Part 1

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Moving to Hawkins with your parents a year ago seemed like the worst thing ever but now, after a year here you realized it wasn't so bad. Sure, you had to get used to living in a new place, make friends and figure out the school hierarchy but it wasn't too hard, even for someone who isn't exactly an extravert. Nancy, Steve and Jonathan made you feel welcome and now you called them friends. Sure, there was some awkwardness before you figured out their history and maybe they weren't exactly like the friends you had before you moved but still, it was better than nothing.

And now it's exactly one week before the new school year starts. Knowing that next Monday you'll be sitting in a classroom filled with people that you don't like (with a few exceptions) was giving you mixed feelings. It was exciting to get some more structure back into your life but you were also dreading all the school work that you'll have to do and most of all – waking up early. What you hoped for the most was to have fun, enjoy your ending school years and maybe even meet some new interesting people.

The plans for the last free week were not that exciting – go shopping for some necessities with Nancy, finish some reading you had to do over summer for English class and spend the weekend with your parents because they wanted some more "family time".

The days came and went and on Thursday you met with Nancy at the mall.

"Hey Mia, ready to do this?" Nancy asked with such enthusiasm you almost couldn't believe it

"Sure am! Where should we start?" you said as the girl hugged you tightly

You liked that Nancy was so welcoming right from the first day you moved to Hawkins but she was the girly-girl type while you had a bit more of an edge. She wears dresses and cardigans while you prefer leather jackets and band t-shirts so going shopping, although you do like it, is always slightly rough with her. On top of that – she kept talking about Jonathan and their relationship and quite often blowing everything that he said out of proportion. He was a sweet guy and you liked him and his family greatly so you didn't get what he saw in Nancy. On the other hand, her past relationship with Steve made sense to you. They both think so highly of themselves it makes sense they'd date. Either way, being her friend you kept quiet, listened to her worries and tried to help her. After all, the girl has been nothing but nice to you.

The shopping took a few hours and after that you both went your own ways – she to meet Jonathan while you came back home to play family with your parents that should've gotten divorced years ago. Still, they were trying to prove something to you, themselves and most importantly their friends and colleagues. The rest of the day passed quickly, Friday came and went and the weekend was spent cooking with your mom and dad, playing some silly board games and listening to their seemingly endless talks about how you need to be responsible and study hard this year.

Finally, Sunday night came and as you went to bed you hoped that this new chapter would bring some change and excitement into your life in this dull, small town. They say that you should be careful what you wish for and my oh my they are right...

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now