only those two things. He’ll get over it after awhile. 
Chayt thought heavily as everyone tried helping the couple get along but made it worse. 
“Sighs Tian is going to lose it again for sure...” Chayt said. ‘It’s true Tianwat is good at working, but because when it comes to Muey, there’s nothing that needs to be done’
“Lose what?” Nateerin didn’t hear clearly. As he saw the Nateerin’s strange face, this time Chayt knew where the problem is between these two couple. 
“You still didn’t know right the day you asked to end it, Tian fainted.”
Chayt has to explain to ‘the person who still doesn’t realize he loves her’ quickly before Tianwat’s stubborn mouth will be the reason he’ll lose the person that’s in front of him.
“Well it’s the same day when you went into the cold room as you guys came back, you ask to divorce him at the tent that’s when he went into shock. (lmao omg) He was going to follow you but couldn’t. I had to find an inhalant for him it was so hectic.
“Its...not true...” how can it be? He scolded her and was strict with her like that!
...but that day she took off and even heard him talk with aunt Jee for hours. 
“Now do you know why we get angry they Tian is sick and fainted twice and forced you to stay with him.” Chayt asked the person who’s still confused. “Stay with him don’t leave him. I don’t want to go to his funeral soon and if he dies, we can’t find someone to replace him instead. Even though he has a terrible habit, but he really loves you Muey do you know that.” Once he’s done talking he yelled out and ask the others where Tian disappeared too. 
“Hey! Did anyone go check on Tian yet? He just recovered from a fever he came out here in the rain what craziness is he doing? Does he want to die to mock his wife or what!” 
Nateerin is still confused she had to ask a second time to make sure.
“P’Chayt, P’Tian really likes me? 
“Ohy! Both love and fallen deeply if not, why would he rent out the OT (operational Technology) keeping the money so he can propose to you. Everyone in the site knows he complains all the time that he has to speed up the project and finish it the next day after tomorrow so he can hurriedly go home and get married. He’s afraid he won’t make it in time...oh so has anyone seen him yet?!”
After he was done talking he continue holler out looking for Tian leaving Nateerin going crazy inside her heart is about to stop beating...
“Beer and them went to follow him already. They said that Tian was going to jump into the sea and die because he’s afraid Muey is going to leave him it’s good that they saw him first.”
This time Chayt turned to say
“You see. I told you.”

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