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Chapter 14
Man In The Dream​

“P’Tian, why are you up? The sky is still dark.”
The bright clear eyes turned and looked and was shocked to see Tianwat awake before sunrise.
Tianwat didn’t reply and he’s not used to the mattress that’s on the floor which is harder than the bed he used to sleep on his whole life. He couldn’t sleep last night and this house doesn’t have an AC it’s a good thing it rained last night until morning the atmosphere was cold and felt better than before.
“What are you doing?” The young man fluffed his hair and stared at the other person looking fussy with the rice in the basin.
“Washing the rice to make mango sticky rice and durian sticky rice. A shop had pre-ordered it for a while already. The mangos are ripe, so I decided to make it. As for the durian it, they just ordered it yesterday.”
She just kept talking not knowing if he’s listening or not.
It’s because of her he knew aunt Pa had changed from making curry rice to making desserts giving it to shops and hotels because it turns out that it’s delicious. The customer that keeps ordering is none other than Mrs. Sajee. It’s seems like the other person has a lot of things too do helping aunt Pa with the house work, so she can rest.
“Do you need help?”
Tianwat asked following the manners as he’s married into this house already.
Nateerin turned and smiled.
“I think you should wash your face and brush you’re teeth first so you would feel fresh. Let me get a toothbrush and face wash for you.”
He didn’t get to answer she dropped everything and disappeared into the room not for long she came back with everything in her hands. She told him to go squat at the water jar near the kitchen where all the branches are.
Tianwat grabbed the bowl of water to wash his face and brushed his teeth with Nateerin standing on the side with a towel in her hand.
“I didn’t know you can use the bowl too.” Nateerin said.
The thick hands grabbed the towel to dry his face then walked back to the kitchen with the owner of the house.
“Hmmm...what should I have you do? can start the charcoal stove while I scrape the coconut.
The other side followed what was told then looked at the charcoal stove as if analyzing how to it functions differently.
“There’s no manual on how to use it. If you can’t do it, it’s okay.” Nateerin can’t stop teasing Mr. young pretty boy of aunt Jee’s house.
“Inside there’s a gas stove why don’t you use it?” The person quick eye person was suspicious looking for easy way out in life.
“Every time you make sticky rice you have to use a charcoal stove, it comes out soft and pretty not hard and stiff when cooked on a gas stove.” Nateerin explained. The new member of the house started to do what he’s told with out arguing. The thick hands grabbed small wood chips and small scraps of paper crumpled it up not sure what he’s doing. He started to recall what he did during boyscout.
Nateerin smiled at the lovely image in her eyes. She wants him to learn to do things on his own like P’Ri, so she didn’t tell him how to do it. She then went to get the coconuts from under the house.
She came back her eyes nearly fell out as she saw her husband pour chrome kerosene nonstop!
“You’re pouring so much are you going to burn my house down.” Nateerin immediately stopped him before Tianwat started the fire then poured half of the kerosene out.
After that she taught him the correct way to light up the charcoal stove, so in the future young master Tianwat wouldn’t suffer and be able to survive if she wasn’t there with him.
In the morning, the new member of the house woke up to help her make desserts and as it hit noon he helped her mom nonstop. Nateerin smiled. She admits didn’t expect to see P’Tian like this. He even concentrated helping her mom wrapped the desserts in the green banana leaves without her mom teaching him.
‘Why is he so adorable?’ Nateerin thought you herself. Seeing P’Tian like this, how many people who knows each other for a long time realizes he can be secretly cute. He’s even more nice than P’Ri.
And the person who was secretly stared at looked up at her and made eye contact with her for a long time. Her heart started to beat fast as the persistent eyes glanced at her without relaxing.
‘When she was a child, seeing his back she’d be terrified. She never thought as he grew up he would be so handsome like this.
She’s just thinking to herself and smile. She forgot she’s not alone.
“What are you looking at?”
“Yes?” Nateerin came to her senses as she hear the deep voice.
Tianwat was suspicious he then lowered his head and continued to work. He made Nateerin’s cheeks turn red.
‘But P’Tian’s eyes can really suppress ones feelings’
“I’m going to go help my mom at the hotel. I’ll be back late tonight. Aunt Pa do you want anything? I’ll have someone bring it for you at noon.”
Tianwat asked. He still called her aunt even though her status has changed to be his mother in law.
“It’s okay thank you.” Phrapa smiled.
After that, the tall figure went upstairs to change. Nateerin took over Tianwat’s place and helped her mom finish wrapping the desserts. Less than 10 mins, Tianwat came back out in casual clothing that looks proper along with the car keys in his hands. He came downstairs and went out to the car in front of the house.
Nateerin stared at the car until it backed out from the old house. Phrapa spoke with her daughter with a gentle voice.
“Muey if It’s not comfortable for Tian to sleep here, don’t force him. I don’t want him to suffer with us.”
That side had been raise up well since he was small. It’s inevitable that he’s not used to living in this house that’s not easy or uncomfortable like this. Whoever says her daughter is lucky to have fallen into a pot full of rice, let them be. But she’s not interested in wealth when we die, you can’t take it with you. She allowed her daughter to get married knowing the other side doesn’t love her because she knows in her heart ‘who her daughter loves’
“Yes mom” Nateerin said. She too doesn’t think differently after seeing him sleep tossing and turning throughout the night.
“And are you doing anything this afternoon or do you want to go to the market with me.”
“That will be great I want to go buy a traveling book to read. Mom you can help me choose too.” Nateerin smiled.
“And where are you traveling to?”
“I think I’m going to Burma.”
In the office of the hotel, Tianwat is looking at different documents that Mrs. Sajee gave him to check. Someone from the company called him.
“Euh say it” Tianwat said annoyed with Mrs. Boss and with everything in front of his face.
“Now we know how Yada hacked you’re computer. She likely used the spyware key locker into your mailbox and you clicked it to read and the program ran it. This time whatever you print out the program would send every information to the hacker. She knew your password when you logged in.”
“And which mail was it sent with?”
“We’re still checking but the biggest part is it came with the trash mail. Next time you have to be careful don’t go opening emails carelessly. Euh Beer wants to talk to you. He has bad news to tell you.”
“Hey Tian” Buripong calling his friend.
“Euh say it.”
“The building model that you designed popped out at a different company. It seems like the prototype is yours. They just changed it up a bit here and there that’s all.”
“Which company?” He frowned. Now its nearly bunched up together as a knot.
Buripong told him the name of the construction company that Tada has a stock share with.
Tianwat can only tell himself to forget it the building model that’s been stolen isn’t that important. It’s a good thing not all of his important files are saved in the computer if not there would be a big issue.
“Calm down first once I go back, we can talk about it.” The serious voice was still calm and quiet. Tianwat spoke on the phone for a few more minutes then hung up. His eyes were cold as he found out he has an enemy he can’t see. If it’s really Yada, all those time he saw wrong because he never thought she had a brain dangerous like that.

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