part15(fire and water)

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Chapter 15
Fire And Water​

“These two are clearly a match for each other. There’s no mistake!”
Mrs. Sajee excited with the words of the fortune teller. Tianwat glanced at her annoyed while Nateerin is stirring quietly next to him.
‘He understand that his mother want him and Muey to be together but to the point to do an astrology isn’t it a bit much’
At work he has to see the higher ups and about his personal life, he has to see his mother’s fortune teller too
The fortune tell looked at the two people sitting next to each other with a heavy heart.
“Their fated to be together since many life ago. Young lady, no matter much you run you won’t escape. Your body is his, your heart is his, he imprisoned you to keep already. You must replace all of this young man’s karma that’s when your life will be happy and be able to live together.”
Nateerin sat still she made a face that can’t be explained.
“And when will it be used up?” The person who asked wasn’t Nateerin, but it was Mrs. Sajee.
“It has to be replaced with all of her life. One must die instead of the other that’s when all the karma will be gone.” The fortune teller said until Mrs. Sajee was shocked.
“Huh must it be death!” Mrs. Sajee asked. Tianwat turned to look at Nateerin, who’s face is pale, with being pleased.
‘Seems like she’s afraid of dying’
“No one will die just severely injured that’s all. Whenever recovered, they’ll have twins for you to hold.” The fortune teller laughed at the future she saw.
As Mrs. Sajee heard like that, she was so excited without caring about the ‘two sides that produced’ If their going to do what the fortune teller said.
Tianwat was secretly annoyed with the words of the fortune teller he can only look at his mom’s happiness silently. Even though he used to tell her that Muey isn’t the woman he thought of loving because he needs a partner that thinks smartly to help choose in the future and it will send good results when giving birth to his children. (Meaning the kids will be smart) and most importantly...
He needs a woman that’s beautiful inside and out and is capable to love him without any qualifications. If whenever he finds that person, he’ll quickly pump out as many sets of twins at once. But Mrs. Sajee has to raise them because he does not get along with kids much.
As for clumsy Muey, it’s better to keep her aside to resolve his boredom. If he has a kid with her, the kid might be like his mom, so it’s better not too.
While he’s thinking to himself, the fortune teller said laughing.
“Young man you don’t believe it. You’re conceited your temper is like fire no mistake whoever is close to you all becomes hot but let it be. One day, you would be the one to bringing the love placing it at this young lady’s feet.”
Then the fortune teller turned to smile and talk with Mrs. Sajee.
“Your son is so stubborn he has his wife. (Like he has her to himself but doesn’t know her value) if his wife isn’t really cold, she wouldn’t have stayed with him at all. It’s good that this young lady is water anyone who’s with her will feel comforted and cooled only one thing that’s wasted. If she loves someone with all of her heart, it will all flow to him. She can do everything for love, but if someone thinks of becoming her enemy they have to be careful because the water tends to flow deeply.”

‘Only you can stop this game
Come back to me then I’ll make it over My love I know you still remember
That night we belong together’
It’s Tianwat’s first day coming back to work as he was ‘challenged with a love letter
Tianwat looked at the post it note that’s stuck on his computer screen on his desk
At the same time with all the files that has been sabotaged already!
Angry that he’s the only that’s been messed with the thick hands then pulled the paper and continue to write a message to insult the person that did it and stuck it back to the same place. He was going to be calm but now he can’t be calm any longer because he has to redo the work all over again. Came in and killed him to death by putting a virus in his computer, and it can’t be retrieved.
“It seems like Yada won’t let you go that easily Tian. Give yourself to her just for one night exchange it for the files.” Narit teased his friend that’s stressing.
Tianwat is suspicious that why even IT and the system protection is so tight, but the other side able to drill into the system so easily or the hacker isn’t drilling into the server they might intent to go straight to his device.
“Was the cctv off?” He turned to ask his friend.
“The system protection was off for 15 mins in that time your computer was hacked yesterday.”
Tianwat crossed his arm while seriously thinking. This won’t be taken care of easily like he thought.
“I’m so jealous of Tian there’s only women coming to snatch him.” Witoon uttered. Tianwat’s phone went off loudly it was from an architect who went to watch over Hammock with him that called.
“Tian, the Hammock team are on their way up there already.”
“Eum okay.” Tianwat said even though he’s not in a good mood, but he does understand that today there must be a meeting to distribute labor with the company affiliated a new younger sister ‘which still doesn’t know if she’ll stay or go in the future’
During that time, Chayt walked through and told him another news.
“Uhh Tian, I was just confirmed that Muey will be assisting you next week. The elders ordered already no matter what, she has to learn from the other architects first once she knows everything, she’ll be sent to you. As for the hacker don’t worry about it, the elders are looking into it.”
“Yes” Tianwat said plainly because he’s in a bad mood with what’s damaged in front of him.
Not for long the employees from Hammock all came and sat down together at the wife conference table except for Nateerin who was sent to study with another architect at a different table on the side.
Tianwat walked passed Nateerin without looking at her. He started to set up the laptop at the head of the table that has wires to connect to do a presentation after that he then started to talk.
“I apologize for calling you all to come to a meeting upstairs. These days we’ve been having problems with the files that has been leaked which I didn’t want to move all the files and important reports if it’s not necessary. Today I’m going to brief on the different projects that were going to start this year specifically the interior design team will be joining too.”
Tianwat opened the projector screen to describe the words. As for Nateerin, even though she’s facing her back at him, she’s still listening to him.
“I understand that you all have passed the company’s orientation already and should know that we’re an all in one company that conducts the projects until it finishes. From designing it to constructing it, the project I’m talking about is under construction while having a designing and constructing contract. As for the interior designer you’ll be separated to different teams for different projects following your suitable knowledge. I ask to initiate from this project first...”
The meeting was so long that Nateerin was too lazy to listen to it. She stopped splitting her brain in two and concentrated on studying what’s in front of her After the meeting was over, everyone went downstairs. Nateerin felt lonely the person who trained her disappeared somewhere for a long time she tried so hard reading the reports that’s remaining and tried to understand it.
Suddenly she felt cold air and it stared to get freezing immediately as if there’s a spirit is standing behind her. But when she slowly turned around, she saw someone standing staring closely!
“You know right that you’re going to move positions.” The serious voice asked with a calm face like its a punishment that all of this is her fault.
Nateerin looked up at ‘the team’s new section chief pale red face’ the person who she was told to become an assistant for and the most important thing is ‘her face is also red’ if P’Tian wasn’t so professional, she and him would have hugged each other’s neck doing the project for sure!!
“Yes in know.” Nateerin replied. She thought of trying harder and stop messing around to show and make them believe she can work here and become a good employee.
“And what did you learn?” The plain voice said in a work manner at home he teased her so much but as their at work Mr. pretty boy became serious and casual with her.
“As for the rest it involves your work.” Nateerin replied.
‘What does he want her to learn she didn’t even sat here for an hour’
“And how much detail did he discussed?” Tianwat asked. Nateerin thought of going against him then said.
“He said you’re not only designing the model you switch to do construction management too.” Nateerin answered accordingly to what she knew.
‘She remembers everything single the architect told her’
‘There’s nothing scary about Tian it’s just that he works really fast that’s all. Your task is to is to type and print all the reports first, but you don’t have to be afraid. If you pass Tian, you can work with us all!
‘As he said it like that, how is it not scary can someone explain to her’
“Have you ever used the program Microsoft Projector?”
“Nope never.”
“Paper and pen”
Once he ordered her, she immediately looked for it while he bent down and clicked opened a program and started to teach her
“This program is for the company laborious material budget. Click here and open the resource sheet then type in the information. The tables will divide into resource name type in material label...” and everything was shoved and pushed into her head until she became numb.
The instructor explained it in complete details and ended the course then turned to ask the person ‘sitting fidgeting’ to listen
“Do you understand”
Nateerin smiled she felt like plant has sprouted on the top of her head and then said
“Almost but explain it one more time.”
That handsome face looked at her then explained once more again and asked.
“Do you understand it yet”
Nateerin has nothing to say except smiling brightly with the eyes that’s telling him
‘Look at her and you will know that...’
“You don’t understand” Tianwat answered instead. He took a deep breath then asked her
“You see that down there.” The person who talked nodded in agreement out of the window of the building
“Yes” Nateerin turn to looks it’s suspicious “That there go jump”
Nateerin eyes wide
“I’m just slow at learning you won’t let me live.” Tianwat took a deep breath. He thought of teaching her again if someone didn’t come and called him to go talk about the design plan at the engineers department first. Moments later he came walking towards her but someone came and dragged him out again.
‘Ha it seems like he’s busy’ Nateerin just found out how much he’s valued, but he tried making time to teach her.
By the time he was able to come back to her, it was almost 6pm. Everyone left she’s the only one remaining reading the reports most importantly what’s strange is in P’Tian’s hands are books for how to use Microsoft projector.
“Read it slowly it’ll be enough you must not boil it to eat.” After he was done talking, he went back to work.
Nateerin can only stare at his back and smiled widely until the person.
“What are you smiling at?”
“Whatever he teaches you, you have to research it more not just him asking you to learn this much and you stay doing that much. Because when you go out to the site, you don’t have time to pull out a book to open.”
Nateerin listened to Tianwat’s lecture then smiled before teasing him badly.
“P’Tian If we were to really have twins...what would you name them.
“Haeb and Hao” (lice and tick) Tianwat replied calmly and made Nateerin laugh nearly rolling off the floor.
“Be careful the fortune teller said you’ll absolutely bring the love placing it at my feet.” Nateerin mocked, but she knows there will never be a day it’ll happen. “If whenever we’re able to die for each other, then that’s when the day will come” Tianwat said what the fortune teller told them. Nateerin laughed.
“Ohh that only happens in fairytales if anything were to happen thats person is on their own. I won’t run and take a bullet for you like in the movies.”
“Ha That won’t be great.” Tianwat smiled like he was going laugh.
After they were done teasing each other, this time Muey really had a hard time she’s struggling with a few reports and is concerned about it.
“P’Tian, I don’t think I can do it the more I read it the harder it gets.”
“Don’t start talking when you didn’t even try.” The serious voice called out a smile from Nateerin because she knows that that’s how he supports her.
“Yes. I’ll try my best, oh but P’Chayt came and told me that your computer got hacked again.”
Tianwat didn’t deny it.
“That’s terrible...”
“I’m going upstairs it’ll be a few hours till I’ll come back down. Are you going to wait and leave together or no?” Tianwat asked plainly.
Nateerin was excited this is the first time I get life that P’Tian is willing to let her ride in the car going back home except when Yada is here waiting for him.
“It’ll rain tonight for sure that you’re willing to let me ride in the car with you too.”
“Are you going or no?” The person asked is irritated.
“Well, I do want to, but I’m going out with my friends to eat. Thank you just you inviting me I’m happy.” Nateerin smiled brightly.
As he heard that, Tianwat didn’t urge her any further.
“P’Tian don’t go yet I’ll be leaving in a bit. You should change your password first before you get hacked again. P’Chayt told me to tell you don’t trust anybody in the company.” Their the only two who are left in this department, but as she walks out, anyone can come in.
Tianwat nodded but following the personality of the person who’s stubborn that once someone tells him to do something he doesn’t do it, so he walks out from the office hugging his laptop and design models rolling it 2 to 3 times hurriedly with the wind.
Leaving Nateerin staring from behind once she sees that he got on the lift going upstairs. She can only shook her head with him not being careful in a situation like this.
P’Chayt told her to tell him he shouldn’t trust anyone...even the people close to you.
Nateerin smirked ‘I warned you already P’Tian’
‘This morning you got it tonight you’re going to get it again’
Nateerin started to send out a message soon she got a short message back saying
‘This cctv system will be closing in 1 minute’
Not for long she received a confirmation once again saying the cctv system is already closed. She sees that there’s someone’s shadow standing to help keep watch after that she quickly went straight to Tianwat’s desk.
The thin hands that’s wearing gloves started to type a code. It’s the first letters he typed on the keyboard this morning when he first came to work. It was sent straight to her immediately passing through the spyware key locker. The virus that she secretly put into his computer since the first time she sent the reports to him to check. Once he opened her email to see, the program to record the information cryptically. It’ll be installed without the owner of the device noticing. Only this much no matter what prints, everything will be sent to her even the login password.
Nateerin smirked a bit as all the passwords went through soon enough she started to download everything Tada wants.
The good thing about working at a small company is that an employee is capable to learn many tasks. She used to help the IT shutdown the internal system network after that the aptitude became a skill frequently and she then just realize she likes it and has a special on this side.
And the round clear eyes was met with many laughs when she sees the ‘love letter’ that she sent him when she secretly came into the company yesterday evening and received a lovely response.
‘If you’re going this far why not smash the PC and throw it away why leave it’
Nateerin laughed quietly. Before she used to send her homework for him to help, but he can only solve the math problems. He never wrote anything back every time this is her first success. He wrote to her like this he really can’t hold it any longer.
And her mission is done within 15 minutes more virus was uploaded as a symbol of failure of the system protection espionage of TPC. Nateerin didn’t forget to leave a new love letter which she wrote with her left hand for the owner of the device to see different in the time he misses her
‘I’m so sick when you’re not beside.
Keep thinking of your body in the moonlight.
Honey let’s love and stop to fight.
Wanna have you with me and get through the night.’
She checked once again to make sure she didn’t leave any evidence after that she got up from the chair and picked up her crossbody bag as usual. The person who stood keeping watch at the department disappeared at the same time.

Another successful mission without any obstacle. While getting on the lift to go down to the lobby, she thought of the words from the fortune teller once again.

No one knows what she was in her past life and her future can’t be seen she doesn’t know how real it’ll be, but in the present, she will always know that her feelings is like water. It flows wherever her heart takes her, and she will do anything for love.

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