Love Me Harder

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The rest of the week flew by really fast, and today marks the start of our second week here in beautiful Bolinao.

This lovely morning, Mitch and I decided to lounge and have breakfast by the beach, while the rest of the guys get ready for their diving.

Mari still joins them for the time being. He is still determined to talk to the Australian team when we get back to Manila, but I guess he wants to enjoy the ocean and help with the project while he can.

Sometimes I try to go diving with them for a bit, but I will easily give up and just wait for them in the boat.

I tell you, the water out there is different. Let's just say it's a little dangerous and is more suited for the advanced divers. I better stick with the beginners.

"Have you seen Kate lately?" I asked Mitch as I took a sip of my mango shake.

"Last time I saw her was 'that night'. Enzo says she is sick or something and refuses to leave her room." She answered.

"Oh." I didn't press for details, because frankly, I don't give a shit.

I hope her isolation will clear up her mind and bring her back to her senses.

"Did you ever have time to talk to her?"

"No. I also haven't seen here since then."

We stayed there and happily ate our breakfast while watching the waves and the view. Other tourists are arriving as well.

"Uhmmm, Mitch. Can I ask you something?" I started hesitantly.

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

"Have you noticed something peculiar with Mari these past few days?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "Hmmm..Not really. Why?"

"I don't know..I feel like there's something bothering him. He's acting strange. he is hiding something from me.."

"What? What makes you say that? You guys look fine when we are all together." She countered.

"That's the thing. During the day, when everyone is present, he's all sweet and touchy. We hug, cuddle and make out a lot. But as soon as we're alone in our room? He's too quiet and too aloof. He keeps to himself and is constantly checking his phone." I pursed my lips.

"Do you think this has something to do with the project that he will give up?" She raised one eyebrow.

I took a deep breath. "Yes..I do think he is still grieving about it. It's only been a few days, and a part of me thinks he blames me?"

"Here we go again, Eli. Don't do this to yourself. You guys are okay, don't stress yourself out. Has he ever given you the reason to think like that?" She suddenly giggled. "For all I know, you guys have sex all the time. He's always all over you."

"That's another thing. The last time we, uh did it was after the Kate incident." I looked down. "He's trying to avoid me. I concluded that it's probably because I'm bad at it and he doesn't know how to tell me."

"Come on, that's a silly thing to say. Maybe he's just tired. Diving can be physically demanding you know? And they do it everyday."

"But I know he is just pretending to be sleepy and tired. He is just pretending, Mitch! He is avoiding it. I mean, who the hell sleeps at eight o'clock?? He never sleeps that early!" I snapped. "So it must be me. I'm not good at it and he just doesn't want to admit it. I'm not making him happy enough in that sense." I said defeated.

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