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Okay here ya go, I whole chapter of smut, you can thank me later 😌
*smut warning*

Violetta's POV:


I have been laying here for about 30 minutes now, still on the couch, my body on top of Billie's and our limbs intertwined.

I trace her collarbone with my fingertips gently, I don't want to wake her but I also don't want to stop touching her.

Once we fell asleep, I think I only actually slept for a few hours.

Have you ever had the feeling of reality finally being better than you dreams? That's where I am at now.
I don't want to be asleep, I want to feel the warmth radiating from the girl I am falling in love with, I want to look at her in a peaceful slumber and take in all her angelic features.

I brave the action I want to do so badly and hover my lips over the soft skin my fingers were touching.
I gracefully place my lips on her collarbone and kiss up her neck, causing the sweetest little moan from her.

My heart skips a beat as my lips curl into a smirk. I move my hands either side of her body and lift myself up.

Billie stirs underneath me as the cool air touches are now exposed fronts. Her brows crease but she stays asleep.

I know I said I wanted to wait to have sex, but what am I waiting for? I know I like her, heck even love her, she makes me feel safe and appreciated, why wait to show her in all ways how much she means to me.

I move one hand down her front, getting to her crotch. I place my palm over her dick and start to stroke it softly. Her mouth falls open a little as another moan escapes. I take the opportunity to attach my lips to hers, I smile as she reciprocates the kiss letting me know I have successfully woken her.

Billie's hands run through my hair pulling my lips closer to her, I place my body half on her front so I still have room to move my hand.

Billie's POV:
You're welcome

I haven't been asleep for a while, and I am well aware either has Miss touchy-feely. I felt her presence hovering above me and it took all my might not to crack, but as soon as I felt her fingers on me I knew I was going to get hard sooner rather than later.

I am glad she started kissing me because now I don't have to pretend any longer. I want her coming undone all over me.

I understand she wanted to take it slow, but the teasing she was doing earlier really worked me up. Usually if I went home, I would have fixed that little problem myself.

We continue to kiss as she rubs me, getting firmer by the second. By now I am so turned on all I want is my pants off and to feel her walls around me.

I decide to tease back, why not have some fun.

I remove my fingers that were tangled in her hair, tracing patterns down her chest, I lift her shirt as I hear her breath hitch at my actions.

"Off" she demands to me, indicating she wants her shirt removed.

I pull back a little further than the few inches she left from mumbling her word through our kisses.

"Are you sure?" I ask my voice laced with concern.

She nods her head, yes, biting her bottom lip. I lean in to capture her lip between my own teeth and release it with a pop against her teeth.

"You're so beautiful" I stare into her eyes, her brown curls falling over her face, covering a light blush on her cheeks.

"I want you Billie, all of you" I lean back in kissing her passionately whilst the butterflies tickle my tummy.

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now