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Violetta's POV:


"Bil..babe, you need to calm down" I hold my girlfriend hands, then pull her body into mine.

"I'm sorry, I will just miss you that's all" she says pulling back and revealing a pouty bottom lip.

"I will talk to you everyday, plus I am still trying to figure out what to do for this Friday's session. Maybe Video link for this week?" I ask in a questioning tone, however I know she's not even listening.

Her eyes are looking straight through me, still pouting. I lean in and kiss her pouty lip softly, until she reciprocates the kiss running her hands up my sides to wrap around my neck.

"Do I have you back on earth with me now?" I smile at her.

"Yes" she nods.

"Okay, so Friday, I have other clients so I won't be able to see you in person"

She nods again, and I sigh knowing tears are about to spill.

"Baby it's okay" I hug her again, but it's short lived as her phone starts ringing.

We pull apart as she reaches into her pocket taking out her phone to answer it.

"Hi Finn" she greets, rolling her eyes and putting her index finger against her lips, ordering me to be quiet.

I move my fingers across my lips in a motion of zipping them shut.

"Yeah I'll be home soon" her hands running through her hair as anger boils within.

"Fuck, yeah I know the plane leaves- oh I'm just out getting" she pauses for a moment.

"A few toiletries and things" she answers. Which must've been persuasive enough because next thing she is saying bye.

"I really need to leave" she says walking back closer to me again.

"I've been saying that for the last 10 minutes Bil" I giggle.

We lean in and give a few more kisses before I'm walking her to her car and closing the door.

"Text when when you're on the plane" I tell her through the winded down window, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course" she smiles back at me.


It's now Thursday and I knew Billie would be busy but the lack of communication we have had kind of sucks. There's no better word for it.

Considering she's the one that was having the hardest time leaving. Although, I just didn't openly show her my hurt. I felt like I needed to be the strong one.

I hate myself for feeling like this. Before her, I was independent and carefree. Yes, I was lonely and overworking myself, but at least I didn't have this problem, or constant worry something was wrong.

Who am I kidding, I would choose this every second of every day. To have someone to love and be loved by, is one of life's most treasured gifts. She is amazing and makes my heart flutter like it never has before. It almost makes me wonder if I have truly been in love before meeting Billie.

I decide against texting her for a tenth time today, knowing the non existent reply I would receive will only hurt me more.

Therefore I grab a bottle of water and decide to go to the gym. I haven't felt well this morning and I'm putting it down to the feeling of absence from Billie. It also may be the fact that I feel like everything in my life is starting to fall in place, and I am so worried I will ruin it. Anxiety is a bitch.


45 minutes.

That's how long I have been trying to connect through video with Billie for her session today, and yeah you guessed it.. no answer.

She knows how important this is for our contract, and it is making me frustrated her lack of commitment.

I externally groan and pick up my phone going to her contact details.

It rings out. I try again and I wish I didn't.

"Hello" a voice answers, which is clearly not my girlfriend because for starters, it's a guy.

"Oh hi, is Bi" I stop mid sentence hearing her faint giggles in the background.

"Who is it?" She asks, her voice growing louder.

My stomach drops, and I hang the phone up before I hear anything more.

What the fuck is happening.



I told you I was bringing the drama 🍿 who do you think it is?

Thank you for reading and stuff ❤️ Lub you

Ps. Sorry for getting soft in that middle bit, I just finished watching the notebook lol

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