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A/N: The lyrics and the mood of this song, "Die With You" by Beyonce is perfect for Eli and Mari (For me even for LizQuen), play it towards the end of this chapter. Hope you like it. ❤️


After the incident in our house last weekend, Mari has been overly cautious and reserved around me.

For starters, he's constantly checking up on me and always asking me how I'm doing.

Then he's very careful in our conversations, making sure that the 'incident' never comes up. Our topic is always just about school, his work or what food should we eat.

Lastly, to my dismay, he doesn't even try anything romantic or sexual with me. No sexy comebacks, no meaningful jokes and no passionate kisses.

Yes, he holds my hands in school from time to time, gives me a few kisses on the cheek or forehead here and there, but nothing else apart from that.

I know he's just thinking about me and maybe he thinks I'm still bothered by what happened between me and my sister, but I'm really not.

I moved on, and I'm okay. I just have to show him that.

So for the past few days, I have been trying to show it to him. I am also trying to get his attention, so I can finally say my peace.

I even resorted to trying to seduce him just to get his attention.

For example, Monday, I purposely came to school dressed up a little too sexy. This was hard for me because I am usually conservative when I'm not modeling. I did it hoping to fish out a little 'sexy time'. But you know what happened? He just frowned, then took off his jacket and put it around me. Am I offending to look at?

Tuesday, we were warming up and stretching before we start jogging, I deliberately bent over in front of him. His reaction? He said 'forget stretching, I'll go jogging right away.' then off he went and left me there. ALONE.

Wednesday, we were watching Netflix in my place. We were sitting on my couch side by side, his arms wrapped around me while I'm leaning my head on his shoulder. You know, the usual cuddling. So when he started playfully kissing my ear, I thought yes, this is it. His kisses continued to my jaw, then my neck, so I tried to be bold for a change. I straddled his lap and initiated a kiss on his lips. He kissed back passionately for a moment and snaked his hands on my back. But before his hands and kisses went further, he quickly got up and said that he forgot to do something at home. Then he bolted out and left me there all hot and bothered.

Thursday, we were cooking dinner at his place. I chose to wear a dress with plunging neckline so he could have a little peek at my cleavage. I know, I'm getting desperate. Shoot me. But when I try to get close to him, he moves away pretending to do something else and ended up drinking water. I think he drank too much water that time. He ended up not having room for the food we were cooking anymore.

And so came Friday, which is today. The day before his house party. I gave up trying to seduce him. Well at least for now.

I'll just pick up where I left off during the party. Maybe I'll wear something too sexy that he'll have no choice but to lock both of us in his room.

These are my thoughts while we're here at the grocery store. I'm helping him pick up some last minute things that he needed for the party.

"Eli, do you think these nacho chips are enough?" He asked holding two bags of chips.

I was pouting to myself. I didn't notice he was talking to me.

"Hey, earth to Eli." He snapped his fingers in front of me.

DestinedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon