Girl Talk

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The rest of my week was uneventful. I stayed inside the condo for the most part. I only went outside once to buy groceries.

I kept myself busy with reading books, watching netflix or tv, and baking.

Today, I was able to bake cookies, cupcakes, and a mini cake which I will give to Michelle this weekend. Our plan is for her to visit later, Friday night so she can sleepover, then go home Saturday night right after our Little Women movie date.

I haven't told her about the Matteo incident. I figured I'll just tell her when she gets here. I hope she understands that I don't want her to worry about me even more.

I was finishing the cake design when I heard the doorbell rang. I stopped what i'm doing and ran towards the door.

It was Michelle. "Mitch!!!!" I shouted excitedly and gave her a big tight hug. "I missed you!"

She hugged me back. "I missed you too, Lizzie. The pajama party starts now!!" She excitedly stepped inside my unit and looked around. "Wow, your place really looks amaziiiing!" I took her overnight bag and told her to feel at home.

"Wow! Did you bake something for me? I can smell it from here." She said while walking towards the kitchen. "Wait, you baked all of these today?" She pointed at the baked goodies on the counter.

"Well, yes. I had time to spare before you came. The cookies and cupcakes, we can eat tonight. The cake is actually for you to bring home tomorrow. It's not done yet, but I know you love red velvet." I smiled at her when I see how excited she was.

"Hell yes! Let's eat all of these tonight! I'm needing some serious girl time."


After I'm done with the cake, Michelle and I cleaned up and changed into our pajamas. We settled in my living room. I served the cookies and cupcakes which we are going to enjoy over a Netflix movie.

"So, what do you want to watch now? Are you in the mood for some romcom or horror?" She asked while scrolling the list in Netflix.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something first." I said hesitantly.

She stopped scrolling and looked at me. "Lizzie, what's up? Tell me what happened." She said with concern.

"I saw Matteo last Monday." I said plainly.

"OMG! Here in Makati? What is he doing? Did he talk to you? What happened??" Mitch was rambling.

"Wait, Mitch. Relaaaxxxx. He was not following me if that's what your asking. It was just a coincidence, I guess. He was with yet another girl. Looks like they're on a date too." I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously?? That was last Monday and you are telling me just now??" She was a bit disappointed at first, but her expression quickly changed into concern. "Well, how are you? Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything. I'm here for you." She hugged me and I rested my head on her shoulders.

So I told Mitch the whole story. How he tried to avoid me at first, then my interaction with him and his new girlfriend, and me crying myself until 2 am in the morning.

I thought I will feel enraged or be triggered again while telling this story, but oddly enough, I actually feel at peace in a way. Maybe it's the fact that I think I have finally moved on. I allowed myself to let go of that chapter of my life. It's in the past now and I will only keep on moving forward with my head held high.

"You know what?" Mitch asked when I end my story.

"What?" I replied.

"Listening to you now, and comparing you to the person you were three months ago, I can see that you are now regaining your old self. It's evident that you are way over that guy. I am happy for you, truly. My best friend has arrived! Elizabeth version 2.0!" She proudly said while clapping her hands.

We both just laughed out loud. It feels good to be my old self again. But you know what? It's better to be back as the best version of yourself. Mitch is right, I am Elizabeth version 2.0.


Tonight we chose to watch "My Ex and Whys". We chose it since the main character experienced being cheated to also. And even if the male lead is far from my ex boyfriend Matteo, we thought it would still be fun. Besides, it's a great movie portrayed by our favorite love team and real life couple.

Half way to the movie, I remembered I need to show Mitch the video I took of Dr. Brown Eyes.

"Hey, Mitch. I forgot to show you something." I told her but she was focused on the movie.

"I'm trying to watch, Lizzie. You can show it to me later."

"Oh well. It's not important, it's just a video I took of Dr. Brown Eyes." I teased her, shaking my cellphone in front of her face.

Her eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so?? Give me!" She grabed my cellphone and looked at the video I discreetly took in the restaurant.

"OH. MY. GOSH!" Her eyes widened even more. "This is him?? He is so freaking hot!" She kept replaying the video over and over obviously crushing on him. I snatched the phone away from her. "Hey! I was still looking." I laughed so hard at her reaction.

"Lizzie! He is so gorgeous!" She said obviously still surprised. "Definitely an upgrade compared to Matteo." She said meaningfully.

"Mitch, I told you, i'm here to study. I have no time for relationships." My tone got serious.

"I know, you're right. But it doesn't hurt to have a crush! He can be your inspiration. Your hot, gorgeous inspiration. Hahaha." We both laughed.

After a few more minutes of gushing over Dr. Brown Eyes, we continued watching our movie. We ate the cookies and cupcakes I baked, and we just had the best time.


This night proved to me that moving on is possible. It may take longer for some people, but the most important thing is that you emerge a better person.

Learn from your mistakes and don't forget the people who were with you throughout.

Tonight I sleep with a peaceful mind and a happy heart, for tomorrow I emerge as Elizabeth version 2.0.


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