Last Chapter - Update/Input

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I was starting to write the last chapter on this book and to my surprise, I actually got a little emotional lol

I never thought my book, that I started for fun, would have this many reads and such an impact on my life. Yes, it may not be lotssss and lotssss but to me it has reached a large amount of people and furthermore, one very special person.

* cue sappy romantic music *


Anyways, it got me thinking, is there something in this last chapter that you would like to see happen/ be said?

I do have quite a clear direction I will finish this book on, mainly to set up the sequel, however I would love to hear your thoughts too.

Also; let's chat sequel names!!!! What are y'all thinking?

To each and everyone of you that read, THANK YOU!
I truly appreciate the votes, comments and overall love.......

To my special someone,

I love you baby ❤️

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