Twenty One: Part 2

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Violetta's POV:


I wake up to beeping machines and a warm hand in mine. My eyes flutter open as I squint them, trying to conceal the fluorescent lights above me.

I let out a sigh remembering this isn't a dream, I really am laying in a hospital bed waiting for my test results.

Looking down I see my Mom leaning her top half over the bed, her hair splayed out, facing the opposite way. I think to myself how uncomfortable that chair looks holding her weight.

Before my mind can comprehend, tears are sliding down my cheeks, again. Last night when I was bought into hospital, all I wanted more than anything, was Billie. The want proceeded to be more like a need. A need for her voice, a need for her presence, basically I need for her in general to comfort me.

When I wasn't able to make contact with her, I phoned Maggie. I told her everything through my sobs until my mom took the phone from me and explained things more rationally to my girlfriends mother. I really am thankful my own mom has been here for me, however my thoughts never waiver from the person who should be with me.

Everything banned together and I have not stopped crying since, unless I am sleeping but even that doesn't allow me peace for very long.

I allow the hot flow of salty tears to continue down my face as I silently sit here staring blankly at the clinically white walls in front of me. I wish I could express what I was thinking, but to be truthful, I wasn't thinking a damn thing. I knew what was going on inside my body, however I refused to believe it until the words were spoken to me...or so I thought.

I felt my phone buzz beside me lighting up with Billie's name.

"Billie" I hardly get her name out before I'm breaking down even more.

"Baby I'm here, I'm so sorry I stupidly put my phone on silent thinking my number was leaked again" I nod even though I know she can't see me, my hand over my mouth trying to muffle my sobs so I don't wake my mom.

"I'm on my way home now" she continues, I can hear clothes being thrown into what I can only assume to be her suitcase.

I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Bil" I say, my voice breaking.

"Yes angel?" I hear the other end completely silent now, except for her rapid breathing.

"We need to talk" I state. Not elaborating as this is a conversation we need to be having face to face. I need to see her facial expressions when I tell her.

Billie lets me know her arrival time and we don't talk about anything else, we exchange "I love you's" and hang up the phone.


What feels like eternity, hasn't been too long at all. The fluorescent lights have been turned off and the natural light from the sun is streaming into my room. My mother left to go get me some "real food" which she insisted on, even though I told her I wasn't hungry. I think the real reason for her leaving was the fact she couldn't see her daughter looking broken and crying for much longer.

I understand it though, I wouldn't want to see me either. I have moved from the bed to a plush recliner, looking out on the city below me. I feel slightly better. I've texted Billie, I know she gets anxious when she doesn't hear from me, knowing her and the few hours we haven't spoken she would've been looking at her phone every second, freaking out. I know she should be here any moment now too.

The thing is; I don't feel broken though I know this is exactly what it looks like from the outside, and I can't seem to calm my inner monologue enough to express with words to anyone why I am crying and what I am feeling. I feel numb because I know for a fact our lives are about to change.

I am thinking and wondering how Billie will react, especially at her age. Yes there is only a couple of years difference between us but we both have such big careers, especially hers. Billie is in the public eye, our relationship is anything but "out" for one of a better word. She has so much going on, I mean right now she's on tour for fuck sake. Not to mention we are contracted to not be dating let alone having sex and possibly me being pregnant. So I guess what I am saying is, I am worried about her. Not me.

I release a breathy sigh.

There are so many factors I am consuming at the moment and all I need is her with me to talk about things and communicate, like a couple should be.

Yes, I should've been safe or at least started taking the Pill, but this has all happened very fast. Let's be real, when we are in the moment, protection is the last thing on our minds.

I hear the door open, pulling me from my thoughts, "Dr. Reyes" I hear a soft voice call. I turn around seeing my doctor walking into the room. Her dark hair hanging over one shoulder. I force a smile and stand up from the couch, walking back to my bed.

"Morning" I reply as politely as possible.

"How are you feeling?" Her tone too sweet for my liking at the moment, but I know it's not her fault.

"I physically feel fine, but mentally I am dreading a conversation I know I will have to have very soon and I am trying to prepare myself to hear the results I already know as true" I say all in one breath, my hand covering my forehead.

"I know the results" she advises me, like she is pulling off a band aid in one quick movement.

I nod before replying.

"I would like my girlfriend here with me when you tell us" I tell her, her expression not going unnoticed by me, changing to quizzical one when I mention the word "girlfriend".

Right then and there, I know she is about to tell me I am pregnant. I am sure she is wondering "how" when I have a girlfriend, and not a boyfriend. I internally roll my eyes at her.

As I am about to explain our situation the door opens again, I expect to see my Mom with food, but I am faced with a pink cheeked, beautiful girlfriend slightly out of breath.

I immediately get butterflies as our eyes connect. I quickly stand up as we both rush to each other. Billie dropping her bag and engulfing me in a tight hug. Her fingertips bushing the hair out of my eyes, and running down my face, her thumb moving to my bottom lip softly tracing it.

Our foreheads now touching as I break down all over again, her arms reaching around my lower back pulling me close.

"Shhh, baby" she hush's me in a comforting way, I see tears in her eyes too.

"Everything is okay, I am here now. I'm not going anywhere Vi" I drop my head into the crook of her neck sobbing softly as my arms entangle around her neck.

"I love you Bil" I muffle out, removing my head and sealing our lips in a much needed kiss.

"I love you most" she tells me, making the butterflies turn into an entire zoo, throughout my body.

How did I get so lucky?

"Baby, I think I know what's going on, and I am in. One thousand percent, I am all in. Forever" her voice in a whisper.

I have no words, I kiss her again, this time with more passion and love then before.

"Ahem" my doctor clears her throat. We both turn to face her, still wrapped in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, would you like me to give you both a moment?" She asks carefully.

"No, I think we are ready" I say, looking to Billie for confirmation. She smiles and nods at me, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, we are ready" she says, her fingers rubbing my back soothingly.



Sooo.. what do you think? I am hoping enough of Violetta's thoughts were in this.

Also, I was talking to my girlfriend about the book and we both think there should be another chapter. So, the next will be chapter 22, and now I believe the last chapter of the book will be 23. Thank you baby, you always align my thoughts 😘

Anyways, thank you for reading, voting, commenting blah blah blah ❤️ love y'all

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