Twenty Three

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Usually I don't put A/N's at the start, however special mention to my love, whom wrote this chapter too.



Billie's POV:


Tour has been going great. It's been a couple of weeks since we resumed and everything was going smoothly, a little too smoothly if you ask me.

Vi has been super clingy to me lately, which I have put down to our baby growing inside her but I'm starting to catch on that it's happening more often when my brother comes into a room. There are small actions I notice from her, the way her body tenses and any space between us seems to disappear, like I am her safety blanket. I haven't pressed the issue because I don't want to cause her further stress, especially when she is constantly feeling unwell.

I am not sure how long though I can go about keeping this to myself. I would speak with Finneas about it, but I believe in talking to my girlfriend first, that is the right thing to do.

I've just finished my last interview for the day and to say I am exhausted would be an understatement. I need cuddles with my girlfriend and a few episodes of 'The Office' to relax.

I heave my legs up the stairs onto the bus with a groan. Yelling a quick hi out to Vi as I go straight to the fridge for food.

I don't hear anything, maybe she is asleep. I close the fridge door, and quiet my movements as I tip toe to the back of the bus. Turning the door handle with minimal noise, I open our bedroom door. What I find next is the opposite to what I thought was going to happen tonight.

There is my beautiful girlfriend, baby bump and all, on full display in the sweetest lingerie set. Her legs crossed sitting on the edge of the bed, hands behind her, holding her weight.

"Hi baby" she smirks seductively.

I audibly gulp, taking in the sight in front of me.

We haven't been intimate lately, Vi has been ill and I've been busy. That is our life at the moment. Not to mention the unspoken issue of my brother. Anyway, I know she has been wanting me and of course, I have been wanting her too, but every time we try something comes up.

So the fact she's planned this, waiting for me to come back to the bus, is a turn on in itself.

I pick my jaw up from the floor as she giggles at my reaction.

"Well hello to me" I mimick her smirk and walk closer to the bed.

My hands fall to her exposed bump as I caress the smooth skin, earning a loving sound from my girlfriends lips.

"We have missed you" she leans her head up puckering her lips in a silent demand for a kiss, which I willing oblige.

Leaning down I place my palms now on her thighs and press our lips together softly, before I remember the stunning sight below me. Our lips melt into one as Vi's hands pull me closer to her by my waist, earning a moan from me and a desperate plea to allow my tongue into her mouth, which is happily granted.


An hour or so later I am seated with my family around the small table in my bus. Finneas and Claudia in front of me and my parents to my left. I was waiting for Vi to wake up after our post sex nap, but she's still sleeping. I figure she needs it, so I am letting her rest.

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now