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I don't really know how I feel about updating in light of recent events; but then thought maybe that's when ppl need it most so here you go. Look after yourselves!

Violetta's POV:


I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. My head was pounding and my body was cold, I wonder if this is what it feels like to die, or I guess more like be dead.

The cold sensation was felt through all of my limbs, and blood running like ice through my veins.

All my body except my hand, there was a warmth there. My eyes flutter open and I turn my head to look down at my hand that is connected to someone else.

There lay a sleeping figure next to me, which I know all too well as Billie. She must've stayed to look after me.

A small smile dances on my lips as I drink in all of her perfections; her full lips slightly parted, her cheeks with a pink tinge to them, her hair falling gracefully over one half of her face.

She is beyond beautiful.

I have been so lonely for such a long time, the sight of seeing her laying next to me in bed is sending a zoo wild in my stomach.

It is short lived though.

At the sight of the girl who is making me question every ethical thought, last nights events start to seep through my mind like a wave crashing on the shore.

I instantly let go of her hand, remembering the contract and how she wasn't going to tell me.

What gave her the right to sign a contract literally about me, and then not even have the respect to tell me?

I get out of my bed and walk into the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet taking out two small pills to help with my headache. After I take them with a glass of water, I place the pill bottle away and close the cabinet door.

I look into the mirror staring back at my own reflection. I look horrid.

Purple bags show prominent under my eyes, my hair needs a good wash and it was caught up in the bandage that was wrapped around my head.

I slowly remove it, noticing a small cut that is closed by two butterfly strips. I am sure a doctor has to administer those.

I really must've fallen hard.

I take my shirt and underwear off placing them down the laundry shoot then walk over to my shower, turning the water on and getting in once the steam pours out confirming it is now hot.


Billie's POV:

I wake up to the sound of water streaming down. I roll over knowing Violetta won't be next to me anymore.

Releasing a large sigh I remember lasts nights memories.

When I walked into her house last night, I heard Maddy yelling a string of curse words, I expected to see V dancing on a table of some shit, but it was the opposite.

Her body limp on the floor and blood streaming down from her forehead. I rushed to her side whilst pulling out my phone and calling the doctor I have on my team who usually comes on tour with me.

I don't know why I didn't call an ambulance, my mind went blank and I thought of the first person who would help.

Within 20 minutes she was patched up and in bed. The doctor said she may have had a concussion and really should've gone to the hospital but I made him stay for at least a couple hours to take her vitals and once he was convinced she wasn't going to slip into a coma he left satisfied.

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now