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Billie's POV

*smut warning* - it kinda just.. happened 🤷‍♀️


I wake up feeling warm, I look down and see V still fast asleep on top of me. There is also now a blanket across our lower halves, she must have got up last night to retrieve it. I lay here admiring her body when I notice a small rose tattoo on the side of her boob, it looks like it wraps under and goes across her rib cage slightly. I make a mental note to check that out more, when she's not asleep like an absolute angel.

I smile remembering what happened before we fell asleep. Fuck, that was by far the best and most loving sex I've had. It's definitely different when feelings are involved. Without thinking, I notice I've pulled her closer to my body just thinking about last night.

Doing that has made the pressure on my bladder worse, which is the reason I was pulled out of my peaceful slumber in the first place. I bite my lip really wishing I was on top and could slowly remove myself from Violetta's hold without waking her but that isn't going to happen as I am underneath her.

Dammit, I really need to pee.

"Vi... baby" I gently coo, wanting to wake her softly. Vi, hmm that's a new one, but don't give it too much thought.

I trace her face with my fingertips, placing some hair that has fallen over her face, behind her ear. She begins to stir and I take this as my opportunity.

I hold her close to my chest and quickly flip us. She sleepily flutters her eyes open and looks up at me.

"Oooh, good morning to you too" she rasps out in her morning voice, and a smirk on her face. Hot

"Morning angel" I reply staring into her eyes with I'm sure, a wide grin.

Her hands travel up my naked body, sending a shiver down my spine, I close my eyes at the feeling.

"Fuck, you're a literal goddess, I am so lucky" she whisper more to herself I think.

I open my eyes and giggle at her confession, watching a blush take over her features.

"I said that out loud, didn't I" She states more than questions.

"You did" I giggle again but bring my lips down to hers and capture them in a tender kiss.

My hand find its place on her hip as I move my thumb over a certain spot earning a moan from the girl below me. I love finding all her special spots, I wish I could spend an entire day in bed, touching ever inch of her body and memorise what they do to her.

I slip my tongue in her mouth, squeezing her hip making another moan escape. I feel myself getting turned on, I break away from the kiss to smirk at her.

Teasingly I rub the spot again and again on her hip to see what happens. Her eyes close as she tips her head back on the couch we are still laying on, a moan leaving her lips. I pull back even more, to see her perfect tits, and as if she can read my mind, one of her own hands travel up to it massaging the plump area.

Oh shit, if I wasn't turned on already I am most definitely now. My length growing in size as I watch on, my lip caught between my teeth. Her eyes snap open and she looks down between our bodies.

"I guess you're liking what you're seeing, huh Bil" she husks. I don't need to look down, already knowing she is referring to my dick.

I smirk, I wasn't planning on fucking her again, well this soon. I was getting up to pee, but like honestly how could I not, right?

The Therapist.{Billie Eilish} G!PWhere stories live. Discover now