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Jungkook wakes up to a hand softly stroking his cheek. He didn't even have the time to open his eyes as he hears him speak.

"I hate you so much. I'll never forgive you." The hand retreating but he catches it opening his eyes.

"Taehyung hyung." The other pulls his hand harshly out of his grip.

"I don't think you are in the position to call me hyung." He says harshly.

"Hyung please just listen to me once." He begs.

"Don't fucking call me that I don't want to listen to I'm just here to tell you one thing." Taehyung says as he stands up.

"At least tell me our pup is okay please." Jungkook looks into his eyes pleading. Taehyung let's out a sad chuckle.

"Our pup? Oh you mean my pup? Don't you dare call my pup yours." Tae says as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Hyung please! I know I made a mistake but you can't just say that! He's still my pup. Our pup. " Tae scoffed.

"That I'll never accept Jeon. Actually my pup is the reason I'm here right now.

What kind of father kills his own pup? You rejected me and I did nothing but you took the only one I was willing to stay sane for!" Jungkook gasped.

He didn't! He could never kill his own pup!

"Hyung what kind of sick joke is this?! Please never say something like that ever again." Jungkook said angrily.

"I wish. I'd never say something like this even as a joke. But my baby is dead.

And it's all your fault! Or maybe it's mine. I should have went away leaving you with your fake mate." He chuckles.

"I shouldn't have thought about telling you anything about him. I should have kept him to myself. At least he'd be alive." He said sadly.

"That's why I'm here today. I'd love to have a conversation with your fake mate but I see he left you." He laughs at Jungkook.

"I knew he'd be gone but didn't know he'd leave right after I go. He must have enjoyed a lot."

"But that's not what I came to say.

I came here to tell you that you have no right over my dead pup. Never call him yours, never think about him.

You're a murderer and I'll never want you ever again neither will I see you again." As soon as he finished talking he was gone just like that.

He didn't even let Jungkook speak. Just leaving the others heart shattered.


The amount of pup in this chapter makes me feel weird so they won't be having no pups anytime soon bye.

There will be a major time skip in the next chapter. You can leave the story right here if you want a sad ending or simply don't like major time skips.

Only Weak Ones Cry [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now