Mi Amor

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At the Party, Martinez Residence
Mari's POV

I furiously stormed out of his office before I say things I might regret in the future. How dare he? How dare he say those things? He has no right!

I went back to the party, still fuming. I can't believe this is happening. This is supposed to be a happy night. A night to rejoice and celebrate.

I snagged a glass of whiskey from the bar on my way out, and stood on one corner by myself. I need to calm my nerves. I was seeing red, breathing heavy, and my nose is flaring. "Fuck!" I hissed.

I need to see Eli. I need her close to me. I want to hug her and kiss her, and never let her go. She's the only person who can calm me down right now.

I took a deep breath as I stare blankly at the people partying. I'm trying, but I'm failing to forget what transpired earlier between my dad and I. I ran my hand through my hair and took a sip on my drink, as I recall our heated conversation.

"You were great today, hijo. The board of directors were very fond of you." Dad said looking mighty proud at me.

"Thanks, dad. It's not a big deal. I'm glad I got acquainted with the board. I answered with a smile. "Don't mention it."

He sat down on his chair and poured himself a drink. "Scotch?" He offered, I just shook my head in response.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. You got this Mari, nothing to it. This is it, now is your chance. "So," I started. "The reason I wanted to talk to you, is because I want to let you know that I'm proposing to Eli. I'm doing it tonight, at the party."

He stopped midway and almost spilled his drink. "I'm sorry, what?" He looked surprised.

I held my ground. "I'm going to ask Eli to marry me, dad." I repeated. "Tonight. Before the party ends." I bit my lower lip. "You're approval will mean a lot to me."

His eyes widen. "Are you out of your mind?" He let out a frustrated breath. "No. You will do no such thing. Especially not on my party!" He said irritably.

I looked at him, studying him. "Okay, fine. After the party then." I countered. Maybe he just doesn't want us to get the attention.

He looked me straight in the eye. "Are you out of your fucking mind Mari?" He stood up and started pacing the room. "You've been dating this girl in just what? A couple of months? Less than a year?" He asked. "Then all of a sudden you're telling me that you want to marry her? That's ridiculous and you know it!" He exclaimed.

"Dad, I love her and I want to spend my life with her." I tried to explain calmly to him. "Who cares if we just dated? This is more than all my previous relationships combined. I know that she's the one." I shook my head and pinched my temple. "This isn't the reaction I was hoping for, dad. I expected you to be happy for me, at least." I pointed out.

"How can I be happy for you if you're being stupid and irresponsible?" He said, his voice is raising now. "I get it, Mari. She's beautiful, looks and acts smart, probably very good in bed." He ranted. "She probably made you weak on the knees, but that's not reason enough for you to stupidly marry her!"

"I'll ignore the fact that you just said that, dad." I'm trying my best to calm down, but my voice is now starting to raise. "I will marry her because I love her, and I want to spend my lifetime doing just that." I said with greeted teeth. "This isn't a game dad, for crying out loud, this is my future we're talking about. I'm not stupid!"

"That's exactly my point. This is your future! I can't let my son marry someone like that!" He snapped.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Someone like what dad?" I dared him. "Tell me. Someone who isn't rich like you?" I said bitterly. "You loved my mom even if we are not rich, so why don't you just tell me what the real problem is here?"

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