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Billie's POV:


"Who was that?" I ask Matt, one of my sound techs.

"Dunno, said "Doc" on the ID" he says shrugging.

I instantly check my watch, knowing I must've ran overtime with sound check.

"Shit" I mutter to myself as Matt hands me back my phone.

Why would she hang up though, she knows how important our sessions are, that's not like her. I crease my brows in confusion.

I mutter a thanks taking my phone and dialling her number, I hear the door close and silence take over the room.

It rings for a while, just as I am about to hang up I hear a faint "hello".

"Violetta?" I question, in which she hums a reply.

"What's going on? We have a session now, right?" My tone all kinds of confused.

"Uh yeah" she clear her throat.

"Oh-kay..." I elongate my word.

What the fuck is going on right now? Did I do something?

"Baby, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry I'm late for our appointment but we can-" she cuts me off mid sentence.

"No no, it's fine. I just- you know what never mind" she finishes with a sigh.

"Tell me please, clearly something has happened" I am really confused now. I thought we were in a good place.

"I thought" she sighs again. I wait patiently for her to continue.

"I thought something was happening with that guy, I heard you giggle and my mind jumped to conclusions and just - I don't know - yeah" she said sounding deflated.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Babe, are you for real right now?" I calm myself down enough to spit some words out, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I-yeah?" She whispers.

"Oh my, Vi I gotta dick.. and I'm dating you, how does any of that makes sense angel?" I try not to laugh again.

"Shit you're right" she replies surprised.

"Ugh I'm such an idiot" she laughs now too.

"I have a bad past experience and I guess it bought it up, I'm sorry" her words sincere.

"Shit babe, I didn't know. I'm sorry for laughing" I keep forgetting there is probably so much we still don't know about each other.

"It's okay, can we talk about this face to face please? Plus, we need to get on with our appointment" she dismisses.


I'm woken by my phone ringing, I groggily turn over and blindly feel for my phone on top of my bedside table.

Picking it up I note there's no caller ID and place it back down letting out a large groan. I really don't want to change my number again if it has been leaked.

I pick it back up again and turn it on silent, allowing sleep to take over my body once again.


"Billie" I hear a soft voice.

"Bil, wake up" the voice is louder making me stir from my slumber.

"Honey it's Violetta, you need to check your phone" I now register the voice as my mother's.

I instantly holt upright at my girlfriend's name and grab my phone, it shows a list of missed calls from the same unknown number and a few from Maddy.

"Shit, shit, shit" I repeat, my hand on my forehead.

"She's okay Bil, that was the hospital trying to call you" I forgot my mom had been in the room for a second. My eyes find hers and she nods understanding my silent questions.

"She fainted at work late last night, a cleaner found her. She was conscious but in pain, apparently she was clutching her stomach. They called an ambulance and she was taken to hospital, I guess she asked them to contact you but when you didn't answer, she found my number on your emergency contact details under your file and called me" I watch her mouth move as I try to soak up the new information.

"I need to go to her mom" I say with determination getting out of bed and pulling a small suitcase onto the bed.

"I figured you would say that" she smiles at me.

"I've booked a flight back to LA, it leaves in a few hours..but honey" she pauses making me look at her again.

"We can't tell anyone the reason you are going"

"Fuck. I keep forgetting this is a secret" my anxiety is hitting the roof.

"It's fine, I'll sort it out but you need to call her Billie she must be scared. There has to be a reason she phoned me to get to you so urgently".

I nod and grab my phone dialling her number as my mom leaves the room.

"Hey mom" I call out making her stop.

"Thank you" I tell her, she smiles and closes the door.

"Billie" I hear my girlfriend's voice, and then soft sobs.

"Baby I'm here, I'm so sorry I stupidly put my phone on silent thinking my number was leaked again" I explain.

"I'm on my way home now" I say shoving clothes into the suitcase.

"Bil" her voice breaks.

"Yes angel?" I stop what I am doing awaiting her reply.

"We need to talk"

I hate that sentence.

Even when you know everything is okay, that one sentence will make you question every previous decision you have ever made, which is what I'm thinking now.



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