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Billie's POV:


I can't stop smiling like the complete fool I am, as I am driving home from my night with Violetta. The green eyed goddess consuming my thoughts.

I've already called Zoe and tortured her with how amazing my night went. I say tortured because all she did was groan that I woke her up, like fuck off I did. It's only 11:45pm, there is no way that girl was asleep, I say doing other things and then I called and took her time on talking about myself for 10 minutes, is more likely the case.

As I turn into my street, I notice my manager, Zach, is parked out front.

"Fucking hell" I whisper angrily to myself. I pull into the driveway and put the car in park. Surely it's a little late for him to be here, in person. Then it dawns on me, my phone call earlier with my brother.

"Fucking Finneas" I spit with venom.

I get out of my car, locking it and a loud beep sounding, confirming the car is now locked.

I pad up the porch steps and take a large breath of air before turning the handle on the front door.

As I walk in, I am faced with my whole family sitting on the couches in a heated discussion. I notice a large amount of papers strewn across the coffee table.

I roll my eyes placing my palm to my forehead.

One night, I can't even have one night without this bullshit.

As they notice my presence, the room falls silent.

"Wassup?" I say monotone walking over to the couch.

"Honey, How was your night?" My mom starts, with a smile on her face.

"It was great actually, but now I think it's about to go to shit" I pause looking at Finneas.

"Someone wanna tell me what's going on?" I look down at the papers on the table. The header at the top is my recording label, and they look like contracts.

Jesus fuck.

"Well we were just discus-" My mom speaks up but I cut her off.

"No mom stop. I want to hear this from Finneas" I continue, and glare at him.

"Bil, we think it may be best if-" I roll my eyes at his tone. So grown up. So cold.

"What Billie?" Cutting off his own sentence.

Zach clears his throat and speaks up for the first time.

"Look-" his voice calm and clear, putting a barrier between my brother and I.

I've always liked Zach, he's chill and really likes where my mind is at in terms of creativity. We have always bounced things off each other easily. I find him more of a friend than a manager.

He sighs and puts the palms of his hands over his eyes, rubbing them.

I stand with my arms crossed getting more heated by the second.

"We know who you were out with tonight and it's just not very responsible Bil" Zach speaks, moving his head up again.

"I beg your pardon?" I growl.

"She works for us, we can't have you personally attached to someone who is meant to be working for you, Ms. Reyes needs to examine you and provide feedback on your mentality" I shake with anger at his words.

"You think any of you can tell me who I can and can not be around or have a friendship with, hell a relationship even?" I question moving my index finger around the room.

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now