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Violetta's POV:


It has nearly been a week since my first appointment with Billie. To be honest, I was expecting to receive another phone call asking for an emergency appointment, but to my surprise and kind of disappointment, that has not happened. It's Thursday today and Maddy has made regular appointments with Billie's team that she is to see me each Friday for a period of one hour.

I haven't had any A-listers this week, my diary has been consumed with more over wealthy women. I find myself staring out the window more often than not, my once consumed thoughts transitioned into more of a blue eyed sass queen. Why wouldn't she talk to me? And why am I overthinking this. Usually I wouldn't worry if it was Anybody else.

As I sit at my glass top desk working on a few client notes, I hear my desk phone ring. It's Maddy.

"Hi Madds, what's up?" I ask, the phone between my ear and shoulder as I write the last sentence on my computer.

"It's your mom, she wants to talk to you about the event this evening" I take hold of the phone with my hand again as I roll my eyes.

"Shit, I forgot about that. Can you please go to the dry cleaners and pick up my stuff. There should be a dress in there I can wear, I'll have to go straight from here" my palm on my forehead.

"Yeah sure, I'll be back in 10" I hear Maddy fumbling to get her handbag out.

"You're a lifesaver, thank you!" I thank her.

"Yeah yeah, you owe me a drink V, which we should do tomorrow night?" with a hopeful tone. I should go out more, I just don't really find it fun. All the sweaty people grinding on one another, the air hot and thick, random people flirting. It doesn't sound appealing to me, but I should do it more.

"Sure, sounds good. Now put my mother on before I forget" I hear Maddy giggle and hang up the phone, transferring the call.

"Violetta darling?" My mom starts.

"Yes, hi mom, I'll be there tonight. What time is it again?"

"Oh wonderful, we are sending a car for you at 7, okay see you soon I have to run. Your father is choosing the wrong coloured tie" I mumble a quick goodbye before the line goes dead.

"How's your only daughter you ask?" Mocking myself into the non existent phone call.

"I'm great, wonderful actually. All I do is work, I have nobody waiting at home for me, all this money that I don't have time to use... I'm so great mom. Thanks" I say using a fake happy voice. With a loud groan I slam the phone back onto its place on my desk.

I run my hands from my face up to where my bun sits on top of my head. I remove the black elastic making my brown soft curls fall over my face. Running my fingers through my hair I massage my scalp that's probably been pulled to hard in its place today.

I let out another groan thinking about the event gala tonight. It's not that I hate going to these things, I am happy to give where possible I know it's for a good cause but I have to wear an uncomfortable dress and drink over priced champagne whilst getting hit on by so many guys, it's not my idea of a fun night.

I wish I would give off a vibe like, hey don't talk to me I'm not interested, also I don't feel like playing for your team today.

With my head in my hands, suddenly I hear my office door open abruptly. I snap my head up and see none other than Miss Eilish waltzing into my office. Always acting like she owns it.

For fuck sake, I can't deal with her sassy attitude right now.

I stay seated with my palm on my cheek.

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