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Chapter 30
Project crashing​

’Monthly skillful star shining brightly in the sky it’s the second wedded night of the bride and groom beneath the group of stars is just us two...together with the great deal of reports’
“The moon is pretty isn’t it?” The soft deep voice invited to look at the moon in the sky. In the cool nice atmosphere of the windy night, with the bride sitting there rotting like a fertilizer because she had to be refilled with piles of reports that the groom ordered her to do!
As for the person who’s done with his own reports like a rocket, he sat down and played the guitar comfortably not thinking of helping her. Seeing how much reports she has it’s not strange that’s why P’Tian is not willing to let her go consume happiness somewhere else by herself. Mr. Pretty boy ordered her already that everything must be done before Monday if not, he’ll tell aunt Jee that....she drugged him with alcohol and did inappropriate things to him in the room!
“A person who doesn’t have humanity!” Nateerin mumbled but the person with good ears didn’t hear. “What are you complaining about?” “A person who doesn’t have humanity. Is it clearer now?” Nateerin drew back until all her fear has gone away. She’s been bullied for many years this time she can’t accept anymore. “And so what.” Tianwat must pretend to be dazed. “I ask to go back to stay with Thoom.” Even now he’s still confining her in the room, guessing its easier for him to call and use her for work 24/7 like she’s a convenient store. “There’s a lot of people in camp you think there’ll be free space for you to go back.” The smooth voice said not pleased with giving good deeds.
“But I just moved out this morning how would there be someone there instead?” “If you don’t believe me, then wait and see tomorrow.” Tianwat challenge the person who’s looking down on the amount of workers. From now on, it’ll multiply because this project is accepting every face already its enough standard for people to build one city. “I’m not waiting. I’m going right now.” Didn’t say no, but Nateerin got up immediately from the table. “It’s 2am already you don’t need to go.” The person playing the guitar outside the balcony ordered her to stop. The other side is still stubborn like she never used to be before. She headed towards the door until Tianwat had to fiercely say in a disrespectful voice “sit down and continue finishing the reports!“ Nateerin wanted to disobey the orders but as she saw the threatening eyes taking it really serious. She was willing to return to sit down and continued to endure the work. Tianwat was relieved after seeing that even though the beautiful moon is out, he still doesn’t know how he should soothe the bride to be in a good mood. Since noon as they woke up, she was already prepared to only go back. As he told her to not leave, she made a stressed face. He even borrowed a friends guitar to play but still no results. Tianwat secretly stared at the person who’s nearly dying from all the reports. He had snuck half of the reports to help already until now there’s no sign showing that the smart coordinator will have it done. He can’t go to sleep first otherwise the section chief will be accused of leaving the junior. After that, he continued to play the guitar waiting for the other side to finish the reports and go sleep at the same time. But by the time he’s able to sleep, the roosters will be crowing. As waking up again the next day, Nateerin’s face frown heavily more than before when everything that Tianwat said was true. Because as she looked out the balcony, there was a van that brought the workers to camp. The camp is expanding like this so they can finish the construction in a hurry. There’s the project engineer and the system engineer controlling the work together on the day of vacation week for watching over the workers building the factory gas and petrochemical in face three zone B. ‘Its so crowded and packed here she has no chance of moving back with Thoom for sure!’ Nateerin went to look for the person who just woke up but didn’t say anything, he’s just checking the reports she finished at dawn. She secretly stared and in her head she’s thinking of ways to get out before there’s news circulating ruining their image saying she’s sleeping in the same room with her own boss even though in reality P’Tian sleeps on the floor. Nateerin went to look for the other side that’s making a face like he doesn’t want to wake up, but he has to get up to check the reports. “P’Tian I’m hungry.” She said even though she’s not hungry at all not even a bit. She’s guessing she’d hear him complain that she’s bothering him but no the person sitting continued reading a few lines of the reports after that he got up from the chair and asked plainly. “And what do you want to eat?...” “Anything is fine. I’m hungry.” The thick hand ran through the thick black hair closely that’s bothering him. After that he disappeared out of the room without uttering a word until the other side thought it was strange ‘there’s going to be a big storm coming to the shore for sure. Usually P’Tian never used to do anything for her in her life’ But that’s not what she should be worrying about, the most important thing right now is escaping. Nateerin looked for her passport in her bag and stood still waiting to make sure Tianwat made it downstairs then opened the door and ran downstairs to the lobby in a hurry but had to creep down as she sees Tianwat gathered in a crowd talking with his friends straight at the exit waiting for the cook of the building to prepare the food. Nateerin had to hide at the foot of the stairs because there’s no other way out. If she wants to leave the building, she has to pass through the lobby only! She can’t do anything, so she went back to the room. As she arrived, she went to look at how high the balcony is. This kind of height she won’t be able to use her tactics of being a gecko to go down. She really doesn’t know what else to do, so she went back to sit in frustration before smiling as she see’s something on the table. The keys to the room!
“How was it last night Tian did you officially do it with Muey yet?” The gang teased as Nateerin is staying with him. From use to poking his face out to come sit and talk with his friends often, he only bury himself in the room with her just the two of them ever since sending him to the room. To add, he even borrowed his friend’s guitar to play to please her. Tianwat shook his head and refused even though he still has a smile stuck on his face. “You’re just losing a man’s base not keeping a tigers stripes Tian.” Buripong mocked because he knows better than anyone before when he was single, Tianwat is the striped tiger even though he doesn’t go out to hunt, the prey is always perfectly almost at his feet. He’s likely to not refuse anyone to disheartened them, but if he looks at them, and can tell they’ll bring problems for him. He will manage to maul them without leaving the corpse. No matter how many times his friends tease him, he’s not stressed about it. Honestly, he doesn’t involve himself with anyone ever since he got married. He’s in the state of Ramadan fasting this whole time. Once he’s reached his full point and is annoyed by the species, he’ll focus on the base. “And what’s this, you captured her and won’t let her go back to the same house. You’re not keeping her away from others right?” As Buripong was being served, Narit followed and slapped him with a net until Tianwat couldn’t come up with an excuse. (Meaning he trapped Tian with his words) “When will you guys stop being annoying for once?” The person who got teased by the crowd complained like he never used a full voice badly. He was angry for being betrayed by his friends who captured and sent him into the room well he still didn’t get them back. Though his mouth was running his face wasn’t angry at all not even a bit. “I wonder if the foods ready. I’m going to go check first.” He knew he couldn’t keep his behavior for long, so he tried finding something to avoid it. He raises his head to see and wanted to rush the cook because he’s afraid the person waiting will starve.
As Tianwat got the foods, he slipped away to go up to the room at that moment. On the outside, his behavior clearly says he’s in a hurry until his friends had to lined up in a row to block him. “Where are you going in hurry? Stay, sit and talk for a few hours first.” ‘Perhaps his rough body is here, but his fine body went to find Muey up in the room already.’ “No. I’m in a hurry to do the reports” It’s the truth at this moment he’s still not done checking Nateerin’s work. “What you’re still not done doing housework. It’s the third day already.” (He meant sex lmao) Narit pretended he heard wrong. Everyone else smiled widely but no one stepped aside for the half dried groom who’s returning to the room. “Doing reports not housework are you deaf or what” Tianwat complained in a low voice like he’s not extremely serious. Because he doesn’t want to waste time arguing, he hurriedly broke through and separated the gang then went upstairs to the room in a hurry afraid that Nateerin is going to be angry from hunger. Ever since he lured her to get out of the van, he still hasn’t seen her smile not even a bit. It’s not like before no matter how harshly she used to get teased, she’d still stand and smile for him. Then Tianwat realizes as he’s about to enter the room appears his bride’s supernatural powers isn’t gone easily. He sighs as he discovers the door is locked from the inside. He knocked already, and she’s still not willing to open it.
“ the door.” His voice is still smooth and inside is still quiet. But when he put his ears to the door to listen, he heard things moving in there. Tianwat knocked one more time. “Muey open the door...right now” His voice extremely increases as he ordered and pressured her until in the end, there’s a sound of response. “P’Tian, wouldn’t it be better if we came to an agreement?”
“Agreement about...” “If you let me go, I’ll have Mr. Banmi move you back to Hong Kong like before.” This is the only authority she has left in her hands because the charm symbol to suppress P’Tian’s soul, that she use to control him which worked is with him already. She doesn’t know where Tianwat hid it. (The marriage certificate) You can’t stay here, and you’ve never use to struggle. And one more thing, it won’t be good if people find out we’re staying in the same room. You’ll loose you’re reputation because everyone knows that I’m already married. They’ll say we’re having an affair.” Nateerin said. Even though the reason sounds a bit extraordinary to Tianwat until he raised his eyebrows before laughing softly. ‘Is there such a thing having an affair with your own husband? It’s the first time I’m hearing this.’ Nateerin still waiting listening for an answer, but her jaws dropped as the voice from outside spoke like he didn’t care and isn’t worried. “Well mom gave out the invitations already right? And must you be scared of whoever’s gossiping?” Tianwat tried explaining. He stood there waiting until he’s tired, and he’s starting to doubt the person inside will let him wait for long time right? It’s nothing just afraid that the food will spoil first. He tried telling indirectly already that he’s going to attend the wedding ceremony to reveal to everyone, so they know both of their statuses. But it seems like the person inside is still not willing to understand anything easily. “Stop joking around with me. I know you’re not willing to have aunt Jee do that. It’s better if we come to an agreement because if you’re still confining me in here you won’t have a day where you’re able to move to Hong Kong” she bargained with an older person her feelings are calm. Conscience is the only thing that can help her survive pass the grasp of a cold blooded monster like him. “I’m sorry that I teased you a little harsh. Don’t care for me. The more you keep me here the more you will’s like what I said I’m the only one who can bring you here, and the only one who can take you back.” The couple stared at the door that’s blocking them. Tianwat stood still listening to the person who dared to negotiate with him never thought of being afraid. The Nateerin now is different with the one he use to know. How many years did she build up with holding back the thoughts for him to believe everything she needs him to believe for example what kind of person she is? Its weird some people who plays chess it seems like its hard to understand at first , but the more they play and eat the pieces often. The more they stare the more they’ll figure out the game until they know the method to deal with the remaining pieces on the board. But for Nateerin, it’s like playing checkers. The method of playing seems like it’s easy but as he plays often, the more complicated it gets. The pieces that’s placed down in each point are deceiving that perhaps made him make a mistake and might be surrounded and get eaten every time if he misses just one point! “Well then, the offer is interesting.” Tianwat pretends to go along with it. Nateerin sneakily smiled as the bargaining is likely to be accomplished more easily than she expected if the next response didn’t come!
“But...what if I don’t agree.” The person inside squinted and thought. At that time they arrived to Dawei, Mr. Pretty boy made a face like he was going to depart from this world. Why all of a sudden he wants to stay or did the company paid him a lot to be on-site, so he wanted to struggle that bad. She won’t have mercy on him either. “If it’s like that then you’re welcome to go find a new place to sleep. This room I’m taking. Thank you!” She’s not willing to have others voicing their opinion that she and P’Tian are committing adultery. Even though P’Tian waited long he didn’t grab the room keys with him, he can go find a new place to stay. The door knob moved once again. Nateerin looked at Tianwat’s useless effort like she’s pleased. “Stop trying.” Nateerin smiled satisfyingly while holding the keys to the room. “P’Tian you won’t be able to get in...” Click!
She still didn’t get to finish her sentence her whole body became numb as the door slowly opens, and the tall figure walked in with the food in one hand as for the other, it’s pulling out a spare key from the door and put in his shirt pocket. The real owner of the room asked the person who thought of rebelling with a cold voice.
“What was it say it again..”
Nateerin quickly moved back as Tianwat came towards her.
“Is this how you repay the person who went to get food for you to eat?” The voice asked as Nateerin repaid her care with taking the room, he wonders is he lucky or is it bad luck for Nateerin that this room doesn’t have a latch. Its her fault for making him stand in front of the room until his legs are stiff.
Tianwat put the food down on the table then turned and said
“Take three more stacks of reports to revise.”

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