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Violetta's POV:


I wake up to a cold sensation on the side of my head and comfort under me.

I can hear voices from what now I can make out as outside of my bedroom door, meaning somehow I've been put into my bed.

"What happened to make her pass out" a sweet voice asks with a hit of venom.


"You, that's what fucking happened" another female voice spat back with more anger.


I wince and touch my head where it's pounding, a bandage wrapped around it.

"Me? The fuck did I do" Billie continues their not so nice, chat. Which Maddy scoffs At.

"Look, I don't want to fight, it's 3am and I need to go home" she sighs.

3am, fuck how long have a been out for, I wonder.

"Billie she really likes you, like really really. What happened between today and yesterday?" This perks my interest more.

There was a slight delay, no one saying anything.

"Please don't tell her" she pleads almost begging.

"Yeah of course" they walk further down the hall way and the voices become muffled.

I need to hear this. I slowly get up from my bed and walk over to the door, hoping to her the conversation.

"My fucking management happened" Billie starts, anger still in her voice but more sadness than anything.

Her management? That is not what I was expecting.

"What do you mean your management?" Maddy questions.

"They made me sign a contract that says V and I are to not have any relationship outside of my appointments, and - "she pauses.

"And- I have to make her sign it too. I don't know what to do, I am falling for her Maddy. How am I meant to stay with her as my therapist and see her all the time, when all I want to do is kiss her and I'm not allowed too" her voice breaking at the end and a small sob escaping.

I can't control my thoughts. What the actual fuck.

Now we aren't even allowed to have a relationship even if we wanted one? What type of people do this? How does Billie have to put up with this?

My head already hurts. I listen further, but not knowing if I can take anymore.

"Fuck Billie, that's shit" I hear Maddy and then another sniffle.

"Awe come here" she must be hugging her.

I want to hug her too, maybe I should walk out. I start to turn the handle of my bedroom door as I hear more.

"So when are you going to tell her" Maddy asks.

"I wasn't" she replies.

What the fuck. I have a right to know, or would she prefer to ghost me?

I decide not to go out there now, I trudge back to my bed and lay down putting the ice pack back to where to hurts.

I puff out a little bit of air and cross my arms, noticing I now have a big T-shirt covering my body.

That better have been Maddy changing me, I was in a fucking baby blue lace set. Great.

I hear my door open as someone walks in. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to deal with the new information I have just heard.

Gentle finger tips move the hair off my face and slowly run down my cheek to my jaw. I know this is too sensual to be my friend.

Not wanting to face the girl who is slowing starting to take ownership of my heart, I try and rid my mind of my thoughts.


All I see is black, again.



These are really short but I promise they will get longer again. Is there something you would like to see happen in the next chapter?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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