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Billie's POV:


"Victoria?" I say, shock evident in my voice and I am sure on my face.

"Yes Billie, how are you this fine morning?" Violetta's mother asks, as she cuts some fruit, placing it in a bowl in front of her.

"I-Uh" my mouth open only releasing stuttering words.

How much did she hear? When did she arrive? I was literally fucking her daughter not even five minutes ago.

"I um, I'm sorry I need to use the restroom" I politely excuse myself. I look around the kitchen wondering which way to turn because unfortunately, I'm still lost. Dammit.

"Down that hall, first door on the left" Victoria says trying not to laugh, pointing the knife she is using, for reference.

"Oh right, thanks" I quickly walk the way I was directed, finding the bathroom. I close the door and lean my back against, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Violetta's POV:


My thoughts race, all good things, I can't believe the night I had. I stretch my muscles feeling a little sore, I haven't had sex in a hot minute and Billie is quite large, so this is to be expected.

I reluctantly decide to get up. Not wanting to put on my clothes or underwear from yesterday I wrap my body and the light blanket that was around us last night.

I pad out of the lounge room on my way to get something to eat when I hear the sound of knives cutting and smell of pancakes.

What the fuck? There is no way Billie has been able to make something this fast.

"Baby?" I call out to her.

"Yes" I hear Billie's voice from behind me. I quickly turn to face her.

Wait, huh?

"Wait, you're here?" I furrow my brows confused.

She walks over to me, kissing my lips quickly and looking me up and down, but not answering my question, yet. I give her a "look" saying to stop checking me out.

"Right sorry- I found something or should I say someone" she says, taking my hand and pulling me with her.

"Bil, what are you talking about?" as soon as we enter the main area of the house where my kitchen can be seen, hand in hand, I notice my mom placing food on the dinning room table.

Oh. Fuck.

"Mom" I say, not knowing where this conversation is going to lead.

She walks over to Billie and I, examining our clasped hands.

"I totally win" she says under her breath smiling.

"Good morning darling" she puts her arms out as I let go of Billie's hand and step into her embrace, my other hand down desperately clutching the blanket I lazily threw around my naked body.

"Mom, it's nice to see you and all but uh- what are you doing here?" I question wanting to know why she broke up my lovefest morning with my girlfriend.

Girlfriend, girlfriend, I'll never get used to that.

"Can I not come and cook my daughter breakfast?" She asks, and tone dripping with sneakiness.

I eye her warily.

"Considering you never do, and I only gave you that key for emergencies..." I stop allowing her to make the rest of the sentence plausible to herself.

I notice Billie standing there looking between us both like ping pong. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, I reach my hand out to her which is willing takes immediately, walking closer to me.

"Go get dressed Violetta, then come back for breakfast please"

I externally groan and go to walk upstairs to get ready, Billie with me until my mother pipes up, again.

"Billie can stay here Vi" she says to me as I look over to Billie.

I know they got along really well at the event gala, but things were different then. Billie and I are in the honeymoon stage and I know she feels the same way, wanting to spend every second together.

She releases my hand and goes to take a seat at the table with my mom.

"Okay I'll be back in a minute" I announce.

"Don't rush darling, Billie and I have lots to talk about" she replies, her hand under her chin resting on the table, with a rather large grin. Too large for my liking.


After around an hour, my mom has left and Billie and I are saying our goodbyes to each other. It is now around mid day and I have to make an appearance in my office, at least to do a little bit of work considering I haven't done anything today, well except Billie.

As we are standing at my front door I start to feel sad, I know we will see each other soon but I like being around Billie so much that I am starting to dread life without her.

"What's wrong baby?" Billie questions, picking up on my sudden change in attitude.

"Nothing is wrong, that's the thing" I start, taking her hands in mine, my gaze now trained to the floor below.

"Everything is so perfect with you, you are perfect. I know it hasn't been long that we have known each other but I don't want you to go, I don't ever want to not have you with me" I whisper out, feeling silly for even saying this in the first place, but hey, I am the Therapist and I know we need to talk about our feelings.

"shh" she hushes me, bringing me into a hug. Billie's hugs are the best, it's like she is putting back together anything that was broken in me before.

We pull back from the hug and she leans in to kiss me slowly, passionately, how I like it. We pour our heart and soul into our intimacy and she makes me feel so loved.

Once our lips break apart, I can't help the smile that pulls at the corners of my mouth.

"I don't want to be without you either Violetta. I feel like you are my dream come true, and nothing will get in the way of that" she kisses me again.

"I better let you go do your famous celebrity things" I tease her with a cheeky smile as she rolls her eyes at me.

"V, there is still a lot you need to know about me and my life" she elaborates.

Which is completely true and I can't wait for her to finally open up more so I can explore the depths of her mind.

"This is true, my love. Which reminds me, tomorrow we have an appointment and I realllyyy want you to open up more baby. It's only me and we need to get through this six months, okay? Let's use it to our advantage" I reply, leaning into her front then kissing her neck.

"Vi, don't start something you can't finish" her words coming out in sweet moans, which makes me smirk against her skin, biting a little, knowing I can't make a mark.

"Ever thought of the incentives I can give you after each session" I husk lowly in her ear.

"Nope, that's it I'm leaving now" she pulls away from me as a laugh, knowing I am successfully working her up.

I lean against the door frame watching her walk to her car. She opens the door but hesitates for a moment, turning around to do a little baby run back to me. She quickly wraps her arms around my waist as mine find the familiar position around her neck. She sways us side to side staring into each other's eyes. Her hands slide down to my ass, giving a firm squeeze, then kissing me deeply.

The kiss ends and she slap my ass and says a quick good bye. I shake my head at her antics realising I am most certainly falling head over heals in love.



More of a filler chapter this one.

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