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Chapter 28
Sending body to the room​

“Ah one more glass” Tianwat was captured to finish one glass after the other with Gahng pouring more beer into Tianwats glass with his face not in the mood to drink.
“Is it gone? It’s gone right? ah here the next glass.” Gob and the friends from hammock came to help too. Nateerin looked at the image like she wasn’t that happy as everyone knows the situation between her and P’Tian they all came to get him drunk.
The person who spread the news wasn’t just anyone it was the gang. Today the house that she’s staying in has turned into a party which wasn’t her intention. She didn’t mean for it to be this like this.
“Relax slow down a bit.” Nateerin stopped them with a concerned face.
“We’re going to get him drunk, so he can be sent to the room.”
“Yes. Whatever problem you have you can clear it easily.” Even the gang isn’t on their own friend’s side not one bit. Nateerin looked at the person who being teased and felt sorry for him because she didn’t think that they would play crazy like this. Those still eyes looked up at her for a second then continued to drink. He faced his back towards her there’s no indications that he’s drunk besides feeling nauseated from being force to drink so many glass.
“You can stop now otherwise it’ll be terrible for P’Tian. Nateerin requested. Normally she doesn’t see him have to drink this much.
“No! This guy is smart like acid. He’ll disobey going into the room, and there will be two choices for you to choose. If you don’t strap him to the bed, then you have to hit him till he’s unconscious.” If not, he’ll find a way to climb the window to escape for sure.” Narit said and laughed because he’s starting to get drunk himself.
“Muey come stay with me right here. Let the boys handle it themselves. Don’t interrupt them.” Nateerin got pulled to go the other way by Goong because she’s afraid that tonight’s bride is a little too much concerned.
Ever since the problem happened at the coffee shop that time, she was able to know who Nateerin’s husband is though she was shock until she spent the night.
But she felt sorry for Muey more that she had to wait to protect and watch over a husband like Tianwat all this time. She repeatedly hid her status of being his wife.
“Hey don’t make him drunk until he’s unconscious just enough for him to give in when sending into the room, so it’ll be hard for him to escape from Muey a bit.” Someone hollered out then laughed loudly. The sound of music and the sound of people talking is loud enough for others to come join the drinking.
“Ah Tian another glass raise it!” Even though she walked away, she can still hear the loud laughing sounds from behind which made her frown because she doesn’t know if P’Tian can handle it any longer. In her hands are the keys to Tianwat’s room the gang gave her with the owner not willing to give it up.
She wants this night to be the last and most memorable wedding for his life and hers. But if he drinks so much alcohol how will he be able to remember anything. As the bride went to check on the groom, he’s already drunk. He’s even laughing in a good mood and clinking glasses with the others happily without anyone forcing him. It seems like he feels like there’s eyes looking at him.
The owner of the tall figure glance at her looking back as well. Those sharp eyes stared at her still and calmly without saying anything until Nateerin’s face turned red instantly. (Mmm he ain’t drunk)
But suddenly Tianwat got up to stand which surprised Nateerin! “Hey calm down it’s not time for the occasion yet sit down first I’ll send you.” The gang that’s sitting there cried out.
“I’m going to the bathroom” The groom replied mumbling instead not speaking human language.
“Don’t be slick you’re going escape right” Tianwat shook his head and laughed. Nateerin secretly looked then thought of laughing the alcohol must be kicking in that’s why he’s laughing like this.
Normally Tianwat’s face is always frowning it’s like a brand of his. The tall figure walked staggering around without anyone controlling. There’s only Nateerin waiting watching him but as he was walking straight to the bathroom, she frowned. Nattamon appeared from somewhere blocking P’Tian.
All Nateerin can do is stare to see what’s going to happen, but the person who’s drunk seems like he can still remain conscious. Its like the two were talking for a while and Nattamon had an embarrassed face and was willing to let P’Tian go to the bathroom Nateerin smiled at the same time.
‘He’s drunk and can still save his own life which shows that he’s considerably skilled enough. And she will wait for tonight to see if P’Tian will be able to escape from her or not!’
It’s now time for sending him to the room. Tianwat’s friends dragged him to the room he’s staying in. As they arrived, Tianwat was pushed into the room at the same time his friends are giving parting words.
“Be good Tian don’t crop her out too much Muey is too adorable. Buripong repeated to his friend.
“Hey not yet” Narit pulled the groom before he’s seen.
“I think we should search for a bow and tie it on him, so he’ll look more lovely.”
“Ohy there’s no time to search for it, but it’s okay. Whatever is worn will be taken off anyways.” Done talking and they all laughed before pushing Tianwat into the room and closing the door. The first thing Tianwat thought of when his friends left was to lock the door so he can escape before Nateerin comes
...but it’s too late already as the loud sound of laughter came from the balcony.
“Where are you going to run to?” Nateerin smiled for the person returning to meet face to face with her in the room alone just the two of them.
“Can you stand? P’Beer and the others shouldn’t have forced you to drink. P’Tian sit down first.” Tianwat can only stand still not trusting her until she handed him water for him to drink.
It took him a while to drink it so he can sober up and sat on the side of the bed because he’s still dizzy. “Feel better right?” The voice is soft and gentle pleasant to hear.
Normally it’s always sound sweetly until it’s bothersome. The smile that she gives him is the same. She’s not smiling showing the 32 teeth. It seems more tender and sweetly. “Why are you doing this?” It’s the first time Tianwat spoke to her since he was forced in the room moments ago.
Nateerin didn’t say anything besides smiling and walked to get 2 sheets of paper before the small hands grabbed his hands to put the papers on the palm of the thick hand “My gift to you accepting the grooms spirit.” (She made a pun with the word gift which is the same as the word spirit in Thai) Nateerin joked.
Tianwat looked at what’s in his hands. One is the marriage certificate that he wanted to have to burn so badly and the other sheet... is the divorce paper that has her signature on it. His eyebrows immediately scrunched up but before he can ask, she grabbed his hands and took him out the the balcony in a good mood.
She took him out to sit on the chair on the balcony to get some cold air. Even though she hasn’t been here for long, she liked a lot of different things here. Too bad tomorrow she won’t be here anymore...
“Look P’Tian tonight the moon looks beautiful.” Nateerin looked up at the sky though he’s not responding she still continues to talk.
“P’Tian are you cold? He didn’t say no but the small hands slid the blanket that was on her shoulders to his shoulders instead because the shirt that Tianwat’s wearing is thin. She’s happy that she didn’t hear him refuse and looked at the side of the face of the person she just asked to look at the moon.
This side of the face that she only saw for the first time 10 years ago that changed her life and there will never be a day where it returns. No matter how long it has passed, the feelings she has for P’Tian never changed. It’s as if she was born to love him only. “I’m sorry that all this time I’ve been chaotic towards you a lot.” She knows some of the problems she’s shouldn’t have done but with all of the love and detest she couldn’t help but to get back at him after he use to treat her so badly.
Tianwat is still sitting calmly not responding. Nateerin isn’t sure if as of now he’s still listening and knows what she’s saying or not, and if tomorrow morning comes, will he remember what she’s telling him now or not. “Ever since we’ve married, we haven’t gone on a honey moon at all that’s why i took you on a vacation in Burma. There’s many places I want to take you to but too bad we’re both busy with work. I’m sorry that the farthest i can take you is to do good deeds at the temple.” Nateerin told him all that’s in her feelings which she didn’t have a chance to finish. There’s a lot of things she wanted to with him before parting ways.
But it’s too bad everyone’s clock is moving forward and as for hers it started to move backwards...ever since he asked her to marry him, and now her time is over.
Tonight is the last time she will be with him as husband and wife before returning to Thailand to continue her studies out of the country which she had an agreement with aunt Jee.
Nateerin smiled as she suddenly sees the person next to her leaned his body against hers and laying his head on her shoulders because he’s sleepy or drunk she might not know. “Do you remember we were each other’s secret admirers in high school. At that time you used to help take me to class, and I was the one who broke your vase and ran off, but thank you for taking the time drawing the picture of me before you finished school.” As she sees that he’s close sleeping, she didn’t feel pressured to tell things that he might have forgotten already for him to listen.
“Aunt Jee likes to talk about you frequently since i was a kid. Do you feel the same? like we’ve known each other for long in reality we just met each other when i moved to go to university. The first time i saw you was when aunt Jee forced you to come home. Your face was sullen with something as you saw me. At that time, you were lazy to cut your hair. It was so long that you had to tie it back, and you cut it when you were accepting your degree. Do you still remember or not?”
“Girls now a days are starting to flirt with guys first” After being still for so long until Nateerin thought he was asleep already, Tianwat was the one who asked with those eyes opened, but his head is still on her shoulder.
“Well..and why not?” Nateerin smiled meanwhile looking at the moon.
“Well and why do you have to?” This time the person who got bothered all this time wanted to know. He sees that she’s been flirting with him jokingly and seriously for a long time but never told him truthfully every time.
There’s only letting him circulate with not being sure...thats’s how truthfully she is with him or does she want to win against him to only be satisfied because all the time that passed he’s been mistreating her. The thin figure smiled as he asked back then not for long she replied.
“...because i don’t want you to be someone else’s.” the person listening felt his heart jerked quickly from not being able to feel anything before in being intimate.
Now there’s a feeling of electric current running pass through her body to fight his before it circulate throughout his body. Even though he’s touching part of her arm and his head is on her shoulder, he felt the gravity leading his wildly thoughts to go far. The chaotic feeling that’s in him is becoming more severe continuously. He doesn’t want to believe that it’s happening to him. Tianwat can only close his eyes and honesty admit...
‘He failed...’ 
From here on his eyes that stares at Nateerin, will never be a day where it’ll be the same ever again.’ (Aaaaaaahhhhhh I love this novel)
Hours later Tianwat is still listening to Nateerin telling different stories continuously. There are times where he ask with being suspicious or shows his opinion to the stories until no one asks each other to go to sleep.
“I want to stay like this with you forever. I don’t want tomorrow to come.” The clear voice told the person who fell asleep on her shoulder. His black hair touching her cheek. She looked at the person who made her fall in love with him even before they met. She stared and observe all of his features carefully his nose and mouth she loves everything about him. Doesn’t matter the way he speaks, walk, or even the times he’s angry with her and this will be the only biggest thing that ever happen in their married life.
She looks at that love while smiling and whispers to his ears softly before their heads snuggled together. “And I will forget you I promise.” [\spoiler] 

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