Dr. Brown Eyes

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"Have a nice day!" I thanked the driver once again. He was kind enough to help me with my luggage before I enter the campus.

"Okay. This is it." I walked slowly towards the main lobby while pulling along my luggage.


Last night, for the last time, I slept in our family house in Quezon City.

They threw a small "Despedida" party for me. Just to you know, show their support for my decision even if they disagree with it.

I am happy because the whole family was there. Including the little monster herself - my younger sister, Emma. I almost puked at the thought of her. I can't stand her.

But I better stop thinking about her if I don't want my day to end up badly. Besides, last night was not that bad. It was great actually, I was able to say goodbye and thank you to everyone. I will just omit the fact that "she" was there.

Enough goodbyes and see you soons were uttered during the party. A few speeches and advices were given here and there too. Some were even thoughtful enough to give me pre-housewarming presents. Thus, the luggage I am now carrying.


The school is decent sized for a prestigious graduate school. I drew a deep breath and took the view in as I step inside the lobby. The interior design is very minimalist but modern. It gives you an aura of professionalism. I like it.

"May I help you?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the lady from the lobby ask this.

"Oh, I'm here to see Mr. Dubois?" I said with a smile.

"Ah yes, you must be Ms. Ellis?" I just nodded in response. "Follow me to his office please." She gestured for me to follow her, so I obliged.

The more I walk around this campus, the more I feel at ease and confident that I made the right decision. I made a mental note to call Mitch as soon as I got home.

We went inside the dean's office which is surprisingly modern and stylish. The lady from the lobby announced my presence then left.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Ellis." The dean greeted me with a smile and offered his hand for me to shake.

"The pleasure is mine Sir. I am really glad that you allowed me to visit the campus on such short notice." I was truly excited. All the nervousness I was previously feeling is gone.

"Don't worry, it was not a bother. The school year is starting a few weeks from now, so I think your request is reasonable." He said.

Judging by his looks, I say Mr. Dubois is cool even if he seems to be in his mid-fifties. I requested this meeting because I want to discuss the syllabus, the schedule, the set-up, and basically how this graduate school works. I know these things could've been discussed via email, but I wanted it to be done personally. I'm glad I was permitted.


I quit my full time work as an investment analyst 3 months ago. I wanted to put up my own investment company so I decided to further my studies.

The MBA program here is perfect for me. It has four terms that can be completed in just a year. I applied, and now here we are. So far, I am loving it.


Our meeting was short but precise. I like how fast-paced and professional everything is. I will definitely learn a lot in here.

Mr. Dubois escorted me to the door of his office. He even offered to carry the luggage for me. "There's no need Sir. You've been a great help already. I don't want to keep you from your work any longer." I shook his hands once again and said goodbye. "Thank you so much Mr. Dubois. Have a nice day!"

I opened the door and walked backwards so I can pull my luggage outside. Just then, a man annoyingly and inconveniently appeared behind me which caused my footing to be unstable.

Yes, you guessed it. I tripped and fell right on top of the stupid man. "Aahh!" I shrieked.

As soon as we landed on the ground, I immediately tried to stand up despite my high heels. The guy was trying to help me up, but I refuse to be helped by him. It is his fault!

"I'm so sorry miss. Here, let me help you up." He worriedly said.

"I'm fine. I can handle myself." I snapped at him ready to give him a piece of my mind. "Next time, you better-" my words got caught in my mouth when my eyes were met with the deepest and most beautiful light brown eyes I have ever seen. I gulped.

He held my arms and helped me stand up. He even picked up the luggage which also fell on the ground. "Are you okay, Miss? I'm really sorry, I was listening to-"

He was obviously trying to explain so I raised my hand to cut him off. "It's ok. Next time, you better watch where you're going." I must keep a straight face, it's best if I don't look straight in his eyes.

"Yes, I will. I'm glad you're ok." He gave me a huge smile.

Wait a minute, come on. What is he doing? Why is he smiling like that? He thinks he can flash those pearly whites and expect me to just let it go? No, this will not work on me.

I was struggling to keep a straight face when I heard Mr. Dubois call out. "What happened? Are you okay Ms. Ellis?"

"I'm fine Mr. Dubois. No harm and no bruise." I tried to lighten my mood since I didn't want to throw a tantrum in front of the dean.

Mr. Dubois then appeared at the doorstep to look at the incident. "Ah, I see you've met Dr. Beckett." He said referring to the brown-eyed man. "Dr. Beckett, this is Ms. Ellis. She will be joining the MBA program." He continued.

The brown-eyed man who apparently is a doctor, looked at me and reached out for a handshake. "Pleased to meet you, Ms. Ellis." I simply took his hand and gave him a small smile and nod.

I was trying to avoid eye contact since I was obviously fixated in his eyes. It seems to be speaking to me. I shook my head.

"Come along doctor." Mr. Dubois broke the trance that I seemed to be in. He then went back inside his office.

I got my luggage and was about to leave when I hear the brown-eyed doctor say "Hey, I'll see you around?" I only scowled at him, half expecting that he will do the same.

Instead, he once again gave me the biggest and most infectious smile that I have ever seen in this entire planet.

Instantly, my day got really interesting.


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