Chapter 1

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My whole life has been fliped upside down. I had everything. The perfect boyfriend, a great job, a good start on an acting career and college classes lined up for that.

That had all been striped from me. I lost it all. The boy I loved left. He left and with him went my self-worth.

I'm walking across the street from my apartment building to a café just to pick up a drink and head back. If I was to go any further, I'd have taken my therapy dog with me.

I wasn't gone long, but when I get back I already know my two witches of sisters have done something.

Cortez's not there waiting to greet me at the door in his usual spot.

But both of my sisters are in the kitchen gathering up their things.

"What did you do with my dog?!" I shout at them both. "Where the hell is he?!"

"He tore up my bedroom and pissed on Cece's bed again." Jen, the older of the two, says all cocky. "So we gave him away."

"Gave him-" I stop myself from completly loosing it. "You gave away my dog?! He's my dog! And he's a certified and trained therapy dog! How could you?!"

With that I just turn and head back upstairs. I grab my backpack from my room, then head upstairs to my buddy's family's place.

Jonah and I have been friends for a long time. He's home, but his family's out on vaction. I wasn't supposed to come over this early, but I can't stand sitting alone in my place without my dog there. I usually do everything with him.

He's got a party going on. He's got permision from his parents. As long as there's no drugs and all the valuables are inaccessable.

I just head in and down into the guest room without a word. I stick at the outskirts of the crowd until I make it there. I catch a glimps of an old friend of mine. A boy that I once called my best friend, then briefly a lover. Until he first left on tour with our other four buddies and decided to leave me, and what we had, behind.

I drop my stuff on the bed and take a minute, racking my hand through my hair as I pace the length of the room.

It's pretty quiet down here and I'm soo greatful for that. I just need a quiet, calm place to destress for a few moments.

There's a knock on the door, and I open it, expecting it to be Jonah coming to check on me. But instead, it's Jack. His once long, curled hair now cut short and his dark eyes deep with concern.

"Um... hey..." he says, steping in and easing the door so it's only open a crack. "I uh... I wanted to come say hi."

I take a step back a little as he steps closer to me. His steps are pretty cautious too, but he doesn't know everything that's happened to me. Only very few people do.

"Well, hi." I mumble, my voice a little too bitter.

I don't know how to stand, or what to do with my hands, or even how to breathe properly.

Jack picks up on it and steps up really close. "Hey, what happened? What's wrong?"

I freeze as he lifts his hands; pressing them to my flushed cheeks.

I take a deep, startled breath, but don't pull away. His touch doesn't send a jolt of fear through me. I don't snap at him or jump away like I've done for the past six or so months to absolutely everyone else.

I try to swallow the lump in my throat as a little bit of the tenseness leaves my muscles. I close my eyes, realizing how much I've missed physical human contact.

"Addy..." Jack whispers. "Are you okay?"

When I open my eyes, Jack's standing soo very close and I get a flash of what happened to me. My emotions clash and conflict and I draw back, looking for an escape.

I decide to just go to the bathroom down here. I leave worldessly, nearly knocking into Jonah on the way.

*******Jonah's P.O.V.

"Addy just let you..." I stand stunned for a moment after she hurridly heads to the washroom.

"What's going on with her?" Jack asks, looking just as stunned as I am. But for an entirely different reason.

"Jack, do you know how long it's been since she's let someone touch her?" I step into the room with him. "Jack, no one can touch her anymore. It's been six and a half months."

His face turns white and he looks down at his hands. Heartbreak crosses his face.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "Jack... I can't tell you what happened without letting Addy know first. But Addy did go through something and it's been really hard."

Jack looks wrecked. He wants me to tell him, I can't tell. But he won't bother asking me cause he knows I won't say anything. I know just how much he cares about Addy. Because the whole reason he left her was to spare her the problems of a long distance relationship. It was to spare her the longing and the hurt and the loneliness. "She deserves soo much more then a guy who can only be there for her for a handful of months at a time," is what he told me.

It was the biggest mistake they coulda made. After that, the guy she dated... she refused to tell anyone at the time what was really happening but she did tell me later on.

I knew he was rough on her. She'd facetime me now and again and I could see the bruises on her skin. I knew she'd found herself in a bad place. But after she and Jack split, she didn't feel like she was good enough anymore. She felt she had lost the best thing that happened to her and she wasn't worth wasting the time of any man worth while. It didn't matter how many times I told her she was worth so much more then that.

And Jack, well... he found another girl too. One he tried to drown his sorrows with. He tried everything to move on. Even going as far as having a kid with her. But that's never changed his feelings for our Addy.

"I'm... just gonna go for a walk until everyone leaves." Addy comes back and grabs her bag. "Maybe I'll find Tezzy..."

My brows furrow, my attention snapping to the once sweet, outgoing girl. "Cortez? What happened to him?"

Addy sends me a chilling glare. "Don't ask."

I raise my hands in surrender. No one messes with Addy. No one pushes her. If they do... well we don't wanna loose her. We don't wabt her to shut down again... "Alright. Do you want help looking?"


With that she's gone.

"She's soo... cold..." Jack's gaze trails after her. "I've never seen her soo distant. I never heard her like that."

I give him a bit of an apologetic shrug and he just heads upstairs.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now