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Act I__________

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Act I

Why put up with some fucking idiot, when I can be going to a damn party?

_________ ♡♤♧◇☆ _________

Chapter 1
Minor Morena

"Margot Morena, report to the Main Office immediately! I repeat, Margot Morena, report to the Main Office this instance!" Principal Morita yelled, beaming with anger

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"Margot Morena, report to the Main Office immediately! I repeat, Margot Morena, report to the Main Office this instance!" Principal Morita yelled, beaming with anger. The bitchy teenage girl had been ditching all of her classes to hangout in the school hallways of Midtown High school of 'science and technology,' to spray graffiti on the Girls bathroom stalls that said, SLUT., all over them,, and that was when she heard her name being called from the Principal's office, causing her to groan loudly and make a swift turn on her heel and head to his office with a hostile expression. Now, what could this dumb guy possibly want from her now?

When she entered the office, she realized that her mother was there, sitting perfectly still in a chair in front of the Principal's desk with one leg crossed over the other and with her arms crossed over her chest, causing her to roll her eyes. Her mother had been wearing her nurse attired outfit with her hair pulled up into a ponytail, which meant that she had to leave work early for this situation. Principal Morita gestured with his hand for her to have a seat right beside her mother before she tightened the straps of her backpack over her shoulders and plopped herself down and rested her boots on his desk, while leaning back in her chair, causing him to curl his lip in disgust and for her mother to elbow her in the side for her to lower her feet to the floor.

Margot slumped back in her chair. "So, we meet again, Principal Morita," she said in a sing-song tone, beaming with sarcasm. "What the hell do you want now?"

Her Principal continuously tapped his finger down on his desk in an angry manner. "Do you know how much vandalization you've caused here at this school?!" He yelled, pounding his fist down on his desk. "You've damaged school property. You beat the school mascot senseless. A few of our beloved teachers have already quit. I should expel you and call the authorities from all of your evil and rebellious little acts!"

"Please, that won't be necessary," her mother, Elizabeth begged, shaking her head. "She's only been here two weeks. Can't you give her another chance to make things right?"

Margot released an annoyed sigh. "I don't even see what the fucking problem is, dude!" She argued, leaving both adults to narrow their eyes at her. "Why can't you just be chill and shut the hell up, and just fuck my goddamn mother already? She's a desperate bitch - a hooker, or whatever, she'll do it!"

Her response caused them both to gasp and for Principal Morita to reach for his phone to call the authorities, but Elizabeth stopped him with her hand lifted in the air.

"Please, sir, I don't have any other options for her."

Principal Morita groaned softly and eyed Margot. "Fine, but if your daughter pulls anymore of her crazy tricks, that's it!"

"Blah, blah, blah," Margot mimicked with a roll in her eyes, motioning with her hand as a talking puppet for his voice. She watched her mother gesture with her thumb for them to leave before lifting herself out of the chair and turning on her heel to meet Principal Morita's eyes when her mother left the room first. "Hey, Principal Morita," she called, false innocence beaming in her tone. She reached her hand down in between the insides of her ripped jeans, where her vaginal area was and shot it back up to flip him off, causing him to gag in disgust. "Dasvidaniya, Principal Morita!"

And before he could call her out for her disgraceful exchange, she closed his door shut with a slam and stalked towards her locker to gather her things, and that was when the school bell began to ring loudly, causing crowds of students to enter the hallways, scattering all over the place and talk amongst themselves with other teenagers. Just as she closed her locker back, her eyes soon landed on a certain boy that she spotted, walking through the hallways, while getting shoved out of the way by jocks and calling him a loser, causing her to grin with mischief as the strutted towards him, being ready to call him every rude word she could possibly think of once she was close to him.

"What's up, Dingus?" She asked with a smirk, thumping him on his temple with her fingers, causing him to wince in slight pain.

"It's Peter," he mumbled under his breath, sighing deeply from her rude label for him. "Don't you have anywhere else to be then to mess with me... again?"

"Nope," Margot simply replied, popping the P. "Why be anywhere else, when I can be right here with a pathetic, little bitch like you to pick on, huh?"

Peter frowned. "I really don't have the time, Margot..."

Margot interrupted, "I don't care, Dingus. You know you're nothing but a fucking, lonely little nerd!"

He rolled his eyes. "And yet, you're spending your time talking to one!"

Margot walked close to him to fire back, but a sudden honk of a car sounded from outside the school, causing her to groan slightly as she practically forgot that her mother was waiting for her outside in the car.

"Well, I gotta bounce, Dingus," she announced, saluting him with her fingers as she began to walk away. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class if I don't ditch again or whatever, to finish our little argument that I can guarantee you will always turn into a big one!"


A/N -- I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, and I know it may seem a bit short, but wait for chapter four or five because they'll be longer chapters, but it really depends on when I'm not running any crazy errands or whatever.

A/N -- I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, and I know it may seem a bit short, but wait for chapter four or five because they'll be longer chapters, but it really depends on when I'm not running any crazy errands or whatever

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