This Means War

813 22 15

The next morning, I woke up around 6:30am, and Mari is already up and about.

I groaned in bed, feeling the numbness of my limbs. I tried to sit up, but I also feel sore in that area. If you know what I mean.

"Ouch." I plopped back down on the bed. "Baby!" I called out.

He came out of the bathroom, already fresh and ready to go.

Where is he going? Why is he not tired?

"Good morning sleepyhead." He smirked, looking down at me.

"Why am I having a hard time to get up? And why are you up so early? You should still be cuddling with me.." I protested while trying and failing to sit down properly again.

He chuckled. "Baby, I think you're just worn out from our extra curricular activities last night." He winked.

I groaned. "Aren't you going to at least massage me? This is your fault you know?" I gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes.

He chuckled and sat down on the bed. "How is it my fault? I'm not the one who requested round five." He reached for my leg and gently massaged it. "Is that better baby?"

I sighed with pleasure. "Yes..Much." I stretched my leg and relaxed a bit. "Thank you.."

He kissed my thigh and massaged me for a few more minutes.

"As much as I want to continue this, I really need to go. Just stay here and rest." He stood up and kissed my forehead. "I'm just gonna go down and check the boat that we're gonna use to go to the diving spot later."

"Fine. I'll just follow later when I'm a little rested." I said.

"Good girl." He gave me a quick peck on the lips then left.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep some more before I go down to have breakfast.

Around 8 o clock in the morning, I decided to go down and eat. Mitch sent me a text message, saying she's with Kate.

Apparently she's nursing a hangover. Perhaps she realized she isn't gonna get anything out of Mari.

I smirked. Serves her right.

I was suddenly perky and in the mood to get up and join them. I can't wait to see her face. I put on a yellow sundress over my bikini and head on downstairs.

When I came down to the restaurant, I saw Mitch eating breakfast with Kate who is drinking coffee.

"Good morning girls!" I greeted them with all smiles.

Mitch smiled widely at me. "Wow. You look glowing today." Giving me a meaningful look.

I sat between Kate and Mitch. "Really? I just woke up." I giggled. "Mari kept me up all night." I said a little louder so Kate would hear properly. Lol.

And she did hear it because she almost spill the coffee she was holding.

I internally praised myself. Childish? Maybe, but I don't care. It's fun.

The rest of the breakfast went pretty well. We actually got to know Kate more. Mostly I think she's harmless, but there is something in her that I think is hiding something. I can't pinpoint just yet, but I'm still keeping an eye on her. Call it intuition, but I don't trust her. At least not yet. Especially with Mari.

After we ate, we joined the guys in the dock. They are already loading their gears in the rented Flybridge Cruiser.

I ran towards Mari excited.

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