Twenty two

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Violetta's POV


Billie and I had tucked ourselves into the relatively large hospital bed, soaking up this moment and each other's presence.

"Is this real?" I whisper. Billie's hand rubbing my back comforting me, the warmth of her touch colliding with my bare skin as she lifted my shirt. My hand lay on her collarbone with my cheek pressed against it.

"According to medical results baby, yes, this is real" she confirms to me.

I hum in reply, moving to lay on my back, Bil removing her hand so I don't squish it underneath me. I move up the bed closer to my girlfriend, so we are now facing each other instead, I am close enough I can smell her sweet perfume.

"We are having a baby" I smile speaking the words out loud for the first time.

"Yeah, we are" she giggles and closes the small gap between our lips.

My body sets on fire with a new found ignite. As our lips move in sync, I relish in the feeling of our bond. A bond that will now last a lifetime, even if something does go horribly wrong with our relationship. We are going to share our life, and be solely responsible for our child.

I know nothing will happen, with Billie life is different, more calm and natural. Our love feels like two magnets that the universe has placed together for a reason. I believe god has layed a hand in our fate, with a clear path for our future already set.

I wish I could explain it with words more than I can, however simply the English language does not contain enough words to express my love towards this amazing woman whom lay in front of me.

Bringing myself back to the moment, I move closer to Billie as my hand cups her cheek and I bite her lip requesting entrance, which she immediately grants. Our tongues melt together, no one being dominant or submissive, the love we share driving our passion by itself.

I feel the heat radiating between my legs, as a pool starts to form. Clearly my hormones are striving at this time.

I gently push my girlfriend back to allow us some much needed air. Plus, I need to stop before this goes any further. I mean, fuck, this is the pure reason we are in the situation.

"Baby" Billie gently speaks to me.

"Yes?" I acknowledge.

"I want you to come back on tour with me" She states. Her tone showing no question.

Tour? I have my life here, my clients, my family. I can't just leave and start touring. Is she crazy?

"What?" I barely croak out.

"Yeah, I wanna have you close to me so I can keep you and our baby safe" Billie's voice is gentle but I can't comprehend that side at the moment.

I sit up on the bed and cross my legs, rubbing the palms of my hands on my eyes.

I take a deep breath trying to calm my thoughts. I feel Billie's fingertips lazily draw patterns on my back. I think she understands I am comprehending as there are no words spoken.

"Bil" I breathe out.

"I love you, you know that. But baby I can't up and change my life because I'm pregnant and you want to watch me like a hawk" I tell her, turning my body so we are facing each other again.

Her expression is unreadable.

"We can FaceTime everyday and text all the time, but I need to work, it's what I do" I continue.

Billie doesn't say anything as she sits up mimicking my position. Her hand automatically being placed on my tummy.

"Will you at least think about it, for us and our unborn child? I promise I'm not trying to be the overprotective type my love. I just want to make sure you're taken care of" she replies as her hands warmth is felt through my whole stomach.

I bite my lip and nod in reply. I do need to think about it but my brain is talking in my own "Therapist language" and telling me about comprising in relationships.

All I've been thinking about is me, me, me. Whereas Billie has been the opposite, she's thinking about me and the baby.

I sigh knowing I really should consider her words.

"I will think about it babe" I lean in and connect our lips.


"Billie" I yell from the living room of my house.

"Yes Angel?" I hear her voice travel, now walking down the stairs and into the room.

"What's wrong?" Her hands immediately going to the small but noticeable baby bump, I am going on 3 months now.

I am very used to her touching the bump, a lot of the time we are together Bil is touching my belly, in some way. She sings to our baby at night too, it's the only way I can finally get some sleep. Morning sickness is an understatement, I feel sick 24/7, and the sound calms my entire body.

"Did you get the extra bag from my closet?" I ask.

"Mhmm, it's already in the car. Are you ready?" She says continuing to rub my belly through her own oversized T-shirt. Which I have been living in, actually, all of her clothes I have claimed lately.

We don't have too long left before our contact is finished, therefore I am trying every possible way to keep this pregnancy under wraps. I can't imagine what would happen if we were caught now.

I decided I would go on tour with Billie. She was stressing out daily, which in turn was stressing me out and that's not healthy for the baby. With the added pressure of trying to hide the pregnancy from the world and more specifically, the press, it was getting too much for me. I also made the decision to take leave from work and focus on us, which brings me to now. We are headed for the airport to resume tour.

Once I told Billie my decision to go with her, she came home for a week for a break and get things together. It's now around 6am and we are getting ready to catch our flight.

Another thing, all of our immediate family know about our relationship and the baby. It was too difficult to keep something so big and obviously joyful, from the people we care for most.

Everyone either knew or were happy, everyone except Finneas, who has an issue with it, and I feel like it's more with me personally than anything else.

"Yes I'm ready, let's go we don't want to be late" I smile sweetly as she kisses my forehead.



We had a small time skip there, sorry, it was necessary!

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting blah blah blah ❤️ love y'all, how are you?!


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