Slipping Through the Cracks

16K 208 79

Requested by blewmissme

Again, if this isn't the way you wanted it, I'm sorry.


They had made sure to request a private rehearsal this time. Having ARMYs around was fun, but for once they wanted to practice and rehearse on the performance stage by themselves, even without their staff.

Jungkook was excited. He and Jimin had a unit stage together and Hoseok had been helping him master the choreography down to perfection.

"Jimin-ssi!" Jungkook called.

"I told you to not call me that!"

"Jimin-ssi, Jimin-ssi, Jimin-ssi!" Jungkook burst into laughter when he saw Jimin's eyes turn into crescents as he started to giggle.

Nothing made Jungkook happier than to see his hyungs smile because of him.

Hoseok jumped up the stairs to the stage to join them. He had a big smile on his face. He had choreographed this dance all by himself so he was also very excited to see the two Busan boys perform it.

"You guys remember everything right?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin nodded, eyes shining with joy. He demonstrated one of the moves and Hoseok nodded approvingly.

"That's great!"

Hoseok left the stage to join Namjoon and Jin who were already sitting on the audience seats.

"Yah, Jungkook and Jimin!" Jin yelled. "If you forget any of the moves, just look at my handsome face and you'll remember!"

Hoseok and Namjoon groaned audibly sending Jimin into peals of laughter all over again. Jungkook grinned at his hyung, mentally preparing a roast to throw at him.

"Actually-" Jungkook said in a serious voice. "-if I look at your face hyung, I might get distracted."

Hoseok caught on immediately. "You should cover your face hyung!"

"Cover my beautiful face?! Never!"

Jungkook had to sit down because he was laughing so hard. Jimin had latched on to him also and both of them laughed until their chests started to hurt.

"Are you guys done yet?" Yoongi asked.

He was standing near the sound booth at the top, arms crossed. He was trying his best to look serious, but he kept twisting his lips - a sign that he was trying to not laugh.

Jimin stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Yes I'm ready."

Getting to his feet, Jungkook dusted off his clothes and got into position behind Jimin.

"Okay Tae, they're all ready. Start it!" Yoongi yelled to the second maknae as he ran back inside the sound booth.

Hoseok was speechless as he watched the two dance to the song. They were flawless. He had to hold back his tears as he watched Jimin and Jungkook transition through the dance moves with ease. It reflected how far Hoseok had come as a choreographer and that was emotional for him. Namjoon patted his leg supportively.

Feeling the adrenaline pump through him as he danced, Jungkook smiled internally as the music increased in intensity. This was his favourite part of the dance.

He moved to the left side and was about to start popping when his foot slid underneath him. His leg quickly giving out, he fell onto his face on the stage. Hard.

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