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As soon as Mari left our room, I immediately called Mitch to confirm if the guys do have a meeting. I know I said I will believe him, but my gut just tells me something is not right.

True enough, she said Enzo is with him and that there is no meeting. They all hit the sack after dinner.

"Okay. Thanks, Mitch. Goodnight." I said then hang up.

I knew it. He's hiding something. Where the hell is he??

I debated whether to call him or not, I decided not to. I don't want to hear anymore of his possible lies. What could he be hiding from me?

I played with my cellphone for a bit. I browsed photos, played call of duty, whatever I can to try and wait for him. Maybe he stopped by in a restaurant and bought dessert or something?

However, hours passed but still no sign of him.

I checked the time, it's already past ten o'clock.

I huffed frustratedly. I lie down the bed and closed my eyes. "Fine. If he won't tell me, then I won't force him." I pulled the blanket and covered myself. "He won't be getting any from me until he explains himself."

A few minutes later I heard him enter the room. I remained quiet with eyes closed.

I think he changed clothes and brushed his teeth. I tried to open one eye to peek at what he's doing.

Shit. He's coming here.

I switched my position just to convince him that I am already deeply sleeping.

"Just one more night, Mari. You can do this." I heard him say after kissing me on the forehead. Then he climbed on the bed and went to sleep.

I was in shock. Hearing what he said just now, confirms that something is definitely up.

Just one more night? What could it mean? One more night of what?

I was wide awake for the rest of the evening trying to figure out what could it be and what it could mean.

I kept tossing and turning on the bed while he sleeps peacefully. What's so important that he had to lie and hide it from me?

Eventually, I did fell asleep. Hopefully tomorrow will give me the answers that I was looking for.


The following day, I woke up to soft kisses all over my face. I was still struggling to open my eyes because I need more sleep.

I think it was around 4am when I finally dozed off.

"Wake up baby.." The soft kisses continued, but I tried to ignore it. I'm too sleepy to respond.

"Hmmm.." I kept my eyes shut not wanting to face the man who I think is now sitting beside me.

"Eli, baby. It's time to wake up." He kissed me one more time. But this time, it lingered just below my ear.

I tried to reach for a pillow or a blanket so I can cover my face, but I got nothing.

Fine. I give up.

I tried to open my eyes halfway so I can adjust to the lighting.

There he was, the love of my life, sitting beside me. Who, may I remind you, is the reason you are sleep deprived this morning.

DestinedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon