First Things, First

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"So, Christmas in Spain huh?" Emma said excitedly as I continue to pack my things. Mari and I are heading back to Makati in a bit.

"I know! Gosh, I had no idea he was planning this." I answered with the same enthusiasm. "I don't even know the details yet, we haven't really talked about it. I mean, we still need to apply for visa and stuff right?"

"I think he has that under control. From what I know, he is already has an appointment set for both of you." She sat on my bed. "He contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if I had a copy of your passport."

"Is that why you guys got close? You were conniving?" I smirked.

She chuckled. "He just calls me randomly to ask help. Usually, he asks questions about you."

"Questions like what?" I asked curiously.

Her eyes widened. "Oh no, I am not spilling anything to you. There's a reason why Mari asked my help you know." She said defensively.


"For starters, he asked my help because he wants this to be a surprise. He knows that if he ask Mitch instead, the possibility of you finding out sooner is inevitable." She laughed. "At least with me, you had no clue."

"But I did find out anyway." I bragged.

"Yes, but it's only because he couldn't keep something from you!" She giggled. "Poor Mari, he can't even keep a straight face! I guess the reason he managed to keep it a secret this long is because you guys are busy with school."

I smiled. I imagined his stress when he is trying to hide something from me.

"Did you know that he started planning this since October started? Almost a month now." She smiled and looked at me. "Mari's the one for you, Eli. I feel it and I know it. I am so happy for you."

I hugged her. "Thank you, Em. I love you." I kissed her cheek. "Don't worry. Your prince charming will come when the time is right."

She smiled. "Prince charming can wait. I'm busy making myself a queen of my own right." She declared.

"Atta girl!" I said while clapping.

A few minutes later, Mari came up and carried our bags into his car. We said goodbye to them and headed back home.

It was a weekend spent really well.


On our way back to Makati, I can't help but stare at Mari's flawless handsome face. I can't even begin to describe just how gorgeous he is, my eyes couldn't stop admiring him. I consciously wiped my mouth, I was probably drooling.

I looked outside the window for a while, tried to re-focus my eyes and my brains. However, it didn't take long before I started ogling at him again.

Good thing he was just focused on driving, it gave me the liberty to stare at him without being teased. I get embarrassed whenever he caught me staring.

He loves wearing caps. Like, a lot. I don't really mind because it looks good on him, but I kinda prefer seeing his medium wavy hair loose. It makes you wanna run your fingers through it.

My eyes slowly travelled to his eyes which are now focused on the road. I gulped. Oh boy, these mesmerizing brown eyes, paired with soft long lashes. How do I even begin to describe it? All I know is when those eyes are looking at me? I'm a goner. It is so expressive that I get wet down there by just his intense stare.

Wait, what did I just say? I mean think?

I feel my cheeks heat up. My brains are going dark again.

What I mean is, you know how people say that the eyes are the window to a person's soul? Well, I'm a strong believer of that, and I can definitely see his beautiful soul just by looking in his eyes. It has the power to talk to you and melt your heart, without him even saying anything.

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