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Yoongi was right there with Tae all the time.

The kims and Jimin rushed to the hospital the moment they got to know about Tae. Not even trying to be quite as they made their way inside. But fell silent as soon as they entered Taes ward.

Tae was still passed out. Yoongi was sitting next to him quietly.

Namjoon was the first one to break the silence.

"How is he? Is he okay now?" Concern latched voice as he looks at his unconscious brother.

"Yes." Silence again.

"Is the baby okay?" This time it's Jimin.

Yoongi avoided eye contacts with the others as he spoke again.

"By the time we reached the hospital it was too late. They couldn't save the pup." He said in a small voice. If they didn't have a sharp sense of hearing they would miss it easily.

Jimin couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. Big tears rolled down his eyes and before he knew he was sobbing.

Yoongi comes forward takes his sobbing mate in his arms.

"It's all my fault." Jimin whispered.

"It's not Jimin please don't overstimulate yourself." Rubbing soothing circles on his mates back

"You don't get it Yoongi. I was the one who told Tae to talk to him. I should've never told Tae to confront that jerk. I shouldn't have left him alone.

I knew Jungkook wouldn't take it well but I still left him to deal with this alone. I should've been there for him."

"Please don't cry Jimin-ah. You're doing the same thing again. Now is not the time to break down. Tae would need you when he wakes up.

How are you going to comfort him if you yourself seek for comfort?" As minutes passes Jimin calms himself down.

"You're right I already made a huge mistake I won't burden him anymore."


The thought that he just harmed his own pup was killing him. His heart felt so empty from the rejection and now this made him feel like someone was stabbing him.

He needed comfort too.

So he went to the only source of warmth that he's been seeking for the past years.

But once he entered the room he was shocked.

"Where are you going hyung?" He asked Woosung who was packing his bags.

"My job is already done why would I stay here any longer?" Woosung said as he threw another one of his shirts in his bag.

Jungkook was so confused.

"What job hyung?"

"You are really that dumb huh?

I got my revenge on Taehyung so I have no purpose to live with you anymore."

"What revenge?"

"Revenge for killing my mate." Woosung smirked.

"He killed my mate so I took his away. And even if I didn't kill you he will never want you anymore. So we are even now. " Woosung started laughing like he was crazy.
"But you love me hyung." He just wanted to be comforted by the one he loved then what's this he's receiving.

"Please Jeon I hate your guts what are you talking about. You were nothing but a way for me to reach my goal. I felt disgusted that every moment I spend with you." He spat as if Jungkooks heart wasn't broken enough.

"Why me tho? Why did you choose me as a way to achieve your goals?" And Woosung laughed again.

"Why you? Why you you ask? All this started because of you. Actually if I'm being honest everything was fine before you came into the picture.

Even if he was obsessed with Taehyung a little time was all I needed to make him mine.

YOU ruined everything for me and Sehun. If it wasn't you Taehyung would just endure it like he did for years.

If it wasn't for you Sehun would be with me and we would be happy. Maybe we would have a little family already away from all these things.

But he's dead.


"It's only fair if you also live life knowing your mate doesn't wants you. That's what you did to me back then so it's only fair if you know how it feels like."

"The magic will wear off at midnight and you will remember your actual memories. We are even now Jungkook.

Good bye."

And Woosung grabs his luggage and gets out of his house.

Leave Jungkook with in a empty house with empty emotions.


Proofread who? I only know sleep.

Also I feel really inspired these days.

If I started this story would you read it?

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If I started this story would you read it?


And good night zzzzzzzz

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