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Hi - how's your day loves?

Violetta's POV:


"What put a pep in your step?" Maddy asked from my office door.

"It's Friday, is that not enough" I lifted my eyes from my laptop screen for a slight moment before going back to my work.

I know what she means though, I have been much happier since Billie, that doesn't take a genius to work out.

Speaking of said girl, it's now Friday and I was looking forward to having scheduled time with her. Even though we saw each other yesterday morning, we have only briefly texted since. A good night and good morning, I know she is busy and zonked out early last night, therefore I didn't want to bother her with asking her over to my house again.

"Yeah, right" Maddy rolls her eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Madds" I said playing dumb, looking up from the screen again.

Then a flick switched, like I had something written in permanent marker on my forehead.

"No" she gasped.

"No way" she repeated now smirking.

"Y'all fucked, I knew it" she spoke and I am sure my face showed a million different emotions.

How the heck did she know, just from looking at my face? I creased my brows in thought.

"How the f- you know what, I don't want to know how you knew, but - " I put the palm of my hand up shaking my head, before she cut me off.

"Violetta" she came in taking a seat on a chair in front of my desk.

Should I be worried, she never calls me by my full name. I don't reply, waiting for her to finish.

"I am your best friend, I can tell anything from the look on your face" she laughed.

"Fair enough, but it's complicated" I shrugged.

"You do realise I run this place, back office of course. I know every in and out, so why would you think I wouldn't know about the contract you signed that was emailed to us for "filing purposes" ?" She questions.

"No, I knew you would know. I heard you and Billie talking outside my room the other night. I guess I just didn't think you knew if I signed or not" I explained to the blonde.

Maddy reaches across my desk and took my hand in hers, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I want you happy, that's all. I can tell Billie makes you happy, so who gives a fuck" she tells me and I nod in confirmation.

"Very much so" I state.

Should I tell her billie is my girlfriend? We didn't just have sex.

"Good, you deserve it" we smile at each other before my phone starts ringing.


"I'll leave you to it" Maddy tells me, getting up and leaving the office, closing the door on the way out.

"Hello?" I answer the call leaning back on my chair.

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now