I'm Yours (Part 1)

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"Good morning, world!" I declared happily in my room as I stretched and rolled out of bed. I walked in the shower smiling and humming to myself as I get ready for my day.

I'm always in a good mood ever since Mari and I got official.

Before, I would easily get irritated and I would always make a big deal out of simple things. But now? Nothing seems to annoy me and nobody can ever rain on my parade.

I guess that's how it is when you're in love, and honestly? Life has never been this good.

We have been dating for almost three months now. We went on several dates, but we still hang out with the squad and continued what we established before.

Nothing has changed really. Just the fact that we are now more comfortable and closer to each other in a romantic standpoint. You can say that the blossoming friendship before, has now bloomed into a beautiful flower ready for the next season of life.

I've learned to open myself up to him more and more. Of course we are still discovering each other everyday, but the most important things about ourselves are all out in the open.

Including my history with Matteo and Emma.

He was of course so happy that I was able to share this with him. He said he is so proud and happy for me because I have learned to forgive and forget.

Life goes on, and it's not healthy to keep grudges.

Mari brought back the color in my life. He gave me a reason to be happy again. No, scratch that. He did not just give me the reason, he showed me and taught me how to be happy again.

Basically, life with Mari as a boyfriend is just perfection.

Mitch is very happy and supportive. Well, she has been a huge fan of Mari to begin with. So, it's not really a surprise. Also, did I mention that she and Enzo are dating now?


My parents are in love with Mari too, and that makes me even happier. I appreciate Mari for making an effort to get to know my family despite our busy schedules.

In school, we act normally as possible. People know that we are together, I made sure of that, but we still keep it very low key. We are not very fond of public display of affection.

Other than that, we are inseparable.
We are together almost everyday as long as our schedules allow.

We can't seem to get enough of each other.


After I showered and changed, I prepared breakfast. Just a simple sandwich and milk will do.

I called Mitch via face time while I was eating.

"Good morning!!!" She cheerfully answered.

"Good morning! You look happy today." I said then took a bite off the sandwich.

"Happy for you, that is. I'm happy because finally it's your first sem break!" She announced. "Gosh. You guys need a break. You've been studying so hard. I don't know how you do it."

"Yeah! I'm so happy too. Finally I can oversleep a little and just be lazy and forget about school work and projects for a while." I sighed, feeling relaxed already.

"So, do you have any plans for the break yet?" She asked.

"Hmm..I haven't really thought about it." I pouted. "Maybe I'll ask Mari if he has plans."

"You know what, why don't you and Mari go on vacation? Just the two of you. That'll be fun." She smiled meaningfully to me.

"That's a good idea. Why don't you and Enzo join?" I suggested. "Or better yet, the whole squad?"

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